Boost your own health
Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t look after your own health and boost your own immune system when you feel it’s necessary.
Vitamin is an abbreviation of Vital amine. They are not just something you can take or leave or forget about. They are vital to life and health.
You need to take enough Vitamins and minerals and trace elements and co-factors to remain healthy and alive.
You may need extra Vitamins and micronutrients especially when you are feeling unwell or throughout the winter when there is little sunshine.
You should therefore provide your body with the extra necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and co-factors (micronutrients) that the body needs to stay healthy and repair properly. (Most People Don't Reach Micronutrient Requirements Through Food Alone - Substack - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 20th November 2023)(Why Many Chronic Diseases Are Preventable - And Why No One Tells You This: Dr. Robert Lufkin - EpochTV - 2nd March 2024)
Importance of Vitamin D3
Sufficient Vitamin D3 can be produced under the skin, if it is exposed to enough strong sunlight. But if you live in countries where you don’t get much sunlight especially in the winter – you will probably need to take extra Vitamin D3. Recent research has shown conclusive health benefits by doing so.
If your skin produces high levels of Melanin (dark pigment) you will probably need to take extra Vitamin D3 to help your body to stay healthy - especially if the sunlight in your country is weak. (Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis - MDPI - 16th January 2023)
(Beneficial Role of Vitamin D on Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) in Cardiovascular Diseases - JLA - 29th April 2022)
(Vitamin D, now conclusive - YouTube - Dr. John Campbell - 1st February 2023)
(The Most Important Factor for Strong Immunity: Dr. Simon Goddek - EpochTV - 6th April 2023) (Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - MDPI - 28th February 2024)
Vit D3 affects many processes in your body – as does every other Vitamin and mineral and trace element and co-factor.
Vit D3 not only enhances your immune system, but it also affects the absorption of the minerals Calcium and Magnesium. If you don’t have the optimum level for you, then absorption of the Calcium, K2 and Magnesium you need for strong bones and teeth will be impaired.
Enough Magnesium is also needed for a healthy nervous system. Eg you might get muscle spasms (cramps) if you are short of magnesium.
(The Dangers of Magnesium Deficiency - Epoch Health - 13th November 2022) (Vitamin K Protects Against Diabetes, New Study Finds - Epoch Health - 30th June 2023) (The Healing Power of Vitamin D: What Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know - Vigilant News - 6th September 2023)
(Magnesium Deficiency Is Linked to Metabolic Syndrome - Here's How to Boost Intake - Epoch Health - 28th May 2024)
Many people will tell you not to bother trying - that any food you eat will provide all you need. That is not true. A diet of soda pop and high carbohydrate fast food will not lead to health - because it is sadly lacking in the essential micronutrients for health. (A neglected generation: Reversing the decline in children's health in England - Food Foundation - June 2024) (Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses - BMJ - 28th February 2024)
Research has shown, that Intensively farmed soils end up depleted of the vital micronutrients (eg Copper) that we need for health, and food produced on depleted soils is not as nutrient dense as food grown on organic soil. (Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD - YouTube)
Unfortunately, the food we produce from nitrogen-based monoculture intensive farming is sadly lacking in the diversity and levels of these micronutrients that we need to stay healthy. It can also be full of pesticides - herbicides - fungicides - food dyes - microplastics - heavy metals and other toxic molecules in varying levels that can be extremely detrimental to health eg Glyphosate. (Regenerative Agriculture for Health and Sustainability - The Epoch Times - 11th September 2022) (Common food dye can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases, say McMaster researchers - EurekAlert! - 20th December 2022) (Multiple micronutrient deficiences in early life cause multi-kingdom alterations in the gut microbiome and intrinsic antibiotic resistance genes in mice - Nature Microbiology - 16th November 2023) (Growing Evidence That Pesticides Are Linked to Parkinson's Disease - Epoch Health - 5th March 2024) (10 Years of Studies Link Pesticide Exposure and Childhood Cancer - The Defender - 9th April 2024)
(The Legal Poison in Our Foods: Dr. Stephanie Seneff on What Glyphosate Does and How to Avoid it - The Epoch Times - 22nd August 2022)
(Kennedy is right - Atrazine and Gender Fluidity - Robert Malone Md, MS - Substack - 20th June 2023) (A pilot study of chlormequat in food and urine in the United States from 2017 to 2023 - Nature - 15th February 2024) (The Effects pf Artificial Food Dyes on Children's Brains - Epoch Health - 15th Januarty 2025)(The Legal Poison in Our Foods: Dr. Stephanie Seneff on What Glyphosate Does and How to Avoid It - Epoch Health - 22nd May 2023)
(Brain Tumors in Children Linked to All Classes of Pesticides: Review - The Defender - 22nd September 2023)
Organic food can provide many of these micronutrients at higher levels but you may still need to supplement at certain times, when you may need higher levels of micronutrients eg illness, pregnancy, puberty, old age etc. (Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses - PubMed - 14th September 2014)
(Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span - Naturemedicine - 5th December 2019)
(New Scientific Review Adds to Evidence of Pesticides" Harmful Effect on Gut-Brain Axis - the Defender - 29th June 2023) (Is Gluten Making You Sick? Or Is It the Glyophosate Sprayed on Wheat? - The Defender - 22nd December 2023) ('Shocking Fast Food Testing Results With Zen Honeycutt - Rumble - CDHtv - 20th October 2023) (Food Giants Earn 'F' Grade on Pesticide Reduction: Report - The Defender - 3rd January 2024)
It is not a crime to take extra Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Copper and Zinc and K2 - the immune system and all other systems of the body are boosted by these micronutrients. It is not a crime to take extra Iodine or Selenium - especially if it is needed for the thyroid. It is not a crime to provide your body with Selenium or Manganese which also boosts the immune system and many other systems in the body. There are many micronutrients that the body needs in tiny amounts and others they need in larger amounts. Please do your own research and find out what you may be lacking and what you might need to boost with Organic food and/or supplements. (Selenium-Counters Thyroid and Intestinal Disease, Alzheimers's and Cancer - Epoch Health - 10th June 2024) (Vitamins K2 and D3 Improve Long COVID, Fungal Translocation, and Inflammation: Randomized Controlled Trial - MDPI - 16th January 2025)
(A Systematic Review of Organic Versus Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a Measurable Benefit on Human Health? - PubMed - 18th December 2019)(Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer - PubMed - 15th April 2010) (Nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism vs. neurotypical children, and the association with autism severity - PubMed - 8th June 2011) (Effect of a vitamin/mineral supplement on children and adults with autism - PubMed - 12th December 2011)
(A Potential Role for Photobiomodulation Therapy in Disease Treatment and Prevention in the Era of COVID-19 - PubMed - 11th December 2020)
(Politicians Make New Attempt to Ban Supplements - Epoch Health - 4th January - 2023)
(Dr. Sabine Hazan: The Gut Bacteria That's Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID - Epoch TV - 23rd March 2023)
The vital importance of the microbiome and its effect on health, has become more widely acknowledged over the past few years.
Recent research has shown that taking prebiotics, probiotics and promoting a healthy microbiome can and does boost the immune system and promote health. (Interactions between the Gut Microbiome, Lung Conditions, and Coronary Heart Disease and How Probiotics Affect These - PubMed - 8th September 2021) (Probiotic Species in the Modulation of Gut Microbiota: An Overview - PubMed - 2018)
(Lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, depletion and decreased microbiome diversity associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity - PubMed - April 2022) (Take probiotics alongside your prescribed antibiotics to reduce damage to your gut microbiome, says the first review of the data Science Daily- 16th November 2022)
(Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB68S Improves Cognitive Functions in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - MDPI - 22nd December 2022) (Interferon Gamma Response in Human Saliva Following Exposure to Oral Probiotic Streptococcus salivarius BLIS K12 - SpringerLink - 8th December 2022)
(Probiotics Kill Subway Pathogens Better Than Bleach: Study - Epoch Health - 6th April 2023)
Everyone is individual and levels of micronutrients for one person may be wrong for someone else. Go with the lesser amount till you find the amount best for your body and your health. We need to take charge of our own health – you should not rely on the Government and Regulatory bodies to tell you what is good for you. These authorities are usually decades behind the real research, and easily influenced by large Corporations who produce the micronutrient empty fattening foods that result in ill health. (Aspartame: Popular Sweetener Is a Possible Carcinogen, Exists in Thousands of Products - Epoch Health - 30th June 2023) (Aspartame Linked to Anxiety - and Effects May Span Multiple Generations - The Defender - 2nd August 2023) (The Role of Micronutrients in Neurological Disorders - MDPI - 25th September 2023)
They Expect You to believe This? - Youtube - JP Reacts - 7th February 2023) (Tufts Food Compass..Its Worse Than You Thought - Principia Scientific - 10th February 2023) (The Miraculous Immune system - A 12 Part Series - Epoch Health - June 2023) (COVID: All Australian governments failed completely - Substack - Ian Brighthope - 4th February 2024) (Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies - Off Guardian - 30th January 2024) (6 Popular Ultra-Processed Foods to Immediately Stop Eating - Facts Matter - Epoch Health - 20th March 2024) (Artificial Sweetener Neotame Can Damage your Gut - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27th June 2024) (The Shocking Truth About mRNA Vaccines in Our Food (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 3rd May 2024) (The Pharma Treadmill:They Make Us Sick, But They Don't Kill Us, And Then We Are Drugged For Life! - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 16th August 2024) (EPA Backtracks on Protecting Kids From Dangerous Pesticide Used on Food - The Defender - 16th October 2024)
Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t look after your own health and boost your own immune system when you feel it’s necessary.
Vitamin is an abbreviation of Vital amine. They are not just something you can take or leave or forget about. They are vital to life and health.
You need to take enough Vitamins and minerals and trace elements and co-factors to remain healthy and alive.
You may need extra Vitamins and micronutrients especially when you are feeling unwell or throughout the winter when there is little sunshine.
You should therefore provide your body with the extra necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and co-factors (micronutrients) that the body needs to stay healthy and repair properly. (Most People Don't Reach Micronutrient Requirements Through Food Alone - Substack - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 20th November 2023)(Why Many Chronic Diseases Are Preventable - And Why No One Tells You This: Dr. Robert Lufkin - EpochTV - 2nd March 2024)
Importance of Vitamin D3
Sufficient Vitamin D3 can be produced under the skin, if it is exposed to enough strong sunlight. But if you live in countries where you don’t get much sunlight especially in the winter – you will probably need to take extra Vitamin D3. Recent research has shown conclusive health benefits by doing so.
If your skin produces high levels of Melanin (dark pigment) you will probably need to take extra Vitamin D3 to help your body to stay healthy - especially if the sunlight in your country is weak. (Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis - MDPI - 16th January 2023)
(Beneficial Role of Vitamin D on Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) in Cardiovascular Diseases - JLA - 29th April 2022)
(Vitamin D, now conclusive - YouTube - Dr. John Campbell - 1st February 2023)
(The Most Important Factor for Strong Immunity: Dr. Simon Goddek - EpochTV - 6th April 2023) (Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - MDPI - 28th February 2024)
Vit D3 affects many processes in your body – as does every other Vitamin and mineral and trace element and co-factor.
Vit D3 not only enhances your immune system, but it also affects the absorption of the minerals Calcium and Magnesium. If you don’t have the optimum level for you, then absorption of the Calcium, K2 and Magnesium you need for strong bones and teeth will be impaired.
Enough Magnesium is also needed for a healthy nervous system. Eg you might get muscle spasms (cramps) if you are short of magnesium.
(The Dangers of Magnesium Deficiency - Epoch Health - 13th November 2022) (Vitamin K Protects Against Diabetes, New Study Finds - Epoch Health - 30th June 2023) (The Healing Power of Vitamin D: What Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know - Vigilant News - 6th September 2023)
(Magnesium Deficiency Is Linked to Metabolic Syndrome - Here's How to Boost Intake - Epoch Health - 28th May 2024)
Many people will tell you not to bother trying - that any food you eat will provide all you need. That is not true. A diet of soda pop and high carbohydrate fast food will not lead to health - because it is sadly lacking in the essential micronutrients for health. (A neglected generation: Reversing the decline in children's health in England - Food Foundation - June 2024) (Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses - BMJ - 28th February 2024)
Research has shown, that Intensively farmed soils end up depleted of the vital micronutrients (eg Copper) that we need for health, and food produced on depleted soils is not as nutrient dense as food grown on organic soil. (Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD - YouTube)
Unfortunately, the food we produce from nitrogen-based monoculture intensive farming is sadly lacking in the diversity and levels of these micronutrients that we need to stay healthy. It can also be full of pesticides - herbicides - fungicides - food dyes - microplastics - heavy metals and other toxic molecules in varying levels that can be extremely detrimental to health eg Glyphosate. (Regenerative Agriculture for Health and Sustainability - The Epoch Times - 11th September 2022) (Common food dye can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases, say McMaster researchers - EurekAlert! - 20th December 2022) (Multiple micronutrient deficiences in early life cause multi-kingdom alterations in the gut microbiome and intrinsic antibiotic resistance genes in mice - Nature Microbiology - 16th November 2023) (Growing Evidence That Pesticides Are Linked to Parkinson's Disease - Epoch Health - 5th March 2024) (10 Years of Studies Link Pesticide Exposure and Childhood Cancer - The Defender - 9th April 2024)
(The Legal Poison in Our Foods: Dr. Stephanie Seneff on What Glyphosate Does and How to Avoid it - The Epoch Times - 22nd August 2022)
(Kennedy is right - Atrazine and Gender Fluidity - Robert Malone Md, MS - Substack - 20th June 2023) (A pilot study of chlormequat in food and urine in the United States from 2017 to 2023 - Nature - 15th February 2024) (The Effects pf Artificial Food Dyes on Children's Brains - Epoch Health - 15th Januarty 2025)(The Legal Poison in Our Foods: Dr. Stephanie Seneff on What Glyphosate Does and How to Avoid It - Epoch Health - 22nd May 2023)
(Brain Tumors in Children Linked to All Classes of Pesticides: Review - The Defender - 22nd September 2023)
Organic food can provide many of these micronutrients at higher levels but you may still need to supplement at certain times, when you may need higher levels of micronutrients eg illness, pregnancy, puberty, old age etc. (Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses - PubMed - 14th September 2014)
(Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span - Naturemedicine - 5th December 2019)
(New Scientific Review Adds to Evidence of Pesticides" Harmful Effect on Gut-Brain Axis - the Defender - 29th June 2023) (Is Gluten Making You Sick? Or Is It the Glyophosate Sprayed on Wheat? - The Defender - 22nd December 2023) ('Shocking Fast Food Testing Results With Zen Honeycutt - Rumble - CDHtv - 20th October 2023) (Food Giants Earn 'F' Grade on Pesticide Reduction: Report - The Defender - 3rd January 2024)
It is not a crime to take extra Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Copper and Zinc and K2 - the immune system and all other systems of the body are boosted by these micronutrients. It is not a crime to take extra Iodine or Selenium - especially if it is needed for the thyroid. It is not a crime to provide your body with Selenium or Manganese which also boosts the immune system and many other systems in the body. There are many micronutrients that the body needs in tiny amounts and others they need in larger amounts. Please do your own research and find out what you may be lacking and what you might need to boost with Organic food and/or supplements. (Selenium-Counters Thyroid and Intestinal Disease, Alzheimers's and Cancer - Epoch Health - 10th June 2024) (Vitamins K2 and D3 Improve Long COVID, Fungal Translocation, and Inflammation: Randomized Controlled Trial - MDPI - 16th January 2025)
(A Systematic Review of Organic Versus Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a Measurable Benefit on Human Health? - PubMed - 18th December 2019)(Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer - PubMed - 15th April 2010) (Nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism vs. neurotypical children, and the association with autism severity - PubMed - 8th June 2011) (Effect of a vitamin/mineral supplement on children and adults with autism - PubMed - 12th December 2011)
(A Potential Role for Photobiomodulation Therapy in Disease Treatment and Prevention in the Era of COVID-19 - PubMed - 11th December 2020)
(Politicians Make New Attempt to Ban Supplements - Epoch Health - 4th January - 2023)
(Dr. Sabine Hazan: The Gut Bacteria That's Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID - Epoch TV - 23rd March 2023)
The vital importance of the microbiome and its effect on health, has become more widely acknowledged over the past few years.
Recent research has shown that taking prebiotics, probiotics and promoting a healthy microbiome can and does boost the immune system and promote health. (Interactions between the Gut Microbiome, Lung Conditions, and Coronary Heart Disease and How Probiotics Affect These - PubMed - 8th September 2021) (Probiotic Species in the Modulation of Gut Microbiota: An Overview - PubMed - 2018)
(Lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, depletion and decreased microbiome diversity associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity - PubMed - April 2022) (Take probiotics alongside your prescribed antibiotics to reduce damage to your gut microbiome, says the first review of the data Science Daily- 16th November 2022)
(Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB68S Improves Cognitive Functions in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - MDPI - 22nd December 2022) (Interferon Gamma Response in Human Saliva Following Exposure to Oral Probiotic Streptococcus salivarius BLIS K12 - SpringerLink - 8th December 2022)
(Probiotics Kill Subway Pathogens Better Than Bleach: Study - Epoch Health - 6th April 2023)
Everyone is individual and levels of micronutrients for one person may be wrong for someone else. Go with the lesser amount till you find the amount best for your body and your health. We need to take charge of our own health – you should not rely on the Government and Regulatory bodies to tell you what is good for you. These authorities are usually decades behind the real research, and easily influenced by large Corporations who produce the micronutrient empty fattening foods that result in ill health. (Aspartame: Popular Sweetener Is a Possible Carcinogen, Exists in Thousands of Products - Epoch Health - 30th June 2023) (Aspartame Linked to Anxiety - and Effects May Span Multiple Generations - The Defender - 2nd August 2023) (The Role of Micronutrients in Neurological Disorders - MDPI - 25th September 2023)
They Expect You to believe This? - Youtube - JP Reacts - 7th February 2023) (Tufts Food Compass..Its Worse Than You Thought - Principia Scientific - 10th February 2023) (The Miraculous Immune system - A 12 Part Series - Epoch Health - June 2023) (COVID: All Australian governments failed completely - Substack - Ian Brighthope - 4th February 2024) (Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies - Off Guardian - 30th January 2024) (6 Popular Ultra-Processed Foods to Immediately Stop Eating - Facts Matter - Epoch Health - 20th March 2024) (Artificial Sweetener Neotame Can Damage your Gut - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27th June 2024) (The Shocking Truth About mRNA Vaccines in Our Food (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 3rd May 2024) (The Pharma Treadmill:They Make Us Sick, But They Don't Kill Us, And Then We Are Drugged For Life! - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 16th August 2024) (EPA Backtracks on Protecting Kids From Dangerous Pesticide Used on Food - The Defender - 16th October 2024)
Remember in this world nothing is fully known or completely understood - nothing is completely settled - life is still mysterious - especially for the constantly 'Baffled' scientists, doctors, governments, public health authorities and countless other health professionals.
Vitamins K2 and D3 Improve Long COVID, Fungal Translocation, and Inflammation: Randomized Controlled Trial - MDPI - 16th January 2025
Background: Long COVID (LC) is characterized by persistent symptoms at least 3 months after a SARS-COV-2 infection. LC has been associated with fungal translocation, gut dysfunction, and enhanced systemic inflammation. Currently, there is no approved treatment for this condition. The anti-inflammatory effect of vitamins K2 and D3 was shown to help attenuate the course of acute COVID-19 infection. The Effects of Artificial Food Dyes on Children's Brains - Epoch Health _ 15th January 2025
"Desperate for answers, they tried a food-elimination diet for attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After taking gluten, dairy, and food containing artificial food dyes out of his diet, peace reigned." Americans Are Not Eating 'Real Food' - Here's What You Need to Know: Vani Hari - EpochTV - 11th January 2025
“Our bodies are not meant to handle these man-made chemicals that have been invented in the last 50 years. These chemicals are invented for one sole purpose, and that’s to improve the bottom line of the food industry, not improve our health.” The Breakfast Cereal Addiction -
Robert W Malone MD, MS - 30th December 2024 How the American Heart Association helped make America unhealthy How did cereal become such a large part of the American diet? How did Amercans go from eating eggs for breakfast or maybe oats, to eating ultra-processed or processed breakfast cereals? FDA Rushes To Act On Red Dye & PFAS Ahead of RFK Jr. Shakeup - The Highwire - 12th December 2024
The FDA may finally be banning artificial red dye from foods in the US, despite the fact they are already outlawed for use in cosmetics, and the EPA has recently called for full safety reviews for all PFAS, signaling a new era for federal health regulators. Could the anticipation of RFK Jr.’s sweeping regulatory changes be causing the agency to act? Transcriptional reprogramming primes CD8+ T cells toward exhaustion in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatique syndrome - PNAS - 2nd December 2024
"Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) is a serious disabling chronic illness that lacks FDA-approved therapies. Comprehensive transcriptomic, epigenomic, and flow cytometric profiles of primary CD8+ T cell subsets implicate T cell exhaustion in pathophysiology. We show that T cells in ME cases are epigenetically predisposed toward terminal exhaustion and that exhaustion markers are upregulated following exercise challenge." DMSO Could Save Millions From Brain and Spinal Injury - A Midwestern Doctor - 16th September 2024
DMSO is a remarkably safe chemical that protects cells from otherwise fatal stressors (e.g., freezing, burning, shockwaves, ischemia). Since the heart, brain, and spinal cord are particularly vulnerable to injury, DMSO can produce miraculous results for those conditions. Salt can boost antitumor responses of T cells - Medical News - 13th September 2024
"The findings indicated that sodium is a relevant component of the tumor microenvironment. NaCl increased cytotoxic T-cell activation and activity, which improved metabolic fitness. Thus, NaCl enhances tumor cell death in vitro and in vivo." UCSF Researchers Identify Major Driver Behind COVID and Long COVID, With Potential Treatment - Epoch Health - 30th August 2024
"Fibrin binds to proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus to form blood clots that are difficult to break down, the authors found. This clotting then drives the various inflammatory and neurological symptoms seen in COVID-19 and long COVID, the researchers found." Pharmacological effects of Astragalus polysaccharides in treating neurodegenerative diseases - Frontiers - 2nd August 2024
This article emphasizes the significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and neuroprotective pharmacological activities of APS, highlighting their potential as promising candidates for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Effects of Ginger on the Hallmarks of Aging - MDPI - 2nd August 2024
Thus, the existing body of literature clearly supports the potential of ginger to be further studied in clinical trials as a supplement for the promotion of both lifespan and health span. A dual inhibitor of PIP5K1C and PIKfyve prevents SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells - Springer Link - 1st August 2024
"In this study, we identified UNI418, a dual PIKfyve and PIP5K1C inhibitor, as a new chemical agent that inhibits SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells." Huberman speaks with Matt Hill on Cannabinoids - Substack - Anandamide - 9th July 2024
"There is a 3rd complicating confounder in many of these studies. Most studies are observational and recording street use of untested ‘marijuana’. Not only is this not chemotyped for cannabinoid content, these samples are not screened for pesticides, mold, or mycotoxins, all of which could play a role in confounding these studies." "If you are interested in the clinical applications of cannabinoids, all of the presentations at CannMed are public. I think a review of these may alters peoples opinions on CBDs therapeutic value even at lower than epilepsy dosages." Ginko biloba may help to break down microclots caused by the covid spike protein - The Expose - 7th July 2024
Ginkgo biloba is commonly used to improve memory and cognitive function, as well as to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, glaucoma and dementia. It is believed to improve blood flow to the brain and may help ease circulation problems. Some studies have suggested that it may also help with memory problems caused by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Artificial Sweetener Neotame Can Damage Your Gut - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27th June 2024
Neotame, an artificial sweetener that’s chemically similar to aspartame, may seriously damage the human intestine and overall gut health Not only did neotame cause cell death in intestinal cells but it also damaged bacteria commonly found in the gut Neotame caused healthy gut bacteria to become diseased and invade the gut wall, which could lead to irritable bowel syndrome and sepsis SARS-CoV-2 Amyloid Deposition on the Brain and Prevent COVID-19-Exacerbated Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease - MDPI - 16th June 2024
"These strategies are based on innovative methods of treating brain dysfunction induced by COVID-19 infection, including the use of photobiomodulation, plasmalogens, and medicinal herbs, which offer hope for addressing the challenges posed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus." Positive Outcomes of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Durable in Long-COVID - Substack - Peter A./ McCullough, MD, MPH - 15th June 2024
Many patients with long-COVID syndrome have seen countless doctors and have taken a multitude of vitamins, supplements, and prescription drugs. Those fortunate enough to have been referred to and completed a course of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in my practice seemed to have fared better than most. XLEAR VS. The FTC - The Highwire - 23rd May 2024
Nate Jones, founder of best selling nasal rinse, Xlear, describes his long battle against the FTC’s attempt to shut down his clinically tested product because of its efficacy against COVID-19. Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk - Epoch Health - 23rd May 2024
You may have heard that sugar feeds cancer cells, and evidence supports that. However, the missing link in this narrative has been a thorough understanding of just “how” sugar feeds cancer—until now. A recent study published in Cell in April uncovers a new mechanism linking uncontrolled blood sugar and poor diet with cancer risk. 7 Brain Nutrients to Shield Against Vaccines, Pesticides, and Other Toxins - Feat. Dr. Russell Blaylock - EpochTV - 1st May 2024
Which supplements best shield the brain against toxicity? In which forms and in what amounts are they most effective? Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and nutritional researcher, joins Vital Signs to answer these and other questions on brain nutrition. Friday Hope: Curcumin 11: Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2, its Spike Protein and Prions - Substack - WMC Research - 19th April 2024
A review article, published last week in the journal Phytotherapy Research, definitively shows that curcumin is, indeed, a potentially (and mostly proven) very powerful therapeutic in treating both COVID and Prion Disease. Curcumin as a natural potential drug candidate against important zoonotic viruses and prions: A narrative review - Wiley - 12th Apri 2024
This review suggests curcumin and curcuminoids as promising therapeutic agents against a wide range of viral zoonoses by targeting different proteins and signaling pathways. 1 in 5 Foods Have 'Significant' Pesticide Risk: Consumer Reports - Epoch Health - 19th April 2024
One in five tested foods sold in the United States has a high risk of pesticide contamination, and some foods, like green peas, contain dangerous pesticides banned by authorities, according to Consumer Reports (CR). How the NIH Admitted COVID Vaccine Injury in a Suppressed Study: Dr. Joel Wallskog - EpochTV - 11th April 2024
“The Department of Health and Human Services is sitting on over 12,000 claims by Americans injured by the COVID shots. … They have a denial rate of 98 percent,” says Dr. Joel Wallskog, an orthopedic surgeon who became permanently disabled after getting a COVID-19 genetic vaccine. Spike Protein Exposure and Clotting Pathologies Explained: Dr. Jordan Vaughn - EpochTV - 4th April 2024
“Most of the time when a doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, what they’re really saying is: That doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you ... And I think doctors need to be more honest about that.” Dr. Peter McCullough: Treating COVID Vax Injuries, Preparing For Disease X, Childhood Vaccines - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 -10th April
Disease X, Detoxification From Sars-Cov-2 Infection And Covid-19 Vaccination, What's Next Dr. McCullough with Joni Lamb on Table Talk By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Spike Protein Exposure and Clotting Pathologies Explained: Dr. Jordan Vaughn - EpochTV - 4th April 2024
“Most of the time when a doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, what they’re really saying is: That doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you ... And I think doctors need to be more honest about that.” Preventative Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - MDPI - 28th February 2024
Our meta-analysis suggests a definitive and significant association between the protective role of vitamin D and COVID-19 incidence and ICU admission. Why Many Chronic Diseases Are Preventable - And Why No One Tells You This: Dr. Robert Lufkin - EpochTV - 2nd March 2024
Dr. Robert Lufkin was once a self-described “product of the medical establishment,” with a fruitful career as a professor of medicine. He’s published hundreds of scientific papers, and has received millions of dollars in government funding. Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies - Off Guardian - 30th January 2024
The world is experiencing a micronutrient food and health crisis. Micronutrient deficiency now affects billions of people. Micronutrients are key vitamins and minerals and deficiencies can cause severe health conditions. They are important for various functions, including blood clotting, brain development, the immune system, energy production and bone health, and play a critical role in disease prevention. COVID: All Australian governments failed completely - Substack - Ian Brighthope - 4th February 2024
Long form Submission from Ian Brighthope in gratitude to Senator Malcolm Roberts and his Senatorial colleagues seeking the truth about the Covid Plandemic. Can Combining These 7 Core Nutrients Revive Cell Health After Covid-Vax Injury? - Covid-Vax Rescue Part 3 - EpochTV - 25th January 2024
Amid spike-protein toxicity, the greater resilience shown by some people comes down to the health and function of three main cellular systems—whose functions range from cellular energy production to enabling nerve-to-nerve communications, says neuroscientist and biochemical researcher Dr. Dayan Goodenowe. Is Your B12 Supplement Poisoning You? - Epoch Health - 21st January 2024
"Significant dietary sources of biologically active B12 include white button mushrooms, spirulina and chlorella. The ideal supplemental form of supplemental vitamin B12 is methylcobalamin, which while more expensive, is capable of absorbing sublingually and is cell-ready as a methyl donor. It should also be noted that the drug category known as proton pump inhibitors (acid blockers for reflux) prevent vitamin B12 absorption and microwaving food deactivates this vitamin, as well." Relationship of quercetin intake and oxidative stress in persistent COVID Frontiers - 8th January 2024
"It is worth mentioning the role played by quercetin in the reduction of viral load, decrease in the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, reduction of ROS, decrease in mucus production, with respect to the above we can say that it increases the resistance of the respiratory tract; moreover, quercetin has not yet shown any harmful effects in humans at a maximum dose of 1,500 mg per day." Probiotics May Prevent COVID-19 and Reduce Symptoms for Unvaccinated Individuals - Epoch Health - 6th January 2024
Recent research shows that taking probiotics may reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and the onset of symptoms in unvaccinated people. Dr. Paul Marik: Key Strategies You Aren't Told That Help Prevent Cancer - EpochTV - 2nd January 2024
“The bottom line is that 30 to 40 percent of cancers are preventable. … And there are simple things that people can do to reduce your risk of getting cancer,” says Dr. Paul Marik, a founding member of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and former chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Mitocondrial Dysfunction and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation in Post-Viral Fatique Syndrome: An Overview - MDPI - 1st January 2024
"Post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) encompasses a wide range of complex neuroimmune disorders of unknown causes characterised by disabling post-exertional fatigue, myalgia and joint pain, cognitive impairments, unrefreshing sleep, autonomic dysfunction, and neuropsychiatric symptoms. It includes myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS); fibromyalgia (FM); and more recently post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID)." "The above data provide a rationale for the use of supplemental CoQ10 to try and prevent the development of heart problems following COVID-19 infection; in addition, there is evidence that supplemental selenium may also be of benefit, as outlined below. There are several reasons why the nutritional supplements CoQ10 and selenium could be of benefit regarding COVID infection." 'Shocking' Fast Food Testing Results With Zen Honeycutt - Rumble - Childrens Health Defense - 20th October 2023
Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America presents her team’s ‘shocking’ findings in testing school lunches and America’s top twenty fast food brands. The results are disturbing. Tune in! Recent Study: Gut Microbiome Formula Can Alleviate Long COVID Symptoms - Epoch Health - 26th December 2023
Many COVID-19 survivors experience persistent post-illness conditions known as Long COVID. However, due to the wide range of Long COVID symptoms, a single method of treating them has not yet been found. However, a clinical trial published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases on Dec. 7 suggests that an oral gut microbiome formula, SIM01, can effectively alleviate various Long COVID symptoms. Demyelination in Patients with Post-COVID Depression - - 11th December 2023
This study, for the first time, reveals extensive demyelination in numerous WM and GM structures in PCD, outlining IFOF demyelination as a key biomarker. Research: Willow Bark Extract's Potential for Inactivating COVID-19 and Enterovirus - Epoch Health - 14th December 2023
The ever-evolving COVID-19 virus continues to persist, prompting the need for a natural antiviral solution. A recent study explored the broad-spectrum antiviral activity of willow bark extract, which has been used for its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic properties for thousands of years. Outcomes after Early Treatment with Hydroxycholorquine and Azithromycin: An Analysis of 30,423 COVID-19 patients - Substack - Peter McCullough, MD - 6th November 2023
"As you can see, the most favored group was those who received the regimen of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin early in the course of illness. Of the 30,202 patients for whom treatment information was available, 191/23,172 patients (0.82%) treated with HCQ-AZM died, compared to 344/7,030 patients (4.89%) who did not receive HCQ-AZM. All the other combinations received are reported in the figure." Multiple micronutrient deficiences in early life cause multi-kingdom alterations in the gut microbiome and intrinsic antibiotic resistance genes in mice - Nature microbiology - 16th November 2023
"This analysis reveals multi-kingdom alterations in the gut microbiome as a result of co-occurring multiple micronutrient deficiencies and the implications for antibiotic resistance". Most People Don't Reach Micronutrient Requirements Through Food Alone - Substack - Dr. joseph Mercola - 20th November 2023In developed countries, many people are lacking in important nutrients due to high intake of low-nutrition foods.
Vitamin B12: a key player in celluar reprogramming and tissue regeneration - Scientific - 16th November 2023
Researchers at IRB Barcelona reveal that vitamin B12 significantly boosts the efficiency of cellular reprogramming, thus holding promise for regenerative medicine. Vitamin B12 supplementation shows potential in speeding up tissue repair in a model of ulcerative colitis—an observation that points to potential new treatments for inflammatory diseases. This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxycholoquine or Ivermectin - Vigilant News - 9th November 2023
"It also just so happens to be a top global anti-malarial drug that strongly binds the COVID-19 spike protein." "NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING top anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19. Papers retracted, herbal products recalled. Quietly under attack. WHY?" Higher circulating vitamin B12 is associated with lower levels of inflammatory markers in individuals at high cardiovascular risk and in natrually aged mice - Wiley - 10th September 2023
"Individuals with higher serum levels of vitamin B12 showed lower concentrations of IL-6 and CRP after adjustment for potential confounders, and an inverse association was also found between serum IL-6 and vitamin B12 levels in naturally aged mice." Could willow bark provide out next life-saving antiviral medicine - EurekAlert - 8th November 2023
Willow bark has already given us aspirin — now it might be the source of a crucial new antiviral medicine. Scientists in Finland have now shown that an extract of willow bark — a plant which has already provided several medicines, including the precursor to modern aspirin — has a broad-spectrum antiviral effect in cell sample experiments. 'Alzheimers's Gene' Heightens Alzheimer's Risk but the Plasmalogen Nutrient Defends Against it - Key to Cure? (Part 1) - EpochTV - 3rd November 2023
What does the "Alzheimer’s gene" reveal about the link between Alzheimer’s disease and cholesterol transport in the body? How is cholesterol transport dependent on the "mystery molecule"—plasmalogen—that can restore brain health? COVID-19 Vaccines 'May Trigger' Rheumatic Inflamatory Diseases: Study - Epoch Health - 12th October 2023
A new review suggests that COVID vaccines "may trigger" rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still's disease. On average, patients developed rheumatic diseases 11 days after vaccine administration, according to the study. The Role of Micronutrients in Neurological Disorders - MDPI - 25th September 2023
"Micronutrients have a crucial and irreplaceable role in intermediary metabolism. They are an integral part of the therapy of neurological disorders for their neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects.The frequently difficult-to-establish clinical effect of micronutrient administration does not mean that the administration is dispensable. Clear pathophysiologic consequences are proof of the dangerousness of deficiency." I-Recover Protocols - FLCCC Alliance - October 2023
Long COVID, a prolonged illness after COVID-19, may persist for months after the acute infection and affects at least 65 million individuals worldwide. A puzzling feature of long COVID is that initial disease severity is not an accurate predictor; long COVID frequently occurs in people who had mild-to-moderate COVID cases as well as in younger adults who did not require respiratory support or intensive care. One Year of Nattokinase Yields Favorable Effects on Cardiovascular System - Substack - Peter McCullough - 8th October 2023
Today, nattokinase is widely used as a oral supplement in capsule form in Base Spike Detoxification to help degrade the long-lasting SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein for 3-12 months in patients suffering from symptoms of long-COVID after the infection or more commonly after mRNA vaccination. Because some of the higher risk long-COVID patients also have atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, nattokinase has other important effects in the body. The Healing Power of Vitamin D: What Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know - Vigilant News - 6th September 2023
We know the medical establishment lied to us about COVID. And according to esteemed physician Dr. Paul Marik, they are also lying to you about the sun. An article from 2021 indicates that COVID-19 can effectively be treated using antibiotics - Jessica Rose - 12th September 2023"Our results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 replicates in vitro in bacterial growth medium, that the viral replication follows bacterial growth and it is influenced by the administration of specific antibiotics."
McCullough, Kirsch, Mercola: Using Nasal Washes To Stop Viral Infections, Including COVID-19 - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19
This video features comments from Dr. Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. Joseph Mercola about using nasal washes to effectively stop ALL upper respiratory tract viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2. Detox from Spike Proteins: Here's How in 74 Seconds, Per Dr. Peter McCullough - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 30th July 2023“Look at these cardiac arrests, major blood clots, people going down. It’s because the spike protein is not being cleared out of the body,” remarked Dr. McCullough. He recommended three key supplements to degrade spike proteins and reduce inflammation:
1. Nattokinase - 2000 units twice a day. 2. Bromelain - 500 milligrams once a day. Nattokinase and bromelain “both degrade the spike protein [in] different ways. They accelerate the clearance of it together,” Dr. McCullough added. 3. Curcumin - 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage. “All of these are available over the counter,” disclosed. Dr. McCullough. “They are readily available. And I can tell you people ought to get going on this because these syndromes, as we’re finding out, are bad.” Water and Homeopathy: Discoveries at Science's Cutting Edge - Epoch Health - 26th June 2023
The most respected medical journals have published some remarkable studies, but you won’t hear about them from your local physician or scientists who have an embarrassingly uninformed view. Critical Care Pioneer Exposes War On Repurposed Drugs - The Highwire - 15th June 2023
World-renowned Critical Care Pioneer, Dr. Paul Marik, is back in the news as the CHEST Journal, which published his benchmark life-saving Vitamin C Protocol for sepsis, reaffirmed the study after it came under attack. Dr. Marik joins Del to detail the pharma-driven war on repurposed drugs, and cheap early, non-pharmaceutical interventions for weight loss, overall health, cancer, and more. These are the treatments that pharma doesn’t want you to know about. Top Doctor Reveals Cancer-Cutting Regimen That Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know About - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 12th June 2023
“Our healthcare expenditure would go down, but the pharmaceutical profits would go down, too. And obviously, that’s the issue.” Twelve Infants Perish in Clinical Trial for RSV Shot - FDA Recommends Anyway - Rumble -Vigilant Fox - 12th June 2023
Four of the twelve infants’ deaths in the AstraZeneca trial were from cardiac arrest, and two died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The FDA claimed the deaths were “unrelated” to AstraZeneca’s monoclonal antibody injection, but how often do you hear about four babies naturally dying of cardiac arrest in a clinical trial setting? "This is hugely important,” stressed #CHDTV Polly Tommey. “The pediatricians are going to push this. The doctors, as soon as the babies are born, they’re going to give these babies this RSV jab.” Australian Garlic Can Eliminate 99.9 Percent of COVID-19, Flu Cells: Scientists - Epoch Helath - 31st May 2023Scientists in a “world first” study now say Australian garlic could be key to fighting COVID-19 infections and the flu.
In a study by the Melbourne-based Peter Doherty Institute, researchers extracted a specific ingredient, the Proprietary Ingredient SupaG, from Australian-grown garlic varieties. “How stupid must the world feel today, having wasted hundreds of billions of dollars on useless and destroyed trillions of dollars of wealth with panicked lockdowns—when it’s now discovered that garlic kills COVID?” he wrote on Twitter. NAC's protective capacity against Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPS) toxicity - Outraged Human - 30th May 2023
In this study, we gained new insights into the epigenotoxicity of ENPs, demonstrating that they alter global DNA methylation levels and DNA methylation levels of TEs via a mechanism that is independent of oxidative stress. Moreover, we proved that NAC can attenuate ENP-induced DNA hypomethylation. Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia - Epoch Health - 28th May 2023
Hospitals sticking to the strict hand-me-down, highly profitable “COVID protocol” may have doomed a majority of admitted COVID-19 patients to death due to a perfect storm of institutional failure, a new study shows. Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathology - MDPI - 17th May 2023
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a need has arisen to prevent and treat two related conditions, COVID-19 vaccine injury and long COVID-19, both of which can trace at least part of their aetiology to the spike protein, which can cause harm through several mechanisms. One significant mechanism of harm is vascular, and it is mediated by the spike protein, a common element of the COVID-19 illness, and it is related to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation in Old Mice Improves Brain Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Glucose Uptake, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Genomic Damage, Inflammation and Neurotrophic Factors to Reverse Age-Associated Cognitive Decline: Implications for Improving Brain Health in Aging - MDPI - 4th May 2023
Conclusions The results of this study provide proof-of-concept that GlyNAC supplementation improves age-associated cognitive decline and supports brain health in aging by improving/correcting brain GSH deficiency, elevated OxS, mitochondrial dysfunction, abnormal mitophagy and autophagy, inflammation, impaired glucose transport/uptake, elevated genomic damage, and reversing the decline in brain neurotrophic growth factors. GlyNAC could be a simple and effective nutritional supplement to support brain health and cognitive function in aging, and warrants additional investigation. Novel Movement Disorders After COVID Vaccination: Patients Misdiagnosed, Treatment Delayed - Epoch Health - 2nd May 2023
In this series, we evaluate some of the lesser-known yet common COVID-19 vaccine adverse events that are appearing in the research literature as well as in doctors’ clinics and, more importantly, how to deal with them and reduce the risks. The Most Important Factor for Strong Immunity: Dr. Simon Goddek - EpochTV - 6th April 2023
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, decisions had to be made. This was the moment for scientists around the world to come together and offer solutions. At the time, Dr. Simon Goddek, a systems dynamics biotechnologist from the Netherlands, had developed a comprehensive model for the human body. And when he mapped out the immune system, he got an insight into one crucial factor that could save many lives during the pandemic. It was simple and cheap. Anyone could do it with their family physician. It would make experimental products and heavy government assistance unnecessary. Treating Covid-related illness: Reintroducing Homeopathy, The People's Medicine Since 1825 - DailyClout - 23rd april 2023
These are unusual times. With the current exposure of corruption and malfeasance amongst our pharmaceutical, medical, and regulatory agencies, many are calling for a new direction and solutions for a better future. If we want to take down or remake the corrupt Pharmaceutical-Medical Industrial Complex, what do we have to replace it with? For starters, the time is ripe to reintroduce homeopathic medicine and bring it squarely into theconversation. Episode 11 CHD Roundtable Exclusive With Paul Marik, MD - CHD.TV - 17th March 2023
What is the deal with spike protein shedding? Is there any legitimacy to vaccinating kids for COVID? Do solutions for neurological degeneration, cancers and diabetes exist? Paul Marik, M.D. joins ‘Friday Roundtable’ to divulge the truth on these important questions and more — on CHD.TV. Vitamin D Reduced Dementia Risk by 40% - Epoch Health - 10th April 2023
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with several health conditions and data show it can raise your risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. The 'First Choice' Natural Alternative to Ivermectin: Expert - Epoch Health - 5th Appril 2023
Because it shares similar properties with ivermectin, another Nobel Prize winner—sweet wormwood—is considered by some experts to be ivermectin’s natural equivalent. Quercetin - A Far Better Flu Remedy Than Tamiflu - Epoch Times - 24th March 2023
Why would you risk brain infections, psychosis, memory deterioration, and mood swings for a 10 percent improvement when you can get up to a 900 percent improvement without taking on any of these risks? Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH - Substack - 21st February 2023
Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.” The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. High-Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts - Epoch Health - 3rd March 2023
The sunshine hormone reveals surprising effects on several disease at doses far beyond official guidelines SPIKE Protein Detoxifier: COVID gene injection SPIKE Recovery may help manage LONG COVID, the amount of spike protein in your body & inhibit effects & blood vessel blockage, supporting T-cell activity - Dr. Paul Alexander - Substack - 30th January 2023
People who don't feel well are looking for something as their body is loaded with spike post vaccine or virus; LONG COVID. There may be a possible detoxifying solution from spike as science advances. Ivermectin Efficacy Finally Proven In 'Gold standard' RCT - Principia Scientific - 26th January 2023
Ivermectin and its use as a treatment for COVID-19 was catapulted to centre stage when the pandemic erased all rhyme and reason in 2020 However, even as the totality of evidence demonstrated Ivermectin’s efficacy, mainstream media and governments across the world dismissed its use based on the absence of randomised control trials. S227 Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines AFFECT the Gut Microbiome - AJG - October 2022
"Relative abundance of genus bifidobacteria significantly decreased to about half of original value after vaccination (P = 0.0065 via Wilcoxon signed rank test)." "Bifidobacteria, included in the $1 billion industry of probiotics, has been shown to be critical in inflammatory diseases, severe COVID-19, obesity, and the aging process. Our results, although preliminary suggest that SARS COV-2 mRNA vaccine decreases levels of bifidobacteria (P = 0.0065)." Japanese Discovery Makes Promising Headway in Combatting the Harms of the Spike Protein - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 26th January 2023
Nattokinase, an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō, is "the only enzyme that we're aware of right now that dissolves the spike protein." Nattokinase is featured, in combination with other promising natural substances, in Dr. VanDeWater's spike recovery formula: Identification of druggable host dependency factors shared by multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern - BioRxiv - 9th January 2023
"All drugs were highly effective against all tested variants, including delta and omicron, new variants that emerged during the study. Mechanistically, we identified ROS production as a pivotal step in early virus propagation. Antioxidant drugs, such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), were effective against all variants both in human lung cells, and in a humanised mouse model. Our study strongly supports the immediate use of available antioxidant drugs, such as NAC, as a general and effective anti-COVID-19 approach." Doctor Reveals Effective Long COVID Treatment - Epoch TV - 21st January 2023Dr. Pierre Kory, an intensive care lung doctor, is actively treating over 200 long COVID patients in his private practice. Today, he shares his treatment successes and challenges.
Long COVID is a condition that can last for months after an initial infection. It manifests in many different forms, such as clotting in blood vessels, persistent inflammation in the lungs, and damage to the central nervous system. Piperlongumine (PL), extracted from the long pepper could be broadly efficiant in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 - - Ralph Turchiano - 20th January 2023
A new study led by Gonçalo Bernardes, group leader at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM; Portugal) and Professor at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK), and published recently in the scientific journal ACS Central Science* reports the discovery of a compound efficient in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 that could be broadly applied to treat different variants of the virus. The researchers discovered that the compound piperlongumine (PL), extracted from the long pepper, the most extensively natural ingredient used in Indian medical systems, has a potent antiviral effect in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in mice. COVID-19 IMM Update - The Institute for Molecular Medicine - November 2020
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Is Infection Along with Mycoplasma or other Bacteria Linked to Progression to a Lethal Outcome? by Garth L.Nicolson Phd, MD (H) and Gonzalo Ferreira de Mattos, MD, PhD. Common food dye can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases, say McMaster researchers - EurekaAlert! - 20th December 2022
Allura Red (also called FD&C Red 40 and Food Red 17), is a common ingredient in candies, soft drinks, dairy products and some cereals. “The literature suggests that the consumption of Allura Red also affects certain allergies, immune disorders and behavioural problems in children, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” Melatonin Affects Thrombosis, Sepsis, and COVID Mortality Rate - Epoch Health - 5th December 2021
Melatonin can reduce the rate of severe COVID outcomes, help regulate sleep, promote genomic stability, and protect against neurodegeneration. Two key studies have identified the role that melatonin plays in reducing the risk of a positive test for COVID-19 and lowering the incidence of severe symptoms. Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies - Alliance for natural health - 15th November 2022
Over the last few decades, mega-corporations have been increasingly investing in the supplement sector—especially during the last few years, which has seen a boom in mergers and acquisitions. Since 2017, over $20 billion has been invested in supplement companies by the likes of Bayer, Nestle, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, and Clorox. Mergers and acquisitions in the supplement sector have surged: in 2018, there were 83 transactions; in 2021, there were 137. It’s no secret why large corporations are moving in—the supplement market grew from $28 billion in 2010 to almost $60 billion in 2021. Vitamin D Treatment for Covid Becomes Latest Alleged 'Fake News' to Be Vindicated by Scientific Study - Kyle Becker - Substack - 23rd November 2022
"As a safe, widely available, and affordable treatment, Vitamin D may help to reduce the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic." Public health authorities around the world suppressed scientific evidence that Vitamin D deficiency was associated with severe Covid outcomes, and furthermore, some officials misled the public about alleged studies showing the vitamin did nothing for treating the viral infection. Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 - MDPI - 24th August 2022
In this study, we examined the effect of nattokinase on the S protein of SARS-CoV-2. When cell lysates transfected with S protein were incubated with nattokinase, the S protein was degraded in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that S protein on the cell surface was degraded when nattokinase was added to the culture medium. Thus, our findings suggest that nattokinase exhibits potential for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection via S protein degradation. Quercetin Health Benefits include the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease and Certain Cancers - The Expose - 11th November 2022
Quercetin has been shown to combat inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. Several studies have highlighted quercetin’s ability to prevent and treat both the common cold and influenza. Other, less-known benefits and uses for quercetin include the prevention and/or treatment of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, certain cancers, gout, arthritis and mood disorders. A Potential Role for Photobiomodulation Therapy in Disease Treatment and Prevention in the Era of COVID-19 - PubMed - 11th December 2020
"PBM therapy is worthy of further rapid evaluation and could offer a safe, non-invasive, side-effect free and easily deployed adjunctive treatment and prevention, particularly suited for the most at-risk populations. Studies to evaluate the role of PBM in combatting COVID-19 infection and disease prevention may ultimately not only benefit the elderly and chronically sick but could have larger ramifications as a low risk, low-cost intervention in the prevention, treatment and healing of a variety of conditions." Signs You Have a Spike Protein Blood Clot, and What to Do About It - Epoch Health - 6th November 2022
We previously covered how the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID vaccines can both cause blood clotting. There’s no reason to panic about clots, but it’s important to understand the risk. A normal/negative COVID test result does not completely exclude the potential of clots. Regardless of whether the diagnosis is confirmed or not, if there is a symptom, the most important step is to prevent it. Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here's How It's Being Treated - The Epoch Times - 23rd October 2022
The spike proteins cause inflammation, turn of type 1 interferon response, and reduce autophagy among other things, all of which adds up to a dysregulated immune system. The Legal Poison in Our Foods: Dr Stephanie Seneff on What Glyphosate Does and How to Avoid it - The Epoch Times - 22nd August 2022
In an Epoch Health podcast, our very own Dr. Ann Corson spoke with Dr. Stephanie Seneff on the cumulation of Dr. Seneff‘s research on the chemical glyphosate compiled in her book, “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment,” how she discovered it, how it damages many systems in our body and the environment, and what we can do against it. Epigenetic Memories Are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations, Game-Changing Research Reveals - GreenMedInfo - 24th August 2022
The past of our ancestors lives on through us: Groundbreaking research illustrates how parental experience is not only epigenetically imprinted onto offspring, but onto an unprecedented number of future generations. Rather than occurring over the elongated time scale of millions of years, genetic change can transpire in real biological time through nanoparticles known as exosomes. Fibrous Clots, Foreign Matter in Blood After COVID Jabs: Is There a Way to Detox? - The Epoch Times - 18th September 2022
Recently unusual blood clots as well as metal-like foreign objects found in the vessels of COVID-19 jab recipients have been reported across the country. Both types of substances are unusual and are likely to be harmful to our bodies. What are the potential causes and ramifications of these substances, and is there any chance of reversing the mysterious condition? Scientists Around the World Discover Non-Disclosed Ingredients in the Covid Vaxxines! - Dr. Robert O. - 23rd August 2022
A group of independent New Zealand, German, Spanish, Canadian and American scientists found highly cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetic toxic components—mostly metallic—in all the COVid so-called Vaxxines samples they analyzed, “without exception” using modern medical and physical measuring techniques. "We Could Have Saved 600-800K Lives": Dr. Paul Marik Explains the Latest Study on Ivermectin & COVID - Rumble - 12th September 2022
"The human cost is enormous and the reason this was denied is simply profiteering and making money for big pharma and their interests" Black Seed - A Natural Remedy That's Been Used for Centuries - The Expose - 10th September 2022
This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists. Yesterday we published a letter from one of our readers who contracted a Staphylococcus ("Staph") infection after being injected with a Pfizer “vaccine.” As we noted, Staph infections can cause several infectious diseases in various tissues of the body, for example, boils, impetigo, cellulitis, toxic shock syndrome and MRSA. Hospital Study Shows This Can Prevent COVID-19 Infection - The Epoch Times - 3rd September 2022
The dramatic results from this hospital study showed a simple, at-home strategy can effectively prevent COVID-19 even better than the jab. Research Project Takes Aim at Magnesium Deficiency - The Epoch Times - 18th August 2022
Nearly half of Western people don’t get enough of this nutrient that’s crucial to brain and cardiovascular health, muscle and nerve function, detoxification, mitochondrial function and activation of other nutrients. Even subclinical deficiencies can be deadly, so don’t take a chance. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread - Virology Journal - 22nd August 2005
Funded by NIH Conclusion "Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds." Well Being: Organic Food - RWMalone - Substack - 6th August 2022
"I used to be somewhat skeptical on the importance of eating organic foods. Then in 2018, an important paper in JAMA came out. That study showed that eating a higher proportion of organic food is inversely associated with the overall risk of cancer (P for trend = .001). Inversely associated in this case means that the more organic foods in the diet, the less cancer." How Gut Bacteria Tell Their Hosts What to Eat - Pocket - Scientific American - July 2022
By suppressing or increasing cravings, microbes help the brain decide what foods the body “needs.” Scientists have known for decades that what we eat can change the balance of microbes in our digestive tracts. Choosing between a BLT sandwich or a yogurt parfait for lunch can increase the populations of some types of bacteria and diminish others—and as their relative numbers change, they secrete different substances, activate different genes and absorb different nutrients. Dr. Pierre Kory: Unspiking: The New Trend - World Council For Health - 25th July 2022
Dr. Pierre Kory is a critical care physician who has testified twice to the U.S. Senate regarding Covid-19. As president and co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Pierre has gained international attention for advocating off-label use of certain drugs as treatments for Covid-19. Nigella sativa for the treatment of COVID-19: An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial - PubMed - September 2021
Conclusions: NSO supplementation was associated with faster recovery of symptoms than usual care alone for patients with mild COVID-19 infection. These potential therapeutic benefits require further exploration with placebo-controlled, double-blinded studies. Artemisinin Attenuates Amyloid-Induced Brain Inflammation and Memory Impairments by Modulating TLR4/NF-kB Signaling - PubMed - 6th June 2022
"This study found that Artemisinin significantly reduced amyloid beta-peptide 1-42 (Aβ1-42)-induced increases in nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species and inflammatory factors in BV2 cells. In addition, Artemisinin inhibited the migration of microglia and prevented the expansion of the inflammatory cascade. The mechanical studies showed Artemisinin inhibited neuroinflammation and exerted neuroprotective effects by regulating the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathway." Artemisinin protects PC12 cells against B-amyloid-induced apoptosis through activation of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway - Science Direct - April 2017
Highlights β-amyloid induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. Artemisinin protected PC12 cells against β-amyloid-induced apoptosis. Artemisinin activated ERK1/2 signaling pathway in PC12 cells. Artemisinin protected PC12 cells against β-amyloid toxicity by ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Amazing New Discoveries fro Treating the Vaccine-Injured: Dr. Kory & Dr. Marik Break Down Their Findings [Video Interview]
Red Voice Media - 28th May 2022 American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with FLCCC's Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory on their breaking release of new new treatment protocol for Covid vaccine-injured patients. A Common Mistake Can Foil Your Vitamin D Supplement Benefits - Epoch Times Bright - 21st February 2022
"I’ve previously written about the importance of taking vitamin K2 when you’re taking high-dose supplemental vitamin D to avoid complications associated with excessive calcification in your arteries. Now, research highlights the vital importance of also taking magnesium in combination with vitamin D." Burst of accumulated zinc shows how the mineral boosts immune function, suggesting ways to improve health - Science Daily - 31st March 2022
"Zinc's immune-boosting properties are well-established, but scientists haven't known exactly how it works. Scientists now reveal two ways the mineral supports immunity and suggest how it could be used to improve health. Using mice, the team discovered that zinc is needed for the development of disease-fighting immune cells called T cells and prompts regeneration of the thymus, the immune organ that produces T cells. " Covid-19 mass casualties due to suppression of early treatment by Dr. George Fareed - The Desert Review - 8th April 2022
An amazing family doctors saves thousands of Covid patients using early treatment protocols. Early treatment saves lives. This video was produced by The Desert Review on March 22, 2022, at the request of Dr. George Fareed. The video was presented during the INTERNATIONAL COVID SUMMIT in Massy, France on April 1, 2022. Green Med
The Science of Natural Healing This website provides plenty of invaluable information about health related matters and has a great searchable database. Broccoli can stimulate brain regeneration, new research suggests - Green Med Info - 2nd February 2022
"For decades it was believed that brain regeneration was not possible. But an accumulating body of research now reveals that common foods such as broccoli contain compounds capable of stimulating the repair and renewal of nerve tissue." What Has the Gut Biome Got to Do with Coronaviruses, Covid Injections And ADE? - The Expose - 14th November 2021
"Coronavirus infections can trigger cytokine storms. Covid injections can trigger antibody dependent enhancement (“ADE”) which in turn can trigger cytokine storms. And so, cytokine storms are a common deadly outcome for both “the virus” and its “vaccine.” Curcumin, a bioactive component of turmeric, effectively neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 in vitro - 1st November 2021
New research establishes the potent activity of turmeric root and its bioactive compound curcumin against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The researchers of this study published in the journal Viruses investigated the neutralizing activity of aqueous turmeric root extract, curcumin-containing nutritional supplement capsules, and pure curcumin against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro at low subtoxic concentrations. Ginko biloba helps to regulate energy metabolism flux during myocardial ischemia.
Impaired tricarboxylic acid cycle flux and mitochondrail aerobic respiration duing isoproterenol induced myoucardial ischemia is rescued by bilobalide - ScienceDirect - August 2020 "This is the first report to show that bilobalide, the active ingredient of GBE, protects against MI by rescuing impaired TCA cycle flux. This provides a new mechanism and potential drug treatment for MI. It also shows the potential of MFA/Seahorse combination as a powerful strategy for pharmacological research on herbal medicine." Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
John P A Ionnidis - Objective To estimate the infection fatality rate of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from seroprevalence data. Methods I searched PubMed and preprint servers for COVID-19 seroprevalence studies with a sample size ≥ 500 as of 9 September 2020. I also retrieved additional results of national studies from preliminary press releases and reports. I assessed the studies for design features and seroprevalence estimates. I estimated the infection fatality rate for each study by dividing the cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths by the number of people estimated to be infected in each region. I corrected for the number of immunoglobin (Ig) types tested (IgG, IgM, IgA). Findings I included 61 studies (74 estimates) and eight preliminary national estimates. Seroprevalence estimates ranged from 0.02% to 53.40%. Infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 1.63%, corrected values from 0.00% to 1.54%. Across 51 locations, the median COVID-19 infection fatality rate was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%): the rate was 0.09% in locations with COVID-19 population mortality rates less than the global average (< 118 deaths/million), 0.20% in locations with 118–500 COVID-19 deaths/million people and 0.57% in locations with > 500 COVID-19 deaths/million people. In people younger than 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%. Conclusion The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 can vary substantially across different locations and this may reflect differences in population age structure and case-mix of infected and deceased patients and other factors. The inferred infection fatality rates tended to be much lower than estimates made earlier in the pandemic. |
Farnesol Inhibits Cell Viability and Activates Apoptosis in Glioma C6 Cells via Downregulating Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PL3K)/Protein Kinase B (AKT)/Mamalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Pathway - Sage Journals - 13th January 2025
"The current results demonstrate that farnesol effectively suppresses viability and triggers apoptosis in C6 cells. Thus, it has the capacity to be an effective anticancer agent to treat glioma. Nonetheless, additional work is still necessary in the future to determine the specific molecular mechanisms involved in farnesol-induced apoptosis in C6 cells." Advances in Selenium and Related Compounds Inhibiting Multi-Organ Fibrosis - Taylor & Francis - 15th January 2025
"Selenium (Se), a critically essential trace element, plays a crucial role in diverse physiological processes within the human body, such as oxidative stress response, inflammation regulation, apoptosis, and lipid metabolism. Organ fibrosis, a pathological condition caused by various factors, has become a significant global health issue. Numerous studies have demonstrated the substantial impact of Se on fibrotic diseases." Thanksgiving Hope: Bioactive Components in Functional Foods: Chandran, et al, Provide Us with a Brilliant COVID-Focused Review - WMC Research - 27th November 2024
Published yesterday (Nov 26th), big winners are Garlic, Ginger, Vitamin D, Broccoli Seeds and Fermented Foods. Long COVID Is Not a Functional Neurological Disorder - MDPI - 29th July 2024
"We conclude that considering long COVID as FND is inappropriate based on differentiating pathophysiologic mechanisms and distinguishing clinical findings." 7 Brain Nutrients to Shield Against Vaccines, Pesticides, and Other Toxins - Featuring Dr. Russell Blaylock - EpochTV - 1st May 2024
Which supplements best shield the brain against toxicity? In which forms and in what amounts are they most effective? Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and nutritional researcher, joins Vital Signs to answer these and other questions on brain nutrition. “All of my patients, I would give vitamins [and] trace elements to and ... we would see patients in terrible condition recover and go home, and that was not happening to other resident [doctor’s patients],” says Dr. Blaylock, recounting his time treating critically ill neurosurgery patients. Viral afterlife: SARS-CoV-2 as a reservoir of immunomimetic peptides that reassemble into proinflammatory supramolecular complexes - PNAS - 2nd February 2024
"We show evidence that viral peptide fragments from SARS-CoV-2 but not harmless coronavirus homologs can “reassemble” with dsRNA into a form of proinflammatory nanocrystalline condensed matter, resulting in cooperative, multivalent immune recognition and grossly amplified inflammatory responses." Spirulina Significantly Reduces COVID-19 Mortality: Study - Epoch Health - 14th April 2024
“The overall results of the present study showed that a six-day course of Spirulina platensis plus the standard treatment of COVID-19 was superior in the recovery of patients compared to standard treatment alone,” the authors wrote. Vitamin B12 is a limiting factor for induced cellular plasticity and tissue repair - Nature metabolism - 16th November 2023
We conclude that vitamin B12, through its key role in one-carbon metabolism and epigenetic dynamics, improves the efficiency of in vivo reprogramming and tissue repair. 5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Modern Individuals - Epoch Health - 17th November 2023
Nowadays, the variety of health products is extensive, with popular supplements including B vitamins, lutein, and more. However, according to Chien Tzu Yun, a functional medicine nutritionist from Taiwan, these are not the nutrients typically lacking in the human body. On the Epoch Times' "Health 1+1" program, she summarized her clinical observations during blood tests, highlighting the top five nutrients commonly deficient in people and providing guidance on how to supplement them effectively. Willow (Salix spp.) bark hot water extracts inhibit both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses: study on its anti-coronavirus and anti-enterovirus activities - Frontiers - 8th November 2023
"The native Salix samples demonstrated their excellent antiviral potential against the non-enveloped enteroviruses even at room temperature and after 45 s. They were equally effective against the seasonal and pandemic coronaviruses". COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce a Major Beneficial Bacteria, Gut Biodiversity: Research - Epoch Health - 29th October 2023
Research has shown that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reduce bacteria belonging to the Bifidobacteria genus, a common and beneficial gut bacteria. COVID vaccination is also linked to reduced gut biodiversity. Most Intensive Ivermectin Use had 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths in Peru: New Study - Epoch Health - 17th August 2023
"The paper’s results, published August 8 in Cureus, found a 74 percent reduction in excess deaths in 10 states with the most intensive ivermectin use over a 30-day period following peak deaths during the pandemic. When analyzing data across 25 states in Peru, researchers found these reductions in excess deaths correlated closely to ivermectin use during four months in 2020." Dr. Pierre Kory: "We Have 43 Effective Therapies for COVID; You've Heard of Almost None of Them!" - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 5th May 2023
Of the 43, the approved ones have something in common: "They are all absurdly expensive." "Any medicine — no matter how many studies. If it costs $1 or $2, it will not find regulatory approval in any advanced-health economy around the world," attested Dr. @PierreKory. "And what happens as a result? People die." Probiotics Kill Subway Pathogens Better Than Bleach: Study - Epoch Health - 6th April 2023
Decontaminating subway trains with a probiotic-based cleaning solution was found far more effective than chlorine-based cleaners at killing pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for causing COVID-19. Vitamin D, now conclusive - YouTube - Dr. John Campbell - 1st February 2023
Various studies, a association between severe vitamin D deficiency and bad COVID-19 outcomes. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and inflammation. Recent data suggest a protective role of vitamin D against bad outcomes How I Survived COVID-19: What They Don't Seem to Want You to Know - Epoch Health - 23rd February 2023
I was one of the first 25,000 known COVID-19 cases in the United States in early March 2020 and was lucky enough to find a doctor—a pediatrician—who thought outside the box and successfully treated me—possibly saving my life—against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Common Antibiotic Effective in Helping COVID-19 Patients Avoid ICU: Study - Epoch Health - 24th January 2023
A new clinical trial has found that doxycycline, a widely available antibiotic, can help prevent already hospitalized COVID-19 patients from worsening to the point where they need intensive care. Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB68S Improves Cognitive Functions in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - MDPI - 22nd December 2022
In conclusion, BB68S could improve cognitive functions in healthy elderly adults without cognitive impairment, along with having beneficial regulatory effects on their gut microbiota. This study supports probiotics as a strategy to promote healthy aging and advances cognitive aging research. Doctor's Lawsuit Forces FDA to Retreat on Prescribing Ivermectin as a Covid-19 Treatment - Kyle Becker News - 21st November 2022
During a hearing brought by three doctors over the Food and Drug Administration’s interference in their professional discretion to prescribe the drug Ivermectin as treatment for Covid-19, a government lawyer claimed that the FDA’s position was merely a “recommendation.” How to Use Resveratrol for COVID Spike Protein-Related Symptoms - Epoch Health - 15th November 2022
The long-lasting syndromes of over 200 symptoms in multiple organ systems associated with long COVID and COVID vaccine injuries have re-written the records of human disease history. We are astonished to witness such complicated viral infection sequelae and such widespread and complex vaccine injuries. Why Spike Protein Causes Abnormal Foot-Long Blood Clots, 200 Symptoms - Epoch Health - 5th November 2022
Since mid-2021, unusual, lenghty blood clots found in the vessels of COVID-19 patients and jab recipients have been reported across the world. “We as embalmers are seeing some strange clots since the COVID outbreak. These clots are very rubbery feeling and very long as they exit the veins that we use during the embalming procedure. They really appear to be like earthworms. I have never seen this in my career until now,” Larry Mills, a licensed embalmer and funeral director in the State of Alabama, told The Epoch Times. Other embalmers confirmed similar findings and spoke on the condition of anonymity. Long COVID-Induced Neuropsychiatric Risks Can Last For Over 2 Years; 1 Remedy to Protect From or Reverse the Situation - The Epoch Times - 12th September 2022
In this article, we examine the longest and largest study on COVID neurological sequelae and the fundamental cause of COVID-19 injury to our nervous system. Targeting the root cause, we may potentially reverse the situation and potentially live longer. Not a Placebo: Scientific Evidence Exists for Homeopathy - The Epoch Times - 5th September 2022
Getting through the most difficult times of COVID, it has become increasingly clear that the key to enhancing our good health is by boosting and balancing our own immunity. We are not necessarily promoting the precise therapies of homeopathy, but rather offering a different angle of understanding the subtleness and multi-faceted nature of the human body. Prevention and Treatment Protocols For COVID-19 - FLCCC - July 2022
FLCCC was founded by a group of expert clinicians driven only by a desire to save lives. We continually update our protocols based on clinical observations as well as the best available research regarding modes of prevention and treatment for COVID-19. The Benefits of Fucoidan and neurodegeneration
John Paul - Substack -13th June 2022 This was prompted by a post I shared on Twitter, about this paper Sulfated polysaccharides effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.I have recommended Fucoidan before, given its mitochondrial health aspects. Vitamin D deficiency and C-reactive protein: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study - Researchgate - May 2022
Conclusion: The observed association between 25(OH)D and CRP is likely to be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Correction of low vitamin D status may reduce chronic inflammation. Prophylactic treatment of Glycyrrhiza glabra mitigates COVID-19 pathology through inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the hamster model and NETosis. - BioRxiv - 16th May 2022
"Taken together, we provide evidence for the protective efficacy of GG against COVID-19 and its putative mechanistic insight, which might be developed as a future immunomodulatory approach against various pathologies with high cytokine production, aberrant neutrophil activation including coronavirus infection." 'Doctors & Scientists' Episode 28: What's in the Food, Minerals and Antibiotics + More With Dr Robert Scott Bell - Childrens Health Defense - 12th May
Got Science? Are you sure? Dr. Brian Hooker invites some of the leading voices in science and medicine to break down the studies and weigh in on the controversies so the rest of us have an opportunity to understand the science that drives public health policy and medical progress. Discussion of the benefits of Colloidal Silver and the importance of balance between levels of Copper and Zinc for health. Lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, depletion and decreased microbiome diversity associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity - PubMed - April 2022
Conclusion: "We hypothesise that low bacterial diversity and depletion of Bifidobacterium genera either before or after infection led to reduced proimmune function, thereby allowing SARS-CoV-2 infection to become symptomatic. This particular dysbiosis pattern may be a susceptibility marker for symptomatic severity from SARS-CoV-2 infection and may be amenable to preinfection, intrainfection or postinfection intervention." Efficacy and Safety of Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent COVID-19 in Frontline Healthcare Workers. A Randomized Clinical Trial - Science Direct - 18th April 2022
Conclusions "Our results suggest that VD-supplementation in highly exposed individuals prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection without serious AEs and regardless of VD status." Therapies to Prevent Progression of COVID-19, Including Hydroxycholooquine, Azithromycin, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 With or Without Intravenous Vitamin C: An International, Multicenter, Randomized Trial - PubMed - 25th November 2021
"Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19, with high dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery. Importantly, our study confirms vitamin D deficiency to be a high-risk factor of severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization, with 97% of our study's patient cohort being vitamin D deficient, 55% of these being severely vitamin D deficient, and none had optimal levels. Future trials are warranted to evaluate the treatment with a combination of high-dose vitamin D3 in addition to HCQ, AZM, and zinc and high-dose intravenous vitamin C." Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness - PLOS ONE - 3rd February 2022
Conclusions "Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, pre-infection deficiency of vitamin D was associated with increased disease severity and mortality."
Serving Justice with Integrity Breaking News - whistleblower proof that we are all being lied to. 'Doctors And Scientists' With Brian Hooker PHD - 2nd December 2021
Dr. Brian Hooker invites some of the leading voices in science and medicine to break down the studies and weigh in on the controversies so the rest of us have an opportunity to understand the science that drives public health policy and medical progress. Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs Untested Novel Therapies - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - 2nd October 2021
Peter McCullough MD, PPH speaks at the 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021 Dr Peter McCullough lecture on the State of COVID treatment - August 26 2021
Artemisia annua hot-water extracts show potent activity in vitro against Covid-19 variants including delta - 8th September 2021 Results In addition to being effective against the original wild type WA1, A. annua cultivars A3, BUR, MED and SAM were also potent against all five variants. IC50 and IC90 values based on measured artemisinin content ranged from 0.3-8.4 μM and 1.4-25.0 μM, respectively. The IC50 and IC90 values based on dried leaf weight (DW) used to make the tea infusions ranged from 11.0-67.7 μg DW and 59.5-160.6 μg DW, respectively. Cell toxicity was insignificant at a leaf dry weight of ≤50 μg in the extract of any cultivar. EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) Green Tea Extract: Benefits, Dosage, and Safety - Healthline 26th April 2019
Sourcing Organic Green Tea Extract is recommended to minimise toxic concentrations of pesticides in the tea. Vitamin D and lumisterol novel metabolites can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication machinery enzymes - Endocrinology and Metabolism 27th July 2021
"Vitamin D deficiency significantly correlates with the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection" COVID Vaccine Protocol: What to Do I You're Forced to Get a COVID Vaccine - October 4th 2021
"Dr Russel Blaylock's exclusive protocol to help prevent COVID vaccine side -effects and combat the effects of these experimental vaccines on your body" Childrens Health Defense - Featuring Dr Zev Zelenko and Vera Sharav
August 21 2021 The History of his discoveries and his interventions which have helped to save many lives in the initial outbreak and throughout the pandemic of COVID-19. COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study - International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents - December 2020
Zinc and Quercetin or Organic EGCG (green tea extract) can be effective too if hydroxycholoroquine is not available. Hospital Administrator says - Doctors Banned from using HCQ and Ivermectin by health boards - 18th September 2021
Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals - 30th November 2020
"System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device. Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score. The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject." Interactions between the Gut Microbiome, Lung Conditions, and Coronary Heart Disease and How Probiotics Affect These - PubMed - 8th September 2021
Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) - Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine - 2020
If you have been injured by a COVID vaccines - medical help and legal help is available here. Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19: A case-control study at a tertiary care hospital in India - Pubmed - August 2021
Conclusion: "Vitamin D status appears to be strongly associated with COVID-19 clinical severity" America's Frontline Doctors
SAVING LIVES and COVID treatments The Defender - Childrens Health Defense - News and Views
Doctors and Scientists on CHD TV Discussion between Dr Brian Hooker Ph.D and Dr Peter McCullough Life Site News - The Truth For Health Foundation
LifeSite hosted a townhall conference with The Truth For Health Foundation, “Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story.” This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more. |
Computional systematics of nutritional support of vaccination against viral and bacterial pathogens as prolegomena to vaccinations against COVID-19 - medRxiv - 10th September 2021
"Supplementation of micronutrients represents clinically efficient, safe and cost-effective intervention that allows us (1) to eliminate population-wide micronutrient deficiences and subclinical insufficiences. (2) to slow down the development of chronic non-communicable diseases ("diseases of civilization"), (3) to control respiratory viral infections, (4) to increase the effectiveness of various therapeutic procedures. In particular, it is advisable to use supplements/premixes of vitamins and microelements to increase the efficiency and safety of vaccination" US FDA bans dietary supplement NAC
June 2020 Dietary Supplement NAC - Research papers and new research on NAC suggests it can help to reduce adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients. After sending warning letters to several manufacturers, the FDA invoked the Drug Exclusion Provision in U.S. code Title 21 to ban the sale of n-acetylcysteine (NAC) According to one attorney, this is legally questionable and, according to counsel for the counsel for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), for several reasons it is "legally invalid". The FDA used this same tactic on supplements infringing on the financial gain of pharmaceutical companies and may have done the same with NAC since the supplement may effectively reduce the incidence of severe COVID-19. NAC has multiple health benefits as it reduces oxidative stress in the body, which plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and liver disease |
Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614, mutants D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro - March 2021 The sufficient vitamin D and albumin level have a protective effect on COVID-19 infection - Springer - 30th July 2021
"In the present study, a considerable negative correlation was established between the levels of vitamin D and the severity COVID-19 infection. This reflects on the immunomodulatory and inhibitory nature of vitamin D to the viral replication" AAPS
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons COVID treatment Step By Step Doctors plan that could save your life. |
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