Homeopathy - The 'powers that shouldn't be' - want to ban it - so you know it must work.
Flu Vaccine Exposed: The Shocking NIH Discovery They Don't Want You to Know - The Vigilant Fox - 12th March 2025Two decades ago, CBS aired a bombshell report on the flu shot, revealing a truth that health officials didn’t want to admit. Despite flu shot uptake among seniors skyrocketing from 15% to 65%, flu deaths continued to climb.
Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine - Oxford Academic - 15th March 2012
We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses. A 2006 CBS News Report: Flu Shots Increased The Death Rate Of The Elderly (Sharyl Attkisson) - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 13th February 2025
Why don't you know about this? That time a definitive govt. study concluded flu shots don't work in the elderly -- and didn't make a difference with mortality in any age group. The more of the elderly population that got flu shots, the more the death rate increased. NIH wouldn't give permission to any of the study authors to do an interview with me. Why? Step #2 of sending me down the rabbit hole on vaccines and govt. coverups. Latest "Bird Flu" Psyop - Robert W Malone MD, MS - 31st December 2024
"I am expert in influenza, and have consulted with the WHO over the past two decades on the topic of flu vaccines. This is one subject matter I am extremely knowledgeable about. This goes back to my medical school days, when I worked with Robert Lamb, one of the top influenza virus specialists in the world." Education: Flu Vaccine Risk Statement - Physicians for Informed Consent - September - 2024
THERE IS A 65% INCREASED RISK OF NON-FLU RESPIRATORY ILLNESS IN POPULATIONS THAT GET THE FLU VACCINE. Homeopathy: An Alternative Medicine That Withstands the Test of Time and Science - Epoch Health - 8th August 2024
Mahatma Gandhi called homeopathy a “refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently,” according to the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine.Although well-known, frequently utilized, and readily available in most European pharmacies, it seems that homeopathy has not gained a solid foothold alongside other alternative practices in the United States. REVELAC -i Network Prdicts Minimal Effectiveness of 2023 Influenza Vaccine Campaign - Substack Peter McCullough, MD - 12th November 2023
As you can see, the vaccine efficacy for older adults, the high-risk group of concern, was a paltry 37.6% with the lower bound of the confidence interval at 13.1%. To recommend a vaccine clinically, I demand at least 50% vaccine efficacy, and since the point estimate is a statistical blur, I conservatively look at the lower bound of the confidence interval. None of the high risk groups met this clinical acceptance criteria to recommend influenza vaccination this year. Thus, influenza vaccination will not be recommended in my practice for this influenza season. "Double Jab" - COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines in One Visit - Re-Branding of Failed Pharmaceutical Products - The Expose - 7th November 2023
24% of the U.S. population, which equates to around 82 million people, were expected to receive COVID-19 vaccines this year. According to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, on the 31st October, “So far, maybe 7, 8% have done it” Bourla attributes this to being “far away from the Covid fear,” and now we’re in the middle of a “Covid fatigue” he says. “Nobody wants to speak about Covid.” A solution seems to be tying the COVID-19 vaccines to flu vaccines is an attempt to quickly increase COVID-19 booster uptake from 7% to 52%. Yet there are no safety studies looking at taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine and the flu Vaccine at the same time. “We are in the midst of a heavily funded INTERNATIONAL re-branding campaign to resurrect demand for failed, toxic pharmaceutical products,” according to Dr William Makis. 'Potent Neurotoxin' Thimerosal Is Still Used in Some Flu Vaccines, Scientist Says - Epoch Health - 19th September 2023
Removal of mercury from U.S. vaccines was recommended over two decades ago, yet some flu vaccines contain up to 25 micrograms of thimerosal. CDC's New 'Wild to Mild' Ad Campaign Hypes Flu Vaccines for Kids, Pregnant Women - - The Defender - 8th September 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is launching a campaign called “Wild to Mild” to encourage flu vaccination among children and pregnant women, despite long-observed ineffectiveness and safety concerns. Water and Homeopathy: Discoveries at Science's Cutting Edge - Epoch Health - 26th June 2023
The most respected medical journals have published some remarkable studies, but you won’t hear about them from your local physician or scientists who have an embarrassingly uninformed view. Treating Covid-related illness: Reintroducing Homeopathy, The People's Medicine Since 1825 - DailyClout - 23rd april 2023
These are unusual times. With the current exposure of corruption and malfeasance amongst our pharmaceutical, medical, and regulatory agencies, many are calling for a new direction and solutions for a better future. If we want to take down or remake the corrupt Pharmaceutical-Medical Industrial Complex, what do we have to replace it with? For starters, the time is ripe to reintroduce homeopathic medicine and bring it squarely into theconversation. Huge Veterans Study: COVID and FLU Vaccines are Useless at Preventing Hospitalization - Igor Chudov - Substack - 9th April 2023
Snake oil would work just as well as those "vaccines" but would be far safer SUMMARY: This post will show that both flu and Covid vaccines are utterly useless at preventing hospitalization for Covid AND flu. This conclusion is based on a recent large study of US veterans. Their health data is available to researchers from the Veterans Administration medical database. Quercetin - A Far Better Flu Remedy Than Tamiflu - Epoch Times - 24th March 2023
Why would you risk brain infections, psychosis, memory deterioration, and mood swings for a 10 percent improvement when you can get up to a 900 percent improvement without taking on any of these risks? Flu Vaccines: What's the Fuss? - Epoch Health - 14th February 2023
The government’s belief in the importance of a yearly flu vaccine is so strong that it has reached the pitch of religious fervor. “I really believe this is why God gave us two arms,” White House COVID response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said at a September 2022 news briefing, right at the beginning of the flu season: “one for the flu shot and the other for the COVID shot.” Booster Shots May trigger Stroke Incidents, According to CDC and FDA - Epoch Times - 11th February 2023
"In addition to cardiac events, another life-threatening side effect has been associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. When is the risk period? Does the flu shot play any role in these events? What actions should we take to better protect ourselves?" "Sixty-four percent had received the flu vaccine on the same day as the COVID-19 booster." Dr Fauci Knew Covid Vaccines Would Never Give Us Herd Immunity - Igor Chudov - Substack - 6th February 2023
A new scientific study is out, and Anthony Fauci co-authored it. What is remarkable about that study is the derogatory language Fauci et al. employ towards influenza and Covid vaccines. Stroke After Pfizer Booster May Be Connected to Flu Vaccine: Officials - Epoch Health - 26th January 2023Instances of stroke following receipt of Pfizer's new booster in the elderly may be connected to the influenza vaccine, officials said on Jan. 26.
One-hundred thirty cases of ischemic stroke, which can be deadly, were recorded among people aged 65 or older within 21 days of a bivalent Pfizer booster, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee heard on Thursday. Black Elderberry to Boost Immunity This Winter - Epoch Health - 23rd December 2022
Winter has many associations: long walks after a fresh snowfall, hot cocoa in front of a fire, the joys of the Christmas season, and, unfortunately, colds and the flu. Although we can’t always avoid a cold or flu, some members of the plant kingdom have demonstrated a powerful ability to boost the immune system and reduce the effects of nasty viruses. Giving Up the Belief in Flu Shots - Epoch Health - 7th December 2022
Influenza vaccines have been in use for more than 60 years. One of the earliest clinical trials of influenza vaccine efficacy was conducted in United States Army personnel in 1943. Approximately 11,000 unvaccinated young men received a flu shot that had one strain of both influenza type A and type B. The study’s endpoint – the development of a febrile illness – showed that 7.1% of unvaccianted recruits developed a fever vs. only 2.2% of the vaccinated became sick. This early study assumed the fever was caused by influenza viruses and if they didn’t get sick, the success could be attributed to a flu shot. Dr. Robert Malone: The Annual Flu Vaccine Program Is 'Built on a Lie' - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 23rd October 2022
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, voiced some strong opinions about the flu shot at the Florida COVID Summit. Take a listen. "It's wrapped around the idea that we should coerce the population to take a product on an annual basis so that we can maintain warm base manufacturing in case something like 1918 ever happens again. And it's all built basically on a lie." 'Vaccine Hesitancy' is 1 of WHO's Top 10 Global Threats - but Flu Shot Data Tells a Different Story - The Epoch Times - 12th October 2022
In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed 10 threats to global health, such as air pollution, non-communicable diseases, global influenza pandemic, Ebola and other high-threat pathogens, weak primary health care, and HIV. Among them, vaccine hesitancy was also mentioned, which many people might find surprising. Original Antigenic Sin - The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots - The Epoch Times - 27th September 2022
The COVID jab and the flu vaccine are the No. 1 and No. 2 most dangerous injections respectively, based on adverse event reports and payouts from the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Both are also capable of shedding, and both can make you more prone to infection as their protection wears off Mask Up, Berkeley Students - Robert Malone - Brownstone Institute - 1st September 2022
"I was trying to avoid writing more stuff on masks, but this is unbelievable. UC Berkeley, that bastion of California higher education, is now requiring masks -both indoors and outdoors, if one is not vaccinated against… influenza! And, as a virologist and vaccinologist, the use of the slang “flu” makes me cringe. There are no “flu” vaccines. There are a variety of vaccines for reducing Influenza A and Influenza B virus infection and disease." Reactogenicity of Simultaneous COVID-19 mRNA Booster and Influenza Vaccination in the US - JAMA Network - 15th July 2022
In this study, compared with administration of COVID-19 mRNA booster vaccines alone, simultaneous administration of COVID-19 mRNA booster and seasonal influenza vaccines was associated with significant increases in reports of systemic reactions during days 0 to 7 following vaccination. These results may help better characterize the outcomes associated with simultaneously administered COVID-19 booster and influenza vaccines in the US population. Flu shots DO NOT work; see the charts this year from CDC on vaccine effectiveness (VE) against influenza A and A/H3N2 among patients aged 6 months and older, US FLU VE 2021 - 22; VE ranges 8 to 14% ; FAILS - Dr Paul Alexander - Substack - 25th June 2022
see last 2 right columns (source 1), this is CDC's own report (Grohskopf); the FDA is coming at us with the corrupted FDA's 'Future Framework', be warned, all further COVID vaxx approved automatically Gene Therapy Loaded Into the Flu Shot: The COVID Jab Is Just the Beginning - Rumble - 15th April 2022
Attorney Thomas Renz: "So the big money is not in the COVID jab; the big money is in the mRNA... If you follow, that's where the investment money is, and if you look, what you'll see is [that] they've already decided that they're going to include gene therapy in the flu vaccines coming up. Do not get the flu vaccine this coming year." Fetal Deaths Cover-up Flu Vaccine
Final CDC cover-up Press Release Jan 2014 CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Cover-up Of The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports associated with the influenza virus vaccine in the history of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)The Highwire - Flu shots for Dummies September 2020 Dr Jim Meechan and Del Bigtree talk about the Twindemic As mainstream media pushes “Twin-demic” panic, claiming the only answer is the flu shot, Dr. Jim Meehan, MD, sits down with Del to thoroughly look at science behind the flu shot’s effectiveness and safety, providing everything you need to know to make an informed decision on whether to inject yourself and your kids this fall. 6 Reasons I won't give my kids Nasal Flu Vaccine - by Green Med Info This year in the United Kingdom the intranasal flu vaccine is being rolled out. It's already been used in the United States where 14 to 15 million doses of AstraZeneca's FluMist are currently in distribution for this flu season but this is the first year it is being offered under the brand name Fluenza Tetra in the UK to all children older than 24 months and it is heavily promoted by public health officials. PMC article 9th June 2020 Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and the Heightened Risk of Coronavirus and Other Pandemic Virus Infections: Fact or Fiction? "When an individual is infected by an ‘evolved’ strain with a new dominant antigen, slightly different from the ‘original’ strain against which the person has been vaccinated, the immune system produces antibodies against the ‘original’ strain through preformed high- affinity memory B cells that inhibit activation of naïve B cells resulting in a weak immune response against the new ‘dominant’ strain. Hence, the risk of infection paradoxically increased in vaccinated individuals as compared to unvaccinated individuals." Navy proves that the Flu shot causes the Flu This is another catch all report on the worthlessness of the flu shot vaccine. Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy have both proven in separate studies that the flu shot is not effective. Numerous other studies are also cited showing its ineffectiveness. Don’t take my word for it read the studies, share this vid, stop taking the flu shot. BMJ - Question by GP: What use is mass flu vaccination? You asked for one gold-standard study showing that influenza vaccination is effective. Unfortunately, as far as I have been able to ascertain, the only gold-standard study, a randomized, double-blind true-placebo-controlled study with 9 months of follow-up, found that inactivated-influenza vaccines were not very effective in preventing those who were inoculated with an inactivated-influenza vaccine from subsequently contracting influenza. Worse, those who were vaccinated had a 3-plus times higher risk of contracting some non-influenza viral respiratory infection in the follow-up period than those who were inoculated with the sterile-saline-based placebo. |
Introducing Homeopathy - The Film - February 2025
Homeopathy is a powerful healing modality that changes lives. Until now, its voice has been silenced across the medical landscape. Introducing Homeopathy is a new professionally produced, feature-length film dedicated to bringing Homeopathy into every household and healthcare system globally. Why Do Vaccines Consistently Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission? - Substack - 26th October 2022
Many of you have been treated in horrific ways by your friends and family throughout the pandemic for refusing to adopt the nonsensical or dangerous pandemic management strategies that were force-fed to us by the media. How do you miss the most blatant safety signal in vaccine history? - Substack - 22nd June 2022
"it’s the worst of all worlds: the illusion of safety where there is none. you are trusting in protection that does not exist." "This Was Absolutely Telegraphed" - Bill Gates & Company Formed a Plan to Profit off the Next Pandemic in 2017
Rumble - 8th June 2022 In 2017, the WEF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation produced a business plan that said, "The next pandemic will be a business opportunity." CEPI's response to the business opportunity was the development of vaccines with no mention of treatment whatsoever. A Shot in the Arm for a Respiratory Illness Also Has a Terrible Track Record Flu Vaccine - 17% efficacy Pneumovax - 9% efficacy Vaccine 2020 - Wolf GG - Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defence personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season
Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative vaccine effectiveness study that vaccination does not change the risk of infection with other respiratory illness, thus potentially biasing vaccine effectiveness results in the positive direction. This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status. Furthermore, individual respiratory viruses and their association with influenza vaccination were examined. Clin Infect Dis 2012 - Cowling BJ Increased risk of non-influenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses. Journal of Immunology - 15th January 2019 Original Antigenic Sin: How First Exposure Shapes Lifelong Anti-Influenza virus immune responses The term “original antigenic sin” (OAS) was first used in the 1960s to describe how one’s first exposure to influenza virus shapes the outcome of subsequent exposures to antigenically related strains. In the decades that have passed, OAS-like responses have been shown to play an integral role in both protection from and susceptibility to infections. OAS may also have an important deterministic role in the differential efficacy of influenza vaccine responses observed for various age cohorts across seasons. In this article, we review how the understanding of OAS has progressed from its initial description and highlight important outstanding questions in need of further study. 1. Live Attenuated Influenza virus increases Pneumococcal translocation and persistence within the middle ear. 2. Live Attenuated Influenza vaccine enhances colonisation of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus in mice Flu shots can encourage persistent middle ear infections affecting balance as well as encouraging dangerous diseases such as Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. You really should rely on the real immune system to get rid of the flu virus and not drive it somewhere else using a vaccine. Driving the virus somewhere else is much more dangerous. Vaccines can make you more susceptible to a whole host of other more dangerous diseases. A Doctors awakening on the Flu vaccines in Pregnancy
Dr Kelly Brogan MD The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine. Fetal Deaths Cover-up Flu Vaccine
Flu Vaccination is most certainly Not a no brainer
The winter heralds ‘flu season’, and many will be urged to get themselves adequately protected through vaccination.
A recent piece in the British Medical Journal [1] by Dr Peter Doshi (from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, US) makes the point that public health campaigns often present flu vaccination as a no-brainer: we’re all at risk of flu and its complications, the flu shot is risk free, and vaccination saves lives.
However, as Peter Doshi goes on to explain, all these assertions are open to question.
Dr Doshi questions the trend for increasing numbers of people being defined as ‘at risk’. In 1960, this definition only applied to individuals aged 65 or older. By 2010, this definition had extended to everyone over six months of age.
Vaccines as Biological weapons?
Live Avian Flu Virus placed in Baxter Vaccine materials and sent to 18 countries
Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?
A recent piece in the British Medical Journal [1] by Dr Peter Doshi (from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, US) makes the point that public health campaigns often present flu vaccination as a no-brainer: we’re all at risk of flu and its complications, the flu shot is risk free, and vaccination saves lives.
However, as Peter Doshi goes on to explain, all these assertions are open to question.
Dr Doshi questions the trend for increasing numbers of people being defined as ‘at risk’. In 1960, this definition only applied to individuals aged 65 or older. By 2010, this definition had extended to everyone over six months of age.
Vaccines as Biological weapons?
Live Avian Flu Virus placed in Baxter Vaccine materials and sent to 18 countries
Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?
25 safe natural alternatives to the flu shotWhat the propagandists and flu shot proponents fail to mention are the horror stories – like the fact that 23 senior citizens (in that touted high-risk-must-get-a-shot group) just DIED from the same flu shots that are given at local pharmacies, with no accountability, no prescription necessary, and no check up from the doctor. (But you DO get a handy 20% off shopping pass when you get your flu shot!)
The Flu vaccine something to sneeze at: by Roman Bystrianyk Deaths from influenza and pneumonia had decreased by 90% before there was an idea to push for widespread vaccination. This isn’t surprising as all infectious disease death rates had declined well before there were vaccines. Measles deaths had declined by almost 100% The H1N1 vaccine is a much greater risk to your health than the Flu itselfThe Effects of Squalene Adjuvant
Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proved to generate concentrated, unremitting immune responses over long periods of time according to a 2000 article in The American Journal of Pathology. The study demonstrated that a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered a chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation, also known as rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers concluded the study raised questions about the role of adjuvants in chronic inflammatory diseases. Scientists finally admit the H1N1 swine flu vaccine causes Guillian Barre syndrome A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) admits that the vaccine widely administered for H1N1, also known as “swine flu,” is linked to causing neurological damage in the form of Guillain-Barre syndrome. The findings confirm several earlier studies in both the U.S. and U.K. that also linked the H1N1 vaccine to severe neurological damage. Four-fold risk of non influenza viral infections with the flu shotDr Mayer Eisenstein talks about the new research showing a four fold increase in viral infections after the flu shot. A Gold standard - double blinded - true placebo research paper using healthy subjects.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny on dangers of Flu vaccineFlu shots or you're fired. Mandatory vaccines will be the norm in the future. You will lose your basic human rights unless you fight for them now. Flu shots and miscarriages. Over 3000 woman had miscarriages after the flu vaccine. Only 10% of adverse reactions are reported. Most statistics of vaccine failures and adverse reactions are never reported by the mainstream media.
Now I`ve seen it all - deceiving the puplic about the Flu Vaccine
Upon returning home I discovered I had an insert for FLULAVAL, (it sounds so friendly – Flu-Love-All) it’s manufactured by Biomedical Corp. of Quebec and distributed by GlaxoSmithKline. The reading got interesting right away, stating, “FLULAVAL is approved for persons 18 years and older”. Hmmm that’s odd (here’s where you’ll need to put on your intellectual seatbelts) because the fake insert plainly stated that, “All people 6 months of age and older should get the flu vaccine”. The fake insert goes on to tell you under the heading of WHY GET VACCINATED? “Young children, people 65 and older, pregnant women and people with certain health conditions -such as – heart, lung, kidney disease and a weakened immune system can get much sicker. Flu can cause high fever, pneumonia...blah blah blah… Did they say PREGNANT WOMEN? Another strange contradiction because in the real insert plainly says, “Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. REALLY? So are you saying that nursing mothers, pregnant women and children are being used as Guinea pigs? |
Johns Hopkins scientist slams the Flu shot
Things that make me go WTF!!!
From Thinking moms Revolution.
Flu shots during pregnancy being promoted as anti-autism vaccines by Mayo clinic doctor. Disgusting and dangerous propaganda from a doctor with many affiliations to CDC and BigPharma. Groundbreaking Stanford University Study challenges established vaccine dogma Mark Davis, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology and director of Stanford's Institute for immunity, Transplantation and Infection, and his colleagues found that key immune cells in our bodies have "memories" of microbes they have never encountered. This casts doubt on the established dogma that the immune system develops a"memory" of a microbial pathogen, with a correspondingly enhanced readiness to combat that microbe, only upon exposure to it -- or to its components though a vaccine. The groundbreaking study was published online last Thursday in Immunity. Not a Placebo: Scientific Evidence Exists for Homeopathy - The Epoch Times - 5th September 2022
Getting through the most difficult times of COVID, it has become increasingly clear that the key to enhancing our good health is by boosting and balancing our own immunity. We are not necessarily promoting the precise therapies of homeopathy, but rather offering a different angle of understanding the subtleness and multi-faceted nature of the human body. |
How UNICEF`s criticism backfired and has supported the anti-vaccine movementTalk show host Alan Phillips with Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Dr Mayer Eisenstein discussing the legal position of nurses and other healthcare workers facing mandatory flu shots. Colleges will be next to demand mandatory vaccines or no college places. This could lead to all workers in all walks of life being faced with mandatory vaccines or you're fired.
Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of alternative medicine which can be used for many ailments - including Flu and many of the diseases people get vaccinated against
Integrative Medical Center - Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Homeopathy a safe way to treat the Flu, Croup and other ailments Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control
Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of major importance in the tropics where the incidence peaks in rainy seasons. Natural disasters represent a big challenge to Leptospirosis prevention strategies especially in endemic regions. Vaccination is an effective option but of reduced effectiveness in emergency situations. Homeoprophylactic interventions might help to control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short time scale. We report the results of a very large-scale homeoprophylaxis (HP) intervention against Leptospirosis in a dangerous epidemic situation in three provinces of Cuba in 2007. Methods: Forecast models were used to estimate possible trends of disease incidence. A homeoprophylactic formulation was prepared from dilutions of four circulating strains of Leptospirosis. This formulation was administered orally to 2.3 million persons at high risk in an epidemic in a region affected by natural disasters. The data from surveillance were used to measure the impact of the intervention by comparing with historical trends and non-intervention regions. Results: After the homeoprophylactic intervention a significant decrease of the disease incidence was observed in the intervention regions. No such modifications were observed in non-intervention regions. In the intervention region the incidence of Leptospirosis fell below the historic median. This observation was independent of rainfall. Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further research is warranted. |
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