The problem with many people is they tie their ego into certain beliefs and certain things. If you’re whole concept of self (ego) is tied into and depends on believing certain things. You are way too vulnerable. You cannot adapt. What if it’s wrong? What if someone told you a lie?
What if they are mistaken? What if the majority of people believe this lie or mistaken belief? Believing this lie or mistaken belief can make you feel too comfortable – too complacent. I believe what everyone else believes. I feel comfortable. I don’t have to do anything – end of story.
What happens if eventually it’s proved wrong? Your whole ego is devastated – ruined – that’s awful – we can’t cope – we fall apart.
We are not what we believe. We are far greater than that. We are still intact and not destroyed by being proved wrong.
The comfortable majority hates dissenters and different opinions - they like everyone to think the way they do. It's comfortable. No more dissention. No more discussion. No more problem. But the majority may be wrong and history shows they have been wrong many times! The minority voice is vital for a balanced argument to find the truth. Only the truth can bring evolution of thought and bring us forward into the future.
(Why Is It So Hard To Change Someone's Mind? (The Neuroscience Behind Confirmation & Anchoring Bias - Rumble - 8th October 2024)
We must always question ourselves and our beliefs - are we really right? Do we - and only we know the truth? Do we? Do we really? What proof have we got apart from what others tell us?
These others may be wrong! What if hundreds of people told you a lie or a mistaken belief – would that make it the truth?
People are very similar. They get some information and they believe it? Why not? - Because life is not that simple.
You have to use your God given creative and intuitive thinking.
Think!! - Does it make sense? Does it feel intuitively right? Do you think maybe there’s something wrong with what you are being told?
Do you feel intuitively that it doesn’t make sense? These are warning signs – don’t ignore them. We are programmed to evolve and survive and find the truth.That’s evolution - That is what evolution is all about.
That is what has brought us so far and will bring us so much further. As Humans, we evolve – knowledge evolves, otherwise it stagnates.
We improve – we learn - we evolve – we change – we grow and we seek the truth. Life is a quest for truth - wisdom and evolution. If you won't look at or search for truth then you won't find wisdom and you won't evolve. If you are not evolving - you are devolving.
Always the truth - Nothing else is sufficient. Nothing else will bring us forward. Lies and deception will only hold us back. Keep us from moving forward. Keep us in the dark – keep us from evolution. As humans we hate being in the dark. We need to know the truth.
Like homing pigeons – we need to find home – the truth. We need to know – we need to progress.
To hell with your “oh so fragile individual egos” they are nothing compared to the Evolution of the species and finding the peace and satisfaction of the truth. If you cannot evolve and move with the times and seek the truth – you are a Dinosaur and you are extinct! - Let our species move on without you. You can only hold us back for so long and then truth will out. That’s Evolution -You can’t stop it. It will move on with or without you.
(The Story Behind Vaccines with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky - Your Health. Your Story. - 7th July 2024)
New Research in Jama Pediatrics finds that the incidence of AUTISM in the US in 2019 to 2020 - is 1 in 30.
Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children and Adolescents in the United States from 2019 to 2020 - Jama Pediatrics - 5th July 2022 The aim of the study was to estimate the ASD prevalence among children and adolescents in the US in 2019 and 2020. Prevalence of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in COVID-19 patients with Bacterial co-infections - Frontiers - 17th February 2025
"Our findings suggest that COVID-19 may contribute to the spread of hypervirulent K. pneumoniae strains, potentially informing the ongoing WHO epidemic alert." Bioaccumulation of microplastics in decedent human brains - Nature - 3rd February 2025
"However, total mass concentration of plastics in the brains analyzed in this study increased by approximately 50% in the past 8 years. Thus, we postulate that the exponentially increasing environmental concentrations of MNPs may analogously increase internal maximal concentrations." The Story Behind Vaccines with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky - Your Health. Your Story. - 7th July 2024
Not many topics are as polarizing as vaccines. But with more children and more adults in a chronic state of disease, does the idea that health must come through a needle the right one? This podcast is dedicated to asking questions and reviewing the data, science, and experience surrounding vaccines. To help answer these questions, we’re turning to a medical doctor who has been studying vaccinations for over 30 years and speaking on them at events worldwide. Inflammation-Triggered Enlargement of Choroid Plexus in Subacute COVID-19 Patients with Neuirological Symptoms - Wiley - 12th June 2024
"In summary, we evidenced an increase in choroidplexus volume in subacute patients with neurological symptoms after COVID-19. This was significantly associated with leukocyte peak counts and microstructural markers of impaired BBB function. Patients with an infection-triggered encephalopathy independent of SARS-CoV-2 and similar treatment in ICU settings showed neither enlarged choroid plexus volumes nor a correlation between leukocytes and plexus volume. Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that can show an increase in choroid plexus volume in the context of a systemic parainfectious event." Infected Blood Inquiry finds multiple failures - The Haemophilia Society - 20th May 2024
The Infected Blood Inquiry’s final report vindicates the long-held beliefs of survivors of the contaminated blood scandal that the government hid the truth to protect itself and to save money. Today’s report is the result of six years of investigations and comes more than 40 years after this scandal began. The Shocking Truth About mRNA Vaccines in Our Food (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 3rd May 2024
Unbeknownst to most people, there’s a push to scale up the use of both mRNA technology and gene therapy on the livestock that winds up on our supermarket store shelves. This means that whether it’s beef, pork, lamb, chicken, or turkey, the meat that you’re purchasing from the store could very soon contain the remnants of mRNA based vaccines that the animals were treated with. And right now, only five states are pushing transparency bills. Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death - Brownstone Institute - 16th April 2024
Overtreatment with drugs kills many people, and the death rate is increasing. It is therefore strange that we have allowed this long-lasting drug pandemic to continue, and even more so because most of the drug deaths are easily preventable. Antigen-display exosomes provide adjuvant-free protection against SARS-CoV-2 disease at nanogram levels of spike protein - BioRxiv - 4th January 2024
"Using SARS-CoV-2 spike as an example and EMAD13 as our most effective exosome membrane anchor, we show that cells expressing a spike-EMAD13 fusion protein produced exosomes that carry dense arrays of spike trimers on 50% of all exosomes. Moreover, we find that immunization with spike-EMAD13 exosomes induced strong neutralizing antibody responses and protected hamsters against SARS-CoV-2 disease at doses of just 0.5-5 ng of spike protein, without adjuvant, demonstrating that antigen-display exosomes are particularly immunogenic, with important implications for both structural and expression-dependent vaccines." SARS-CoV-2 Infection is Associated with an Increase in New Diagnoses of Schizophrenia Spectrum and Psychotic Disorder: A Study Using the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) - MedRXiV - 5th December 2023
"COVID-19 positive patients consistently exhibited a heightened hazard ratio (HR) across all intervals [0-21 days (HR: 4.6; CI: 3.7-5.7), 22-90 days (HR: 2.9; CI: 2.3 -3.8), beyond 90 days (HR: 1.7; CI: 1.5-1.)]. These are notably higher than both ARDS and COVID-19 lab-negative patients." "These results, aligned with the known neurotropism of SARS-CoV-2 and earlier studies, accentuate the need for vigilant psychiatric assessment and support in the era of Long-COVID, especially among younger populations." 'Shocking' Fast Food Testing Results With Zen Honeycutt - Rumble - Childrens Health Defense - 20th October 2023
Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America presents her team’s ‘shocking’ findings in testing school lunches and America’s top twenty fast food brands. The results are disturbing. Tune in! COVID Vaccine Linked to Disturbing Long-term Syndrome - Facts Matter - EpochTV - 2nd January 2024
According to the CDC, Long Covid arises in people following a Covid-19 infection. And they claim that getting vaccinated is a good method of preventing Long Covid.However, according to a new study just published on the NIH website: being vaccinated with 2 shots of the Covid vaccine, actually dramatically increases a person’s chance of getting Long Covid. Effects of tea, catechins and catechin derivatives on Omicron subvariants of SARS-CoV-2 - Nature Scientific Reports - 3rd October 2023
"Here we show that Omicron subvariants were effectively inactivated by green tea, Matcha, and black tea. EGCG and TFDG strongly suppressed infectivity of BA.1 and XE subvariants, while effect on BA.2.75 was weaker." Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swachh Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023As every student of public health learns, by far the largest percentage of the precipitous declines in death rates from infectious diseases that occurred in the twentieth century, was accrued long before there were any effective medical interventions.Tuberculosis, whooping cough, scarlet fever, typhoid, diphtheria and measles had all but disappeared as causes of death in Westernised countries, long before antibiotics, toxoids and vaccines were developed to treat or prevent them.
Rethinking the Ethics of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdowns - Wiley - 7th August 2023
We argue that the reasoning offered in favor of extended lockdowns—those lasting several months or longer—did not adequately account for a host of countervailing considerations, including the impact on mental illness, education, employment, and marginalized communities as well as health, educational, and economic inequities. Furthermore, justifications offered for extended lockdowns set aside a basic tenet of public health ethics: restrictions on liberty and autonomy should be the least intrusive means of achieving the desired end. They want your GENOME. Europe goes first, in its 1 + Million Genomes project, launched in 2018. This is why the WHO demands each country build a genomics sequencing lab - Meryl Nass - Substack - 11th August 2023They want a Brave New World and they want it NOW. Test-tube babies, anyone?
Unsafe for Kids at Any Dose? New Review of Science Supports Link Between Tylenol and Autism - The Defender - 28th July 2023
A new literature review by William Parker, Ph.D., reveals troubling associations between acetaminophen at typical pediatric doses and serious, likely permanent impairments in cognition and socialization in susceptible children. What You Need To Know About the AREXVY RSV Vaccine + Deceitful Language - Episode 173 - CHDTV - 3rd July 2023
Dr. Jessica Rose’s analysis of the AREXVY RSV vaccine is shocking. She shares the details of her findings — adverse events, ingredients, experimentation, efficacy — in this episode of ‘Good Morning CHD.’ Viewers also hear an important conversation about placebos. Then, Joshua Coleman gives a legislative update. Tune in! Big Pharma's Pro-Vaccine Champion: Dr. Peter Hotez - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 19th June 2023
Twitter Exploding: Joe Rogan Challenges Peter Hotez To Debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Neither Shrunken Nor Useless: Thymus Remains Essential to Long-Term Health - Epoch Health - 24th May 2023In this series, we explore the true power of the body’s immunity and the organs that work tirelessly to achieve it. Previously: The spleen protects the body in remarkable ways, so it’s essential to learn how to keep it healthy.
Risk of assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination - npj - 2nd May 2023
The cumulative incidence of retinal vascular occlusion was significantly higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated cohort, 2 years and 12 weeks after vaccination. The risk of retinal vascular occlusion significantly increased during the first 2 weeks after vaccination and persisted for 12 weeks. Additionally, individuals with first and second dose of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 had significantly increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion 2 years following vaccination, while no disparity was detected between brand and dose of vaccines. This large multicenter study strengthens the findings of previous cases. Retinal vascular occlusion may not be a coincidental finding after COVID-19 vaccination. Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Transgender Epidemic Driven by Tidal Wave of Autism Spectrum Disorder "The results are striking. Compared to normal reference groups, transgender individuals had up to a 12-fold increased risk of autism." New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data - Igor Chudov - Substack - 19th April 2023Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?
That one is turning out to be true! 'Simply Obscene': FDA Approves Fourth COVID Shot for Infants and Kids Under 5 - The Defender - 15th March 2023
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision Tuesday to allow infants and children 6 months through age 4 to get Pfizer’s bivalent booster shot drew harsh criticism from pediatricians and others who said children don’t need any COVID-19 vaccines, let alone four doses. Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components in its Vaccines (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 19th February 2023
Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains mRNA fragments called “truncated mRNA.” This is a serious issue on top of the vaccine’s life-threatening safety events. Stunningly, Pfizer submitted falsified mRNA analytical reports to multiple health authorities. Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune Systems
Against Us - Epoch Health - 13th February 2023 The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible, and which individuals are more at risk? COVID-19: A Wakeup Call for Our Dying Microbiome - Epoch Health - 11th February 2023
Our microbiome is dying.This essential collection bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in our body and on our skin is disappearing. Herbicides like glyphosate are partly to blame, but special attention must be paid to certain medical interventions, research suggests. Jacinda Ardern's COVID Dictatorship caused a 3203% increase in Excess Deaths following her Mandatory COVID Vaccination Laws - The Expose - 2nd February 2023The island suffered 2,169 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 5,286 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. These are terrifying figures for a small island with an estimated population of just 5 million.
Especially when compared to 2020, when no excess deaths were suffered and 160 fewer deaths were actually recorded than expected at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections. Stroke After Pfizer Booster May Be Connected to Flu Vaccine: Officials - Epoch Health - 26th January 2023Instances of stroke following receipt of Pfizer's new booster in the elderly may be connected to the influenza vaccine, officials said on Jan. 26.
One-hundred thirty cases of ischemic stroke, which can be deadly, were recorded among people aged 65 or older within 21 days of a bivalent Pfizer booster, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee heard on Thursday. Maria Gutschi - Review of Quality Issues with mRNA Injections - Bitchute - 20th December 2022
Maria is a pharmacist and a regulatory specialist from Canada. She has thoroughly reviewed Pfizer's manufacturing documents and identified glaring and unsolvable problems. The product should be considered adulterated. Note that the quality tests described in Pfizer's documents only apply to batches (bulk product) and do not specify any product conformity tests at the dose level (as administered). This is a glaring violation of existing regulations for pharmaceutical products. EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra: How the COVID-19 Vaccines Impact the Heart - The Epoch Times - 17th December 2022
“Roughly 15 percent of people who have taken the vaccines are damaged by them,” says McCullough, one of the most published cardiologists in America and the Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company.McCullough says the risk of adverse effects from the mRNA vaccines is particularly high for those who were previously infected with COVID-19. “There are patients who are triple vaccinated, and then they get COVID. So they have a fourth exposure now of the spike protein. There is a cumulative risk here,” he says. Lessons (Not) Learned From a Vaccination Campaign Catastrophe - Epoch Health - 29th November 2022
Since when have vaccines become the go-to method we deal with infectious diseases? Has it become the prime, profit-generating method exploiting healthy people? DIED SUDDENLY: Official figures show at least Three-Quarters of a Million People have "DID Suddenly" acropss just 20% of all Countries throughout 2022 & Official Government Reports prove COVID Vaccination is to blame - The Expose - 23rd November 2022
If you type ‘Died Suddenly’ into Google then you’ll find several news articles posted daily of young adults and children who have unfortunately suffered that very fate. It’s a trend which has unfortunately been increasing over the past two years, and it is showing no sings of slowing down. In fact, official Government figures published by just 38 countries, including the USA, the UK, Australia, and most of Europe. show that there are at least three-quarters of a million people who have died suddenly in 2022 alone. How an Entirely New Health Care System Can, and Is, Being Built - The Epoch Times - Joseph Mercola - 6th November 2022
Hospitals are jacking up prices, but an entirely new health care system is being built incorporating the best of allopathic and natural medicine. The best part: You can take your bills and reduce them by up to 12x by paying for what the services actually cost. Big Tech, Media, Governments, Medical Boards Colluded to Suppress COVID Dissent: Study Confirms - The Epoch Times - 7th November 2022Governments, medical authorities, media outlets, Big Pharma and Big Tech colluded to censor medical professionals—with differing views on COVID-19 science—by deploying a range of tactics, including suppression of academic journals and online censorship, a new study confirms.
Censorship and Defamation: Weapons of Control - Robert Malone - Brownstone Institute - 4th November 2022
In a stunning article published in the academic journal “Minerva,” the mainstream academic publisher Springer has allowed truth to be spoken. Minerva may not be known to many of you, but by no means is it “obscure.” It has a decent 5-year impact factor of 2.7. (That is decent for the social sciences, anyway.). And it’s a Q1 journal in its subfield. And by the way, the first author on the paper is Yaffa Shir-Raz, who broke the story with video from the internal meeting at the Israeli ministry of health and how they hid many of the key findings regarding the Pfizer mRNA vaccine adverse effects. Exclusive: Leaked Hospital Memo Reveals 500 Percent Rise in Stillbirths; Fetal Specialist Explains Likely Cause - Facts Matter - Epoch TV - 2nd November 2022
Last week, a hospital memo was leaked to us by a nurse in Fresno, California.The note revealed how this hospital is experiencing a dramatic rise in the number of stillbirth cases. Whereas before, the hospital would see an “average of one to two every three months”—they were now seeing upwards of 22 stillbirths per month. This leaked anecdote seems to align with other anecdotal evidence across the country, showing a potential rise in problems with fertility, miscarriages, and fetal development. And so, in order to get a clearer picture of what is happening, and why, we spoke with Dr. James Thorp, a Florida-based OB-GYN who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine. IS UK's Depopulation Caused by Covid Vaccines? - Igor Chudov - Substack - 15th October 2022
Excess mortality in the UK, across deprivation quintiles, is almost entirely explained by Covid vaccination rates by quintile. Covid vaccination rate explains 94% of the differences and the relationship has great statistical significance P=0.0052! The 2022 decline in births in the UK, across deprivation quintiles, is similarly explained by Covid vaccination rates by quintile. The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children - Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio - Health Impact News - 14th Augsut 2022
More and more people in the general public are waking up to the fact that the entire rationale used to vaccinate people is based on dogma, and not science, as many are now questioning those who control the vaccine agenda worldwide for perhaps the first time, with the result of many people choosing to not participate in this religious-like cult anymore. There's No Need to Fear Future COVID Strains or Boost Endlessly When You Understand How Immunity Works - The Epoch Times - 25th August 2022"
A vaccine mainly aims to make neutralizing antibodies, but these play only a tiny part in our sophisticated natural immune system. This means the vaccines’ declining efficacy is not bad news. In fact, our natural immune systems can defend against SARS-CoV-2 and emerging viruses all by themselves, regardless of new mutations. This article will detail how." Ocular Surface Erosion after Suspected Exposure to Evaporated COVID-19 Vaccine - PubMed - 2nd December 2021
The purpose is to report ocular surface erosion of health personnel who were exposed to evaporated CoronaVac during a vaccination campaign. Vaccinsanity! Or, The Neddle And The Damage Done - Principia Scientific - 14th October 2022Everybody run! It’s…it’s…MEASLES! Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! The horror! An epidemic! Forcibly vaccinate these fools who are a danger to us all—walking timebombs of disease! This is biological terrorism!
Yeah, except–not so much, when you really look at it. As usual, the conventional wisdom that is so condescendingly purveyed by those who trust “the experts” is deeply flawed at best, and outright wrong at worst. "Call to arms" - The Spike Wars - Peter Halligan - Substack - 27th September 2022
First, let’s survey the casualties littering the global battlefield. Claim: Big Pharma has killed around 20 million people and wounded over 2.2 billion. See here for how this claim is derived. Sweden Now Recommends Against Vaccination of Young People for Covid-19, Joins More Nations Ending the Practice - - 2nd October 2022
Another European nation has decided to put an end to mRNA shots for Covid-19 for healthy young persons under the age of 18. The guidance was changed by the Swedish health authority in a notice at the end of September. Original Antigenic Sin - The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots - The Epoch Times - 27th September 2022
The COVID jab and the flu vaccine are the No. 1 and No. 2 most dangerous injections respectively, based on adverse event reports and payouts from the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Both are also capable of shedding, and both can make you more prone to infection as their protection wears off Spike Protein From Infection and Vaccines Contributing to Autoimmune Diseases, Studies Suggest - The Epoch Times - 19th September 2022
"In the case of COVID-19 and its vaccines, many studies since the start of the pandemic have shown that the spike protein shares similarities with human proteins both in its structure and in its basic chemical sequence. This means the spike protein can increase the risk of developing autoimmunity and implies that the mRNA and DNA vaccines, which cause the body to make large amounts of spike protein, would do the same. International Medical Crisis Declared Due to Unprecedented Illnesses and Deaths From Covid Vaccines - The Expose - 11th September 2022
At a press conference yesterday, over 400 doctors and scientists from more than 34 countries declared an international medical crisis due to diseases and deaths associated with Covid injections. The Declaration originated among concerned medics and professionals in India from a group called the Universal Health Organisation (“UHO”). Dr. Perro to Fellow Pediatricians: 'Rise Up, Take a Stance' Against COVID Vaccines for Kids - The Epoch Times - 30th May 2022Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatric emergency doctor, has some COVID-19 vaccine advice for parents: “Don’t do it.” She also has some strong words for fellow physicians: Have the courage to speak out on behalf of the vulnerable. In an interview with The Defender, Perro said in her experience treating children with COVID, the disease has been mild.
Plaintiffs Await 'Their Day in Court' as Judicial Panel Consolidates Dozens of Lawsuits Against Merck's HPV Gardasil Vaccine - The Defender - 8th August 2022
A judicial panel Thursday consolidated more than 31 lawsuits against Merck for injuries allegedly caused by its Gardasil HPV vaccine, rejecting Merck’s argument that doing so would increase vaccine hesitancy, spread misinformation about vaccines and cause a flood of ‘meritless’ injury claims. The COVID-19 mRNA "Vaccines" cause Cancer; Here's the evidence - The Expose 2nd August 2022
A monumental coverup is taking place to suppress the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination on women’s health. But unfortunately, the worst is still to come. We now have scientific proof that the Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause cancer of the ovaries, pancreas and breast. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children and Adolescents in the United States from 2019 to 2020 - Jama Pediatrics - 5th July 2022
The aim of the study was to estimate the ASD prevalence among children and adolescents in the US in 2019 and 2020. TYLENOL: The Pain Reliever Class Action Lawsuits Need to Target Most - Jennifer Margulis - 23rd July 2022
New scientific study links acetaminophen exposure with autism “without any reasonable doubt.” German Hospital Federation Demands Withdrawal of Vaccination Mandate After Massive Side Effects Revealed - Rair Foundation - 28th July 2022
Even after the Ministry of Health admitted on Wednesday that 1 in every 5,000 injections given causes “serious side effects,” they continue to mandate Covid “vaccinations.” Less than a week after the German Ministry of Health admitted that 1 in 5,000 Covid shots lead to serious side effects, the German hospital federation calls for the vaccination obligation for healthcare personnel to be revoked. “It is not wise to continue with it.” Acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children - the BMJ - 5th June 2022
"Development of a new more pathogenic adenovirus could be caused by using adenovirus vector vaccines in large populations, and it is consistent with the facts available. To investigate this important safety issue of viral vector vaccines, sequencing of entire adenovirus genomes from cases and comparisons with the vaccine viral vector is necessary to verify or dismiss this hypothesis." Unexplained liver test elevations after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination - Journal of Hepatology - 10th March 2022
"Among 470,274 individuals in the vaccine-exposed cohort, 177 individuals (0.038%) met liver injury criteria after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Sixty percent were female, 90% White and average age at first vaccine was 70 years. The frequency of liver injury after vaccine was no different between mRNA and viral-vector vaccines (0.038% vs. 0.024%, p = 0.26). Liver injury was observed after the first dose in 14% and second dose in 86%." Covid-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part 1 - The GMS - 2022
Two years into the pandemic, with the number of deaths over five million globally and vaccine-resistant variants continuing to multiply, scientists are in the midst of the most dangerous and ill-conceived experiment in the history of medicine. Pinning their hopes on the success of new mRNA-based vaccines that stretch all conventional notions of a vaccine, and which were hastily released without adequate efficacy and safety trials, they seek to take the wind out of the sails of a full-blown pandemic without fully understanding either the means by which individuals develop resistance to the coronavirus or by which herd immunity is attained. Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 1) - R W Malone - Substack - 23rd June 2022
I must be confused. Please remind me, why is there unanimous agreement by the empaneled expert vaccine thought leaders who provide independent oversight of the FDA and CDC review process for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, that very young children who are at their peak period for thymic development and maturation, should be administered genetic vaccines encoding a viral antigen derived from a largely extinct viral strain? Particularly when the data concerning the role of immune imprinting on development of varal escape and negative vaccine effectiveness against the Omicron variants are becoming so compelling? Episode 273: Sacrificing Science - The Highwire - 23rd June 2022
Is The Vanden Bossche Warning Coming True?: U.S. Rep Slams FDA’s ‘Dystopian Experiment’; Jefferey Jaxen’s Highlights from VRBPAC; Censored Pathologist Exposes Rigged System Guests: Dr. Clare Craig, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert Episode 272: Breaking Formation - The Highwire 16th June 2022J
Justin Bieber’s ‘Mystery’ Illness; CDC Lifts Testing Requirement; Fauci’s Got Covid; HW Exclusive: Dr. McCullough Under Attack; Breaking Mass Formation Guests: Dr. Peter McCullough, Senator Ron Johnson, Professor Mattias Desmet Antibody response to SARS-CoV2 among COVID-19 confirmed cases, and correlates with neutralizing assay in a subgroup of patients in Delhi National Capital Region, India
MedRxiv - 17th May 2022 Conclusion: "Almost all the participants had Anti-SARS-CoV2 antibodies (IgG and IgM) and Anti-RBD IgG antibodies. However only 69% had neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV2. Proportion of participants with higher titres of neutralizing antibodies was even lower, almost 50%. The present study highlights that presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV2, or presence of anti-RBD antibody doesn’t necessarily imply presence of neutralizing antibodies." Florida "Vaccine Hesitancy" REDUCED Infant Mortality in 2021
Igor Chudov - Substack - 15th March 2022 "In 2021, vaccination of infants massively decreased in Florida due to “vaccine hesitancy”. Along with decrease in childhood vaccinations, all cause infant mortality ALSO MASSIVELY DECREASED, in a perfect lockstep! The changes are very significant and can be considered an unintended experiment. Large German Insurance Company Estimates 2.5 - 3 Million People in Germany 'Under Treatment for Side Effects of Vaccination after Covid Shot' - the Highwire - 23rd February 2022
"An analysis of millions of insured persons’ data from the BKK company health insurance company comes to significantly higher figures for side effects than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data is an “alarm signal,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.” reports German news outlet" Stabilising the Code - UKCOLUMN - 12th September 2021
"In life and in science, changes have consequences. With hindsight, the bad ones are easy to see, some may argue. But when we examine the natural consequences of changes in the arena of Covid vaccine science, one might be forgiven for asking: surely someone must have cautioned against doing that? Of course it behoves us to state here, before we examine those consequences: that’s why new drug/vaccine products are supposed to be thoroughly tested before they are given to large populations." Senator Ron Johnson's Letter to Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks at the FDA
"On July 20, 2021, European researchers released a preprint study that examined the connection between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S-protein) and potential damage to heart and other organ tissue. This study indicates the S-protein, which is also produced by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Corminaty vaccine, may be attaching to and damaging heart and other organ tissue. Given the technology used in the mRNA vaccines, I am concerned that the same S-protein-related damages to human tissue caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus could also manifest itself in recipients of the mRNA vaccines." Episode 242: The Vanden Bossche Interview - The - 18th November 2021FDA to Disclose Pfizer Data…in 56 years?!; Biden’s Mandate On Hold; CDC Whiffs On Natural Immunity; Vaccine Expert’s Dire Mass Covid Vaccination Warning
Guests: Aaron Siri, Esq., Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM Brownstone Institute - 20th October 2021
Dear Pfizer: Leave the Children Alone "Pfizer plans to go to the FDA to get authorization for vaccination of 5 to 12 year old children based on a study they claim to have completed. The Biden administration is on board. This is absolutely reckless, dangerous based on lack of safety data and poor research methodology, and without any scientific basis." Please help reverse the decline in reporting of Adverse Reactions - UK GOV begs.
Reports to the UK Yellow card Adverse Reactions system have been declining in recent years. |
Vaccines cause autism - Steve Kirsch - Substack - 22nd May 2023
According to one of the world’s most respected authorities on autism, all, or nearly all, of the world’s top 100 scientists in the autism field know that vaccines are the primary driver behind the autism crisis in America. They just aren’t allowed to talk about it in public. If they did that, they would lose their funding, their job, and be the subject of intimidation techniques from their peers. So they keep quiet and nobody knows what they really think. Activating the Enemy Within: COVID Jabs Might Reactivate Virus and Diseases in Your Body - Epoch Health - 12th November 2022
New evidence in the scientific community indicates that there is a strong correlation between COVID-19, its related vaccines, and the reactivation of other viruses which have previously infected the host. This article will dive deeper into the nuances. 10 Worst Hazards of the COVID Vaccines - Epoch Times - 1st March 2023
Two years ago today, I wrote the first comprehensive warnings that I had seen of seven of the following hazards (#4 through #10) of these vaccines. [1] Then I covered all of the 10 below in my book. In order of importance, I believe these are the 10 worst hazard signals regarding the COVID vaccines. The Devil's Advocate: An Exploratory Analysis of 2022 Excess Mortality - Martin Neil/Norman Fenton - Substack - 14th December 2022
What is causing excess deaths: Covid, long-covid, lockdowns, healthcare or the vaccines? Dr. Aseem Malhotra: From Vaccine Pusher to Vaccine Debunker - How I Changed My Mind About the COVID-19 Jab - The Epoch Times - 10th December 2022
“Once I had spent time critically analyzing the data on the COVID-19 vaccines, it became very clear to me that the efficacy of this particular novel technology … was very, very poor, certainly in comparison to traditional vaccines. And the harms were unprecedented,” says Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a highly-published cardiologist and one of the most well-known doctors in Britain. Inability to work following COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare workers - an important aspect for future booster vaccinations - MedRxiv - 21st November 2022
"Findings Among 1,704 HCWs enrolled, in total 595 (34·9%) HCWs were on sick leave following at least one COVID 19 vaccination, leading to a total number of 1,550 sick days. Both the absolute sick days and the rate of HCWs on sick leave significantly increased with each subsequent vaccination." Groundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech, Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative - The Defender - 3rd November 2022
A groundbreaking new scientific paper published Tuesday exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official COVID-19 narrative. Update: CoronaVax safety in the Netherlands - Rober W Malone Substack - 30th October 2022
"Immediately after the onset of the campaign, there was a rise in mortality (red line). This temporal relationship between vaccination and increase in mortality appeared similar to that found earlier during the spring vaccination campaign that was started in week 9 earlier this year (blue line). Although the data lack sufficient detail to firmly establish causality, these results call for immediate suspension of the vaccinations. Detailed investigation into the cause of increased mortality is paramount." The Pfizer Effect: Hundreds of Thousands of People are dying due to COVID Vaccination every week according to official Government data - The Expose - 2nd October 2022
Waiting times for ambulances are at an all-time high. The number of emergency calls due to people suffering cardiac arrest is at an all-time high. The number of people dying is at an all-time high, with hundreds of thousands of excess deaths occurring around the world every week. And official Government reports prove without a shadow of a doubt that this is all a consequence of Covid-19 vaccination. What the data tells us - Steve Kirsch - Substack - 16th October 2022
A 52-slide deck presented at the FLCCC conference in Florida on Oct 15, 2022 summarizing some of the most important statistics for the vaccines on safety and efficacy. It got a standing ovation. Vaccinated Mother's Dying Newborn with "White Lungs" - Igor Chudov - Substack - 1st October 2022
Baffled Doctor blames "Asymptomatic Covid" -- which was never diagnosed! Harvard Study Concludes Covid Jabs Are More Dangerous Than Covid Itself - Principia Scentific - 23rd September 2022Could it be that covid “vaccines” are the real death sentence, and not “covid” itself? New research out of Harvard University suggests exactly that. The paper, which was compiled by researchers from both Harvard and Johns Hopkins University (JHU), states that covid injections are up to 98 times worse than the alleged disease they supposedly fight.
As Autism Rates Soar, Parents and Scientists Seek Answers - The Defender - 22nd August 2022
The stark rise in autism rates in the U.S. is difficult to ignore, but what’s driving the increase remains a mystery. Data suggest that 1 in 30, or 3.49%, of children ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020. Covid 'Vaccines' Taking Average of Five Months To Kill People - Principia Scientific - 3rd September 2022
The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows deaths are taking five months from the jab to happen. This is why it’s hard to see. We’ve always assumed the vaccine kills you quickly (in the first two weeks) because that’s when people notice the association and report it to VAERS. This is still true; it does kill some people quickly. New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality - Brownstone Institute - 13th August 2022
n the first year of the pandemic, a team from Otago University in New Zealand (my former university) published an interesting study that provided some explanation for the strong public support for lockdown measures. This support came despite known or predicted collateral harms, including loss of livelihoods, elevated mortality from neglect of other diseases and ailments, “deaths of despair” from greater loneliness, and police abuses. Vaccines Are Bringing Back a Nearly Eradicated Deadly Virus - The Epoch Times - 8th August 2022
Many people thought that the poliovirus was extinct across the majority of the world, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared many continents polio-free. So this may come as a surprise, but in fact, polio cases have been on the rise globally since 2016, and this resurgent outbreak is related to the use of vaccines. Pfizer Documents & Official Real-World Data prove the COVID Vaccines are already causing Mass Depopulation - The Expose - 7th August 2022
Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. This is an extremely bold claim to make. But unfortunately, this bold claim is backed up by a mountain of evidence contained in the confidential Pfizer documents and official Government data from around the world. The safety of pediatric use of paracetamol (acetaminophen): a narrative review of direct and indirect evidence - Minerva Medica Pediatrics - 13th July 2022
"Based on this evidence, it can be concluded without any reasonable doubt that oxidative stress puts some babies and children at risk of paracetamol-induced neurodevelopmental injury, and that postnatal exposure to paracetamol in those susceptible babies and children is responsible for many if not most cases of ASD." 'It's a Type of Genotoxicity' : Virologist Explains mRNA Vaccine Conversion to DNA - The Epoch Times - 18th May 2022
"When the COVID-19 vaccines were first developed and administered, some people were concerned about whether the mRNA vaccines might alter DNA, the human body’s core genetic material. At the time, many government agencies and experts made it clear that this concern was misplaced." Episode 267: The Real Global Covid Summit - The Highwire - May 2022Gates Admits Del Was Right!; FDA Limits J&J’s Shot Over Risk; Rand Roasts HHS Head Over ‘Disinfo’ Board; FDA Fails in New ICAN Legal UpdateGuests: Robert Malone, MD, Richard Urso, MD, Ryan Cole, MD
The Mysterious Rise in Severe Diseases in Children - Brownstone Institute - 2nd May 2022
"Since the pandemic young children are dealing with a mysterious increase in disease. Some may even have doubled in frequency, varying from infectious diseases, mental diseases (anxiety, depression, suicide increasing 25% worldwide) to hormonal diseases (early onset of puberty) to inflammation (Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), obesity and now hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)." What We Can Learn from Mouse Models of Autism - The Epoch Times - 28th March 2022
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops. While correlation does not necessarily mean causation, there are multiple mechanisms by which glyphosate’s disruption of human biology, and the biology of the gut microbiome, could cause many of the observed symptoms and biological metrics associated with autism. Why Covid Vaccines Can't Prevent Infection Like Natural Immunity
The Epoch Times - 14th March 2022 A simple explanation of your innate and adaptive immune systems and how that relates to COVID-19 and the vaccine Whilst you've been distracted by Russia's Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England - The Expose UK - 1st March 2022"The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England.
With the most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 of them." 1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid -19 Vaccine Safety - Informed Choice Australia - 20th January 2022
Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients. Parents Should know - COVID Jabs Can Cause "Irreparable" Damage to Kids' Brains, Heart & Other Organs - The Expose - 4th February 2022
Pfizer-BioNTech on Tuesday asked the Food and Drug Administration to expand the use of its Covid-19 vaccine to children ages 6 months to 5 years. The request will be considered by the FDA, which will review the data and could grant emergency use authorization for the age group by the end of February. Nose Cells May Be Key Entry Point for Coronavirus - the epoch - 12th January 2022
"Because the cells lining the nose may prove to be a key entry point for SARS-CoV-2, Lane says there may be ways to target those particular cells with topical antiviral drugs or other therapies directly to that area." 138 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquire Immunity to Covid-19: Cocumented, Linked, and Quoted - Brownstone Institute - 17th October 2021
"We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves." Episode 244: OMG, OMICRON - The - 2nd December 2021
Omicron Takes Center Stage; Latest Science Sheds New Light on Myocarditis Concerns; Doctor’s Fight Exposes Oregon Medical Board Mafia; Del’s ‘Football Analogy’ Revisited Guests; Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Thomas #Omicron #PHOI Dr Peter McCulloch on the rush to vaccinate the entire population
Dr Peter McCullough is Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine, Baylor Dallas Campus Increased COVID infections in vaccinated caused by Original Antigenic Sin? - Total Health - 13 September 2021
Total Health - Blunders of pandemic proportions - Total Health 22 August 2021
The - Del Bigtree
In Harm's Way ICAN Fauci Emails Hit Mainstream - TX & FL Rock Cruise Lines; Dr. Mike Yeadon Exposes Possible Covid Fraud - Utah Family Devastated By Covid Vaccine The - Del Bigtree - An Autism Miracle
For 17 years, Jamison was unable to communicate with the world around him. Now, a new program has unlocked his voice, and in doing so, challenged everything we thought we knew about Autism. The - Del Bigtree - Dirty Deeds
New Mask Study’s Dirty Secret; Rock Stars Rebel!; Rise in Chronic Illness; Covid Vaccine Injury Puts Ahmed’s Life on Hold; Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s Biggest Concerns about Covid Vaccines - Infertility from vaccines Nutrients 2020 - AG Carr
Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia Exhibit Depleted Vit C status and Elevated Oxidative Stress Pneumonia is a severe lower respiratory tract infection that is a common complication and a major cause of mortality of the vitamin C-deficiency disease scurvy. This suggests an important link between vitamin C status and lower respiratory tract infections. Due to the paucity of information on the vitamin C status of patients with pneumonia, we assessed the vitamin C status of 50 patients with community-acquired pneumonia and compared these with 50 healthy community controls. Overall, the depleted vitamin C status and elevated oxidative stress observed in the patients with pneumonia indicates an enhanced requirement for the vitamin during their illness. Therefore, these patients would likely benefit from additional vitamin C supplementation to restore their blood and tissue levels to optimal. This may decrease excessive oxidative stress and aid in their recovery. The - Del Bigtree
Episode 230 - The writing on the wall FDA Approves Pfizer Vaccine; The Booster Debate and Growing Concern over ADE; Dr Coles's concern about Covid Vaccines' Som proves mother's Covid death. Crit Care 2020-AG Carr
Micronutrient status of Covid-19 patients: a critical consideration As the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic continues to grip the world, ongoing research is highlighting the factors associated with higher risk of severe morbidity and mortality. These factors include older age, male, and comorbidities, including obesity [1]. Relatively little attention, however, is paid to the micronutrient status of COVID-19 patients. Micronutrients are vitamins and specific minerals that are critical to the proper structure and functioning of numerous proteins, enzymes, physiological processes, and signaling pathways within the body. Without these micronutrients, these essential processes cease to function properly, and this contributes to morbidity and, in cases of severe deficiency, mortality. 'We Don't Have America Anymore' - Dr. Naomi Wolf on CCP-Style Technocratic Authoritarianism in the US - The Epoch Times - 11th June 2022
“It’s not just the vaccine. It’s a little bit of cruelty, a little bit of inequality, a little bit of discrimination, a little bit of masking children so they can’t breathe, a little bit of accepting the sacrifices of people that we don’t sacrifice back for, a little bit of complete alienation of the classes from one another … just an injection, just another injection, just losing your job. … And now a CCP-style cruelty is something that we tolerate.” Rheumatologist Robert Jackson: 40% of my 3000 vaccinated patients report a significant vaccine injury - Steve Kirsch - 2nd May 2022
People who claim VAERS is unreliable are wrong. We see evidence all the time from the direct observation of doctors who are paying attention of absurdly high rates of adverse events. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack - Bitchute - 22nd December 2021
Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruses such as Herpes zoster (shingles), Epstein-Barr-Virus (infectious mononucleosis), Cytomegaloviruses, bacteria – particularly tuberculosis – and parasites. Deaths among Triple Vaccinated increased by 495% in January with the Vaccinated accounting for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths since December - The Expose - 11th February 2022"Official data from Public Health Scotland confirms the vaccinated population have accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths over the past two months. But a side by side comparison of those two months suggests the Covid-19 booster campaign has been a complete failure because the percentage of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths have all gone down in the unvaccinated population whilst increasing drastically in the triple vaccinated population."
'Lymphocytes Amok' Post-Covid Injection Is Very Alarming, Says Pathologist - The Expose UK - 14th December 2021
"In September two pathologists, Prof. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Walter Yang, released their findings of an investigation into ten deaths linked to Covid injections. “The lymphocytes are running amok in all organs,” Professor Yang said. During D4CE’s Symposium II, Prof. Burkhardt revealed the findings on 20 deaths post-injection which confirmed their previous findings. “This ‘lymphocytic amok’ is a very alarming finding,” Prof. Burchardt said. Breaking: Israeli physicians, scientists advise FDA of 'severe concerns' regarding reliability and legality of official Israeli COVID vaccine data - 22nd October 2021
An independent Israeli group of physicians, lawyers, scientists, and researchers called the Professional Ethics Front today advised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the upcoming FDA discussion on administering COVID-19 vaccines to children aged 5-11, expressing “severe concerns” regarding the reliability and legality of official Israeli COVID vaccine data. The - Del Bigtree
Episode 237: The Turning Point It’s Mandate Mayhem! Southwest Airlines in Disarray; Is Biden’s Vaccine Order Legal?; The Pushback Against Tyranny Goes Viral!; Tech CEO’s New Mandate-Free Job Site Guests: Tammy Clark, Kristen Meghan, Andrew Crapuchettes Dr Tess Lawrie Interview - Oracle Films - 15th August 2021
Dr. Tess Lawrie is a world-class researcher and consultant to the World Health Organisation. Her biggest clients happen to be those who are involved in the suppression of repurposed drugs. She has decided to speak out in protest against the current medical establishment at considerable personal risk. |
Cancers & Death On The Rise: Is The Covid Vax To Blame? - The Highwire - 8th June 2023
From Episode 323: Crisis of Trust 1 in 36 Kids Have autism, CDC Says - Critics Slam Agency's Failure to Investigate Causes - The Defender - 23rd March 2023
One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children — 4% of boys and 1% of girls — have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), based on an analysis of data from 2020, published today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Do mRNA Vaccines Have a Polyethylene Glycol Problem? - Epoch Times - 28th December 2022
Injections designed to protect against SARS-CoV-2 that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) cause some people to develop PEG-specific antibodies, according to a peer-reviewed article "Anti-PEG Antibodies Boosted in Humans by SARS-CoV-2 Lipid Nanoparticle mRNA Vaccine:" published in June 2022 on ACS Publications by a team of Australian scientists. The Media Psychology of Gaslighting and Social Change - Psychology Today - 2nd December 2022
Gaslighting has become culturally pervasive throughout social media. "Gaslighting" has been chosen by The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary as it's 2022 word of the year. Gaslighting includes psychological manipulation of a person or a group. Theories in media psychology help explain gaslighting. Virus Hits 7:1 Vaxxed Over Unvaxxed - Epoch Health - 2nd November 2022
Data analyst Ethical Skeptic concludes from CDC, Worldometers, Walgreens data: “A 7:1 appetite in the virus for the recently vaccinated” A phase 1/2/3 Placebo-controlled, Randomized, Oberver-Blind, Dose-Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccine candidates Agasint COVID-19 in Health Individuals. - Pfizer - September 2022
A New Book Exposes Hard Truths About Vaccines - The Epoch Times - 21st September 2022
"The result of the mismanagement of the pandemic, surging infection rates, and ongoing reports of vaccine safety issues have led more people than ever before to question current public health policies. At the same time, many want to believe that COVID vaccines are the only injections that are cause for concern. We are sure that the recommended childhood vaccine schedule, on the other hand, is safe." Vaccines & Injury By Christina Parks, PhD At the United For Healthcare Summit 2022 - Rumble - 5th August 2022
Understanding Vaccines on the Childhood Schedule and Mechanisms of Injury: Types of vaccines on the childhood schedule include live-viral vaccines, subunit vaccines, conjugate vaccines, and recombinant vaccines. Dr. Parks will discuss key ingredients, mechanism of action, pros and cons, and potential mechanisms of injury for each type of vaccine on the schedule. The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated - Vincentian - 24th June 2022
"The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment, and highlight the shortcoming of the Covid vaccines. The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced ‘The Science’ to unveil." A FOIA request came in for Nova Scotia - Jessica Rose - Substack - 25th June 2022
Please refer to the recently FOIAed document received from the Nova Scotia Office of the Deputy Minister Health and Wellness Department. There they go again with that fast and loose use of the word ‘Health’. It is dated June 1, 2022. Thank you to the person who made this request. Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid-19 Vaccination is going to lead to Depopulation - The Expose - 7th June 2022
Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation. This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order. Why Some People Won't Get Infected, Even After Covid Exposure - The Epoch Times - 18th March 2022
Recently an unprecedented study was conducted in the UK; a Covid-19 “Human Challenge Trial." In it, 36 unvaccinated young adults were recruited to be injected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 through the nose. While the ethics of this study are undoubtedly questionable, the results were even more surprising. None of these people got seriously sick, and, more importantly, only half of these people exposed to the virus were infected. The study raised an important question: Why didn’t everyone get sick? Even though the virus was injected directly into their noses, some weren’t infected. SHOCKING - 44K Dead and 4.2 Million injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination across Europe - The Expose 30th April 2022
The latest update to the European database of adverse drug reactions reveals there have been 4.2 million injuries reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections up to 23rd April 2022, including 43,898 deaths. Fact Check: 'The Covid-19 Vaccine Does Not Change Human DNA' (Video) - GreenMedInfo - 4th March 2022
Sayer Ji reports on a newly published study which confirms that there is a plausible mechanism of action whereby the Covid-19 mRNA technology found within the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ may change the DNA of human cells, despite previous attempts by a wide range of government, corporate, and media organizations to dismiss this concern as “conspiracy theory” or “harmful misinformation.” These 5 Studies Reveal a Disturbing Trend: Researchers Presenting Conclusions That Don't Match the Data - The Pulste - 8th February 2022
"A troubling new trend is arising in published science. Why aren’t the conclusions matching the data? Are the authors trying to tell us something important?" The - Episode 251: Fatal Flaws - January 2022
Five Times August performs In-Studio!; BOJO Ends UK Mandates; Against Omicron, Natural Immunity Wins; The Truth about 5G; New ICAN FOIA Deepens Fauci Fraud; Geraldo Eats Humble Pie Guests: Brad Skistimas, Dafna Tachover, Esq. The Omicron Variant has been hijacked to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work and implement a Social Credit System - The Expose - 14th December 2021
"Do you remember the scenes broadcast on the mainstream news channels, and plastered across the front pages at the start of 2020? Infamous images of Chinese medical officials in hazmat suits collecting bodies off the pavements of Wuhan, where we were told they had collapsed and died in the street because of a new strain of coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. The scenes have not been replicated anywhere else, confirming that it was all a lie and propaganda, used to whip up the hysteria and justify the introduction of medical tyranny across the world, in the name of preventing the spread of COVID-19. That is of course until now. Because now they are playing the same game, but this time with an alleged new variant… Omicron." TFNT1: COVID vaccines have killed over 200,000 Americans - stkirsch - 8th September 2021
The False Narrative Takedown Series 1 explains how to calculate the number of Americans killed by the COVID vaccines Natural Immunity and COVID-19: Twenty Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials and Politicians - Brownstone Institute - 10th October 2021
Covid-19 child vaccination: safety and ethical concerns
May 2021 Hart Group - An open letter from UK doctors to Dr June Raine, Chief Executive, MHRA We wish to notify you of our grave concerns regarding all proposals to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children. Recently leaked Government documents suggested that a COVID-19 vaccine rollout in children over 12 years old is already planned for September 2021, and the possibility of children as young as 5 years old being vaccinated in the summer in a worst-case scenario. Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and the Heightened Risk of Coronavirus and Other Pandemic Virus Infections: Fact or Fiction? 2020
A Mechanism for Virus Interference "When an individual is infected by an ‘evolved’ strain with a new dominant antigen, slightly different from the ‘original’ strain against which the person has been vaccinated, the immune system produces antibodies against the ‘original’ strain through preformed high- affinity memory B cells that inhibit activation of naïve B cells resulting in a weak immune response against the new ‘dominant’ strain. Hence, the risk of infection paradoxically increased in vaccinated individuals as compared to unvaccinated individuals". Vit D deficiency and Outcome of Covid-19 patients - Nutrients 2020
Infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) poses an enormous challenge to health care systems throughout the world. Without causal treatment, identification of modifiable prognostic factors may help to improve outcomes. To explore possible associations of vitamin D (VitD) status with disease severity and survival, we studied 185 patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and treated at our center. VitD status at first presentation was assessed retrospectively using accredited laboratory methods. VitD deficiency was defined as serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D level < 12 ng/mL (<30 nM). Primary endpoint was severe course of disease (i.e., need for invasive mechanical ventilation and/or death, IMV/D). Within a median observation period of 66 days (range 2–92), 23 patients required IMV. A total of 28 patients had IMV/D, including 16 deaths. Ninety-three (50%) patients required hospitalization (inpatient subgroup). A total of 41 (22%) patients were VitD deficient. When adjusted for age, gender, and comorbidities, VitD deficiency was associated with higher risk of IMV/D and death (HR 6.12, 95% CI 2.79–13.42, p < 0.001 and HR 14.73, 95% CI 4.16–52.19, p < 0.001, respectively). Similar correlations were observed in the inpatient subgroup. Our study demonstrates an association between VitD deficiency and severity/mortality of COVID-19, highlighting the need for interventional studies on VitD supplementation in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. Current state of evidence: Influence of Nutritional and Nutrigenetic Factors on Immunity in the Covid-19 Pandemic Framework - Nutrients 2020
Results from the review approach show the importance of maintaining a correct nutritional status of these 10 nutrients analyzed for the health of the immune system, highlighting the importance of Vitamin D and iron in the context of COVID-19. Besides, the ecological study demonstrates that intake levels of relevant micronutrients—especially Vitamins D, C, B12, and iron—are inversely associated with higher COVID-19 incidence and/or mortality, particularly in populations genetically predisposed to show lower micronutrient status. In conclusion, nutrigenetic data provided by joint assessment of 10 essential nutrients for the functioning of the immune system and of the genetic factors that can limit their bioavailability can be a fundamental tool to help strengthen the immune system of individuals and prepare populations to fight against infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Graphene Oxide absorbs electromagnetic radiation.
An introduction to the uses and dangers of Graphene Oxide. VAXXED 2 Film at Chidrens Health Defense
In VAXXED 11: The People's Truth, Polly and the team travel over 50,000 miles in the USA and around the world. Interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and asked the question on every parent's mind, "Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we've been told?"
The Great Barrington Declaration As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientist we have grave concers about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Physicians Declaration Global Covid Summit - Rome Italy
International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists - September 2021 "We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following: " Physicians for Informed Consent
Covid-19 - PFIZER-BIONTECH VACCINE RISK STATEMENT(VRS) The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2) is made from synthetic genetic material that is immersed in fatty substances, including cholesterol and polyethylene glycol (PEG). More specifically, modified RNA molecules that encode for a mutated spike (S) protein antigen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that can cause COVID-19, are immersed in lipid nanoparticles. The drug is administered in two intramuscular 30 mcg doses, 21 days apart.1 Media Rats Jump Off Their Sinking Ship - Dr J Mercola 2021
Autism one - Dr James Bradstreet
How close are we to an Autism cure Part 1 James Jeffrey Bradstreet, MDDr. Bradstreet received undergrad and medical degrees from University of South Florida. His residency training was at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, with training at Brooks School of Aerospace Medicine and Randolph AFB. He is an adjunct professor and faculty for Autism Collaboration & Education at Western U in CA and a visiting professor at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is extensively published on biomedical issues of autism and was PI of two landmark studies: 1) involving a new methodology to view the brain with ultrasound, and 2) a double-blind study of the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation using a method known as MRT, for the treatment of autism -- both registered with Phase one of the ultrasound study was recently published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and the MRT study completed in June of 2014. He is director of the Brain Treatment Center of Atlanta and is licensed in Georgia, Florida, California and Arizona. Signs of COVID Injection Failure Mount - Dr Mercola July 2021
"In the UK, symptomatic COVID-19 cases among "vaccinated" individuals have risen 40% in one week" Episode 271: The Immune Compromise - The Highwire - 9th June 2022
DeSantis Makes Special Olympics Withdraw Mandate; First SIDS, Now SADS; Vaccinated Portugal Vs. Unvaccinated S. Africa; Canada Unhinged; Scientists Can’t ignore The Immune Compromise. Ba.5 is a "Variant for Boosted People - Igor Chudov - Substack - 5th June 2022Summary: The BA4/5 sister variants currently dominate two countries: South Africa and Portugal. South Africa is barely vaccinated (only 35% had a vaccine, 5% had a booster), whereas Portugal is 95% vaccinated and 70% boosted. The situations in these countries could not be any more different: while Ba.4 and Ba.5 were mere blips on the radar in South Africa, these same variants are driving a deadly wave of Covid in highly-vaccinated Portugal, with deaths among the Portuguese nearing January peak and showing few signs of abating.
500, 000 Germans Severely Injured by COVID-19 Vaccines, Survey by Top Hospital Shows - The Defender - 10th May 2022
Researchers at Charité Berlin, Germany’s top hospital and one of Europe’s largest, announced a high rate of COVID-19 vaccine severe side effects lasting months or longer based on a survey of about 40,000 Germans. The Anatomy of Big Pharma's Political Reach Brownstone Institute - 8th April 2022
"After graduating from Columbia University with a chemical engineering degree, my grandfather went on to work for Pfizer for almost two decades, culminating his career as the company’s Global Director of New Products." A Flu Bug's Worst Enermy, It Chews Them Up and Spits Them Out - The Epoch Times - 14th March 2022
"Bump your levels of this to above 10% and you’ll make your body virtually flu-proof – causing these cells to basically chew up and spit out any infected cells it is in contact with. Here are 9 simple ways to ramp up your levels." 80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated says Ichilov hospital director - Israel National News - 3rd February 2022
Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Yaakov Jerris. Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Death and Cases Associated with Covid-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries - Kyle A. Beattie - 5th November 2021
"The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the “key to gain back our freedoms.” The Expose UK - 9th December 2021
"But what they’ve also managed to distract you from is the latest data Public Health Data which shows that over the past four months the double / triple jabbed population have accounted for 6 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 7 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths." Covid Deaths Could Have Been Prevented Interview with Dr Peter McCullough - Strong and Free Canada - 17th November 2021
Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and professor of medicine at Texas A&M University School of Medicine. He is a specialist in treating the heart and kidneys, is the editor of two scientific journals in this field, and is the most published expert in his field in all of history. Dr. McCullough is also an expert on early treatment of Covid-19 and has testified before the U.S. Senate on the effectiveness of early treatment. Total Health - Have interventions made any difference to course of pandemic? - Total Health 22 August 2021
HIV War ROOM Episode (Discussion about Hoskins Effect) by Dr Paul Cottrell
Rearch Road Show with George Webb - September 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine damage - Variants - Immune consequences of being Hardwired for the P4 epitope. ADE and Original Antigenic Sin - Fauci - Baric and HIV and more. |
10 Outrageous but true facts about Vaccines

What are the ingredients in Vaccines?
Common ingredients in Vaccines include Mercury, Aluminium, Formaldehyde and MSG Monosodium Glutamate, egg proteins and antibiotics.
What are some of the side effects of Vaccines?
Here the manufacturer of the vaccine (Merck) lists some of the side effects of the product
200 Evidence based reasons not to vaccinate - free research from Green Med info.
Why a pro-vaccine mother would change her mind
87 Published studies on Vaccines and their Adverse effects
There is plenty of good research out there showing the adverse effects of vaccines.
Dr Kurt: Why I will never choose to vaccinate my own son or any other future kids my wife and I have.
Clarification needs to be created regarding VACCINATION vs. IMMUNIZATION. I’m all for immunization. The problem created by media and pharmaceutical influence is that people equate immunization with vaccination. Vaccination is simply injecting something into your body.
This does not create immunity for your body. These are 2 totally separate entities.
The last natural case of polio in the US was 1979, yet we still give kids 4 rounds of this vaccine at 2, 4, 6-12 months, and 4-6 years. But the fear tactics continue of, “it can come back or you don’t know about the destruction it caused.” I’m not being ignorant to history. I’m being reasonable about the present.
What about Typhoid and Scarlet Fever? They had just as much devastation and with no vaccine, they are not a problem. Nature took its course and with the advent of better sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition, they wiped themselves out.
What are the ingredients in Vaccines?
Common ingredients in Vaccines include Mercury, Aluminium, Formaldehyde and MSG Monosodium Glutamate, egg proteins and antibiotics.
What are some of the side effects of Vaccines?
Here the manufacturer of the vaccine (Merck) lists some of the side effects of the product
200 Evidence based reasons not to vaccinate - free research from Green Med info.
Why a pro-vaccine mother would change her mind
87 Published studies on Vaccines and their Adverse effects
There is plenty of good research out there showing the adverse effects of vaccines.
Dr Kurt: Why I will never choose to vaccinate my own son or any other future kids my wife and I have.
Clarification needs to be created regarding VACCINATION vs. IMMUNIZATION. I’m all for immunization. The problem created by media and pharmaceutical influence is that people equate immunization with vaccination. Vaccination is simply injecting something into your body.
This does not create immunity for your body. These are 2 totally separate entities.
The last natural case of polio in the US was 1979, yet we still give kids 4 rounds of this vaccine at 2, 4, 6-12 months, and 4-6 years. But the fear tactics continue of, “it can come back or you don’t know about the destruction it caused.” I’m not being ignorant to history. I’m being reasonable about the present.
What about Typhoid and Scarlet Fever? They had just as much devastation and with no vaccine, they are not a problem. Nature took its course and with the advent of better sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition, they wiped themselves out.
Thimerosal Derived Ethyl-Mercury is a Mitochondrial Toxin
Thimerosal generates ethylmercury in aqueous solution and is widely used as preservative. We have investigated the toxicology of Thimerosal in normal human astrocytes, paying particular attention to mitochondrial function and the generation of specific oxidants. We find that ethylmercury not only inhibits mitochondrial respiration leading to a drop in the steady state membrane potential, but also concurrent with these phenomena increases the formation of superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and Fenton/Haber-Weiss generated hydroxyl radical. These oxidants increase the levels of cellular aldehyde/ketones. Vaccine Facts backed by Science
Vaccinations affect natural immunity. "Although persons often use vaccination and immunization interchangeably in reference to active immunization (VACCINES), the terms are not synonomous because the administration of an immunobiologic CANNOT be automatically equated with the development of adequate immunity." Measles Vaccines Part 1 - Ineffectiveness of Vaccinations and unintended consequences by
Dr Viera Sheibner (PhD) Measles vaccination in the US and many other countries started in the early 1960s, at the time when measles was naturally abating and was heading for the 18 year low. That’s why the vaccine seemingly lowered the incidence; however, this was only coincidental with the natural dynamics of measles. As one of many examples involving all infectious diseases of childhood against which vaccines have been developed, ever since any measles vaccines have been introduced and used in mass proportions, reports of outbreaks and epidemics of measles in even 100% vaccinated populations started filling pages in medical journals. Reports of serious reactions including deaths also appeared with increasing frequency. They are the subject of a separate essay. |
Research Study - Elevated Blood Histamine caused by vaccinations and Vit C deficiency may mimic Shaken Baby Syndrome
quote from abstract - "The findings of subdural hematoma and retinal hemorrhages in infants, without any documented history of major trauma, do not always indicate child abuse. A combination of ascorbate depletion and the injection of foreign proteins can cause a very high blood histamine level, leading to capillary fragility and venular bleeding. This can be prevented by the administration of vitamin C". Research Study - showing the movement of Aluminium Adjuvant in vaccines to the body tissues - including the brain. Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain quote from study results - "Intramuscular injection of alum-containing vaccine was associated with the appearance of aluminum deposits in distant organs, such as spleen and brain where they were still detected one year after injection". Measles Vaccines Part 2 - Benefits of contracting Measles by Dr Viera Sheibner (PhD)
Well-managed natural infectious diseases are beneficial for children. When infectious diseases of childhood are not mismanaged by the administration of antibiotics, or by suppressing fever, the diseases prime and mature the immune system and also represent developmental milestones. Having measles not only results in life-long specific immunity to measles, but also in life-long non-specific immunity to degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, sebaceous skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases and certain tumours as demonstrated by Ronne (1985). Doctors change names of Diseases when vaccines don't work
Doctors around the world are being faced with children catching the diseases they have been vaccinated against. Rather than diagnosing these children correctly, professionals have discovered that the doctors are giving the diseases new names. This suggests a cover up is going on and the vaccinations we are all being told are safe and effective are in fact completely useless. |
Polio Eradication: A complex end game by Dr Viera Shiebner in BMJ
Anderson et al. (1951) in his article “Poliomyelitis occurring after antigen injections” (Pediatrics; 7(6): 741-759) wrote “During the last year several investigators have reported the occurrence poliomyelitis within a few weeks after injection of some antigen. Martin in England noted 25 cases in which paralysis of as single limb occurred within 28 days of injection of antigen into that limb, and two cases following penicillin injections. |
Treatments of ASD, Now Proven to be Mercury Poisoning
Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
Vaccination: The Hidden TruthDr A Kalokerinos talks about the mistaken belief that antibodies mean immunity. Antibodies just go along with immunity but they are not immunity themselves. When the Aids epidemic came along the belief that antibodies give immunity should have been exploded. If you had antibodies against Aids you were doomed. You can be loaded with antibodies and still get the disease and die from the disease and the opposite is also true. You may have no antibodies but not get the disease. He argues the concept that antibodies give immunity is basically wrong.
Bell -tolling for the Swine Flu: Sister Teresa Forcades a Benedictine nun who practiced medicine for years and is also a PhD in public health - talks about Baxter Pharmaceuticals and their contaminated Swine flu vaccine that nearly killed thousands of innocent people. |
Why do Children receive so many vaccines at once
Carolyn Maloney and Vern Buchanan question CDC representatives about the number of vaccines on the schedule.
Dr Boyle tries to avoid the issue. Do children need to get so many vaccinations at the one time when parents are saying their children are damaged after these vaccines. Autism is up 1000%. What is the impact of giving a baby 9 shots a day. No research has been done on the combination vaccines. |
Truth and Gardasil: interview with Dr Deirdre LittleIs Gardasil safe? Pre-mature menopause from the Gardasil vaccine.No safety studies on Gardasil vaccine. Periods affected after the Gardasil. HPV over 100 strains - 4 strains in the vaccine 2 can cause cancer. Is it safe for the fertility of woman and girls. Anaphalactic reactions. India has stopped their vaccination programme. Pap smear programme had already reduced the cases of HPV. No long term studies on Gardasil and fertility.
Dr Blaylock Vaccines and Autism Part 1 of 14Dr Blaylock Neurosurgeon talks about Vaccines and the link to Autism. Excitotoxicity and immunoexcitotoxicty.
Central Mechanism for Autism. Low levels of Glutathione and Demethylation. Brain inflammation Glutamate most abundant neurotransmitter. 90% in cortex. Controls other neurotransmitters. Glutamate plays a major role in brain development. |
Vaccines and Brain Development
Dr Suzanne Humphries MD speaking about Polio and Flu vaccine and Importance of breast milkImportance of breast feeding for the immune system. Breast milk is a living organism it changes with the age of the baby. Formula was promoted instead during polio spikes. Also DDT was used during the spikes of polio outbreaks.
The babies immune system should be Anti-inflammatory. Babies immune system not supposed to be inflammatory. Formula changes the gut microflora. Breast milk creates protective gut microflora - it dissolves viruses and contains stem cells. |
Dr Suzanne Humphries MD speaking about Vaccine dangersIf vaccines are so wonderful why do they have to push them on us?
Vaccines full of disease matter - Polysorbate 80, aluminium, mercury and other toxins. Vaccines are made to inflame the immune system. Injections in babies stop the immune system from developing normally and slowly in a non-imflammatory way. They need multiple injections because the vaccines don't work. Babies normal non-reactivity is abolished by vaccines provoking the immune system in an abnormal way. The system becomes over inflammatory encouraging allergies and autoimmune diseases. |
This is a website made especially for parents to tell their children's stories about adverse outcomes after vaccination. The list is growing continually unfortunately. |
Dr Isaac Golden Australian Homeopath - talks about Homeopathic Prophylaxis.
On this show Dr Golden explains how to use homeopathic medicine in place of vaccines. Homeopathic nosodes and other remedies can be used instead of vaccination. He discusses how well it has worked in Cuba against Leptospirosis with millions of people. |
Dynamics of a Cytokine Storm - Plos One
Six volunteers experienced severe inflammatory response during the Phase I clinical trial of a monoclonal antibody that was designed to stimulate a regulatory T cell response. Soon after the trial began, each volunteer experienced a “cytokine storm" a dramatic increase in cytokine concentrations. |
The Mechanisms of
Vaccine injury and Via Cytokine Storm The issue of vaccine injury is somewhat complex, but yet all in all this, the basics are somewhat simply understood. There are essential some basic areas of vaccine reactivity that produce immune responses and adverse effects. One is the cytokine storm activity which all vaccines produce, just as the natural pathogens do. This could more easily be referenced to as the same thing that was produced during the 1918 so called flu pandemic, and was the known basic mechanism that caused large numbers of deaths. |
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist
Talks about Vaccines and their effect on the Immune system. High Responders - Low Responders and why the vaccines fails. Losing natural maternal immunity and its effects on the children and the importance of breast feeding as a natural vaccine which is 100% safe and effective.
Talks about Vaccines and their effect on the Immune system. High Responders - Low Responders and why the vaccines fails. Losing natural maternal immunity and its effects on the children and the importance of breast feeding as a natural vaccine which is 100% safe and effective.
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