(CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay - Safe Minds - 17th July 2023)
Pregnancy and Breast Feeding
Historically during pregnancy, it was known by most people throughout the world, that a women should not take anything that could disrupt or affect in any way, the child growing in the womb. The same is true for breast-feeding. ('No Real Debate' After New Study Shows mRNA From COVID-19 Shots Contaminates Breast Milk - The Defender - 26th September 2023) (mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus - ScienceDirect - 17th February 2025)
Pregnancy is a delicate and fragile development process with precision timing for every stage. This delicate balance of stages and timings can be easily disrupted by many factors and influences. Many chemicals and toxins such as Alcohol – Smoking – Drugs - Vaccines and other Pharmaceutical products can drastically affect the child in pregnancy and during breast-feeding.
Historically this has happened many times, that a pharmaceutical product said to be safe and effective, ends up being disastrous to the developing child in the womb and causing either death of the child - malformation or other severe adverse reactions.
(Neonicotinoid Insecticides Added to Growing List of Chemicals That Transfer From Mother to Fetus - The Defender - 5th January 2023)
Anything can potentially affect the developing child and pass into breast-milk including pharmaceutical products such as vaccines.(Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk - Jama Network - 26th September 2022) (Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Preganant Women Anyway - DailyClout - 29th April 2023) (mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus - ScienceDirect - 17th February 2025)
The first 3 months are particularly fragile and many pregnancies are lost during the first 16 weeks.The precautionary principle should apply – do not take anything that could or might affect the developing child or the breast-feeding infant. Even if it is pushed by everyone as being 'safe and effective'. What seems safe for one may be dangerous for another. What affects one pregnancy may not affect another in a similar way.
Everyone is individual and every pregnancy is unique.
For example in the first 16 weeks many woman can suffer nausea (morning or all day nausea). It is tempting to take something to relieve the nausea.
In the 1950s and 1960s many woman took a new pharmaceutical drug called Thalidomide, which was touted by many to be 'safe and effective' in pregnancy. The resulting children were born with diabolical malformations which resulted in early death or lifelong severe disability.
Diethystilbestrol (DES) is another of pharma's world-wide disasters resulting in generations of harm to women.(Diethylstilbestrol disaster)
(Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system - PubMed - 8th December 2021)
(Hundreds of 'Tylenol Lawsuits' Allege Retailers, Manufacturers Knew Acetaminiophen (Tylenol) During Pregnancy Could Cause Autism, ADHD - The Defender - 11th January 2023) (Unsafe for Kids at Any Dose? New Review of Science Supports Link Between Tylenol and Autism - The Defender - 28th July 2023
The good news is that In the majority of women the nausea disappears at 16 weeks and does not return.
It is best to wait it out rather than take a pharmaceutical drug and put the pregnancy at risk. Everything the woman takes can be concentrated in the growing child or breast-feeding infant – so a little quantity taken by the woman can result in a very large dose for the child.
This large dose can cause unimaginable harm.
Pharmaceuticals such as Vaccines - Sleeping pills – Ibuprofen – aspirin - Tylenol - headache tablets etc will be dangerous to the developing child and breast-feeding infant. During pregnancy and breast-feeding: Do not take anything apart from clean nutritious food and drinks. An Organic diet free from GMO’s and Pesticides (eg Glyphosate) would be best for the health of the mother and the child.
Organic food is more nutrient dense than intensively farmed food so the child will get higher levels of the vitamins, micronutrients and co-factors
that it needs to be healthy. (Kennedy is right - Atrazine and Gender Fluidity - Robert Malone Md, MS - Substack - 20th June 2023)
(The Miraculous Immune system - A 12 Part Series - Epoch Health - June 2023)
Babies -Toddlers and Older children
In the first few years of life – brain development and the immune system are developing exponentially.
Every stage of brain and immune development is a delicate dance between body molecules and body tissues and cells. There are certain phases of brain and immune development which are especially crucial to normal development and these phases can easily be adversely influenced by toxins, vaccines and other environmental factors. (Eg brain pruning of superfluous neurons) (How synaptic pruning shapes neural wiring during development and, posssibly, in disease - PNAS - 24th June 2020) (Early Brain Development in Children - Parenting for Brain - 1st October 2022) (Synaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development - PubMed - 9th September 2011) (Microglia as possible therapeutic targets for autism specturm disorders - PubMed - 12th June 2019) (Infanrix Hexa - 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit. - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - 16th December 2018)
Spontaneous Integraton of Human DNA Fragments in Host Genome - Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institiute - T.A.Deisher)
(Testimony Submitted by: Dr. Theresa A. Deisher - Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute) (Serotonin modulates exitatory Synapse maturation in the developing prefrontal cortex - Nature - 16th February 2024)
(Misadventues with the Chickenpox Vaccine, Gary Goldman, Ph.D. - Physicians for Informed Consent)
If toxins such as Aluminium (neurotoxin) are introduced into the child’s system, especially at these crucial stages of development, it can drastically alter the trajectory of their development and send it off on a different path. (Parents Need to Know: Are Your Children Over-Vaccinated? - Epoch Health - 12th March 2023) (Immune Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do We Know about It? - PMC - 11th March 2022)
(Unvaxxed Study: Few Got Sick and ADHD Disappeared - EpochTV - 10th February 2024)
During the recent scare we saw that most healthy children were able to easily use their innate immune system (first line of immune defence) to develop superior, broad and long-lasting immunity. (Vaccination Destroys Natural Herd Immunity and Weakens the Population - Rumble - 18th April 2023) (Dr. Malone Issues Stark Warning to Parents: 'Think Twice' Before Injecting Your Child - Rumble - 5th May 2023)
(V is for vaccine website - 2023) (Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swachh Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023)
Please do the research - all the facts are there if you look for them. Aluminium laden shots and doses of mercury (from flu shots) do not, and never will create health for your child. (Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics - Cureus - 2nd February 2023) (All Vaccines Make Children and Adults Unhealthier - The Expose - 16th October 2022)
(Immunologist and Biochemist Speaks about About Dangers of Acetaminophen for Children - Epoch Health - 8th December 2022)
(Top Vaccinologist: Clinical Trials Fail To Support Claim 'Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism' - The Highwire - 6th January 2023)
(What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 5th April 2023)
(Natural IgG Anti-F (ab')2 Autoantibody Activity in Children with Autism - PubMed - 27th February 2023)
(RFK Jr: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries - Rumble - 29th April 2023)
(Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier Or Sicker Over Time? (Three Independent Studies Weigh In) - Rumble - 20th June 2023)
(Undeniable Death Cases After HPV Vaccination - Epoch Health - 25th June 2023) (Why Do Vaccines Continually Fail to Live Up to Their Promises? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 12th July 2023) (CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay - Safe Minds - 17th July 2023) (BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogents and Toll-like receptor agonists - Frontiers - 25th August 2023) (Episode 352: The Informed Consent Imperative: Aaron siri Testifies - The Highwire - January 2024)
(ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network - Vaccines - No Placebos - icandecide.org - 24th July 2024) (ICAN - informedConsentActionNetwork - Get Informed - August 2024) (FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine - Maryanne Demasi, PHD - 16th October 2024)
(Would you like Plasmids with that? - Arkmedic - 17th October 2024)
Pregnancy and Breast Feeding
Historically during pregnancy, it was known by most people throughout the world, that a women should not take anything that could disrupt or affect in any way, the child growing in the womb. The same is true for breast-feeding. ('No Real Debate' After New Study Shows mRNA From COVID-19 Shots Contaminates Breast Milk - The Defender - 26th September 2023) (mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus - ScienceDirect - 17th February 2025)
Pregnancy is a delicate and fragile development process with precision timing for every stage. This delicate balance of stages and timings can be easily disrupted by many factors and influences. Many chemicals and toxins such as Alcohol – Smoking – Drugs - Vaccines and other Pharmaceutical products can drastically affect the child in pregnancy and during breast-feeding.
Historically this has happened many times, that a pharmaceutical product said to be safe and effective, ends up being disastrous to the developing child in the womb and causing either death of the child - malformation or other severe adverse reactions.
(Neonicotinoid Insecticides Added to Growing List of Chemicals That Transfer From Mother to Fetus - The Defender - 5th January 2023)
Anything can potentially affect the developing child and pass into breast-milk including pharmaceutical products such as vaccines.(Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk - Jama Network - 26th September 2022) (Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Preganant Women Anyway - DailyClout - 29th April 2023) (mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus - ScienceDirect - 17th February 2025)
The first 3 months are particularly fragile and many pregnancies are lost during the first 16 weeks.The precautionary principle should apply – do not take anything that could or might affect the developing child or the breast-feeding infant. Even if it is pushed by everyone as being 'safe and effective'. What seems safe for one may be dangerous for another. What affects one pregnancy may not affect another in a similar way.
Everyone is individual and every pregnancy is unique.
For example in the first 16 weeks many woman can suffer nausea (morning or all day nausea). It is tempting to take something to relieve the nausea.
In the 1950s and 1960s many woman took a new pharmaceutical drug called Thalidomide, which was touted by many to be 'safe and effective' in pregnancy. The resulting children were born with diabolical malformations which resulted in early death or lifelong severe disability.
Diethystilbestrol (DES) is another of pharma's world-wide disasters resulting in generations of harm to women.(Diethylstilbestrol disaster)
(Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system - PubMed - 8th December 2021)
(Hundreds of 'Tylenol Lawsuits' Allege Retailers, Manufacturers Knew Acetaminiophen (Tylenol) During Pregnancy Could Cause Autism, ADHD - The Defender - 11th January 2023) (Unsafe for Kids at Any Dose? New Review of Science Supports Link Between Tylenol and Autism - The Defender - 28th July 2023
The good news is that In the majority of women the nausea disappears at 16 weeks and does not return.
It is best to wait it out rather than take a pharmaceutical drug and put the pregnancy at risk. Everything the woman takes can be concentrated in the growing child or breast-feeding infant – so a little quantity taken by the woman can result in a very large dose for the child.
This large dose can cause unimaginable harm.
Pharmaceuticals such as Vaccines - Sleeping pills – Ibuprofen – aspirin - Tylenol - headache tablets etc will be dangerous to the developing child and breast-feeding infant. During pregnancy and breast-feeding: Do not take anything apart from clean nutritious food and drinks. An Organic diet free from GMO’s and Pesticides (eg Glyphosate) would be best for the health of the mother and the child.
Organic food is more nutrient dense than intensively farmed food so the child will get higher levels of the vitamins, micronutrients and co-factors
that it needs to be healthy. (Kennedy is right - Atrazine and Gender Fluidity - Robert Malone Md, MS - Substack - 20th June 2023)
(The Miraculous Immune system - A 12 Part Series - Epoch Health - June 2023)
Babies -Toddlers and Older children
In the first few years of life – brain development and the immune system are developing exponentially.
Every stage of brain and immune development is a delicate dance between body molecules and body tissues and cells. There are certain phases of brain and immune development which are especially crucial to normal development and these phases can easily be adversely influenced by toxins, vaccines and other environmental factors. (Eg brain pruning of superfluous neurons) (How synaptic pruning shapes neural wiring during development and, posssibly, in disease - PNAS - 24th June 2020) (Early Brain Development in Children - Parenting for Brain - 1st October 2022) (Synaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development - PubMed - 9th September 2011) (Microglia as possible therapeutic targets for autism specturm disorders - PubMed - 12th June 2019) (Infanrix Hexa - 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit. - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - 16th December 2018)
Spontaneous Integraton of Human DNA Fragments in Host Genome - Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institiute - T.A.Deisher)
(Testimony Submitted by: Dr. Theresa A. Deisher - Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute) (Serotonin modulates exitatory Synapse maturation in the developing prefrontal cortex - Nature - 16th February 2024)
(Misadventues with the Chickenpox Vaccine, Gary Goldman, Ph.D. - Physicians for Informed Consent)
If toxins such as Aluminium (neurotoxin) are introduced into the child’s system, especially at these crucial stages of development, it can drastically alter the trajectory of their development and send it off on a different path. (Parents Need to Know: Are Your Children Over-Vaccinated? - Epoch Health - 12th March 2023) (Immune Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do We Know about It? - PMC - 11th March 2022)
(Unvaxxed Study: Few Got Sick and ADHD Disappeared - EpochTV - 10th February 2024)
During the recent scare we saw that most healthy children were able to easily use their innate immune system (first line of immune defence) to develop superior, broad and long-lasting immunity. (Vaccination Destroys Natural Herd Immunity and Weakens the Population - Rumble - 18th April 2023) (Dr. Malone Issues Stark Warning to Parents: 'Think Twice' Before Injecting Your Child - Rumble - 5th May 2023)
(V is for vaccine website - 2023) (Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swachh Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023)
Please do the research - all the facts are there if you look for them. Aluminium laden shots and doses of mercury (from flu shots) do not, and never will create health for your child. (Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics - Cureus - 2nd February 2023) (All Vaccines Make Children and Adults Unhealthier - The Expose - 16th October 2022)
(Immunologist and Biochemist Speaks about About Dangers of Acetaminophen for Children - Epoch Health - 8th December 2022)
(Top Vaccinologist: Clinical Trials Fail To Support Claim 'Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism' - The Highwire - 6th January 2023)
(What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 5th April 2023)
(Natural IgG Anti-F (ab')2 Autoantibody Activity in Children with Autism - PubMed - 27th February 2023)
(RFK Jr: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries - Rumble - 29th April 2023)
(Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier Or Sicker Over Time? (Three Independent Studies Weigh In) - Rumble - 20th June 2023)
(Undeniable Death Cases After HPV Vaccination - Epoch Health - 25th June 2023) (Why Do Vaccines Continually Fail to Live Up to Their Promises? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 12th July 2023) (CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay - Safe Minds - 17th July 2023) (BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogents and Toll-like receptor agonists - Frontiers - 25th August 2023) (Episode 352: The Informed Consent Imperative: Aaron siri Testifies - The Highwire - January 2024)
(ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network - Vaccines - No Placebos - icandecide.org - 24th July 2024) (ICAN - informedConsentActionNetwork - Get Informed - August 2024) (FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine - Maryanne Demasi, PHD - 16th October 2024)
(Would you like Plasmids with that? - Arkmedic - 17th October 2024)
New Research in Jama Pediatrics finds that the incidence of AUTISM in the US in 2019 to 2020 - is 1 in 30.
Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children and Adolescents in the United States from 2019 to 2020 - Jama Pediatrics - 5th July 2022 The aim of the study was to estimate the ASD prevalence among children and adolescents in the US in 2019 and 2020. Flu Vaccine Exposed: The Shocking NIH Discovery They Don't Want You to Know - The Vigilant Fox - 12th March 2025Two decades ago, CBS aired a bombshell report on the flu shot, revealing a truth that health officials didn’t want to admit. Despite flu shot uptake among seniors skyrocketing from 15% to 65%, flu deaths continued to climb.
Results Of The Largest Real World Comparison Of Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Children - Sunfellow On Covid-19 - 11th March 2025Dr. Paul Thomas: "We had a growing number of unvaccinated patients, and what I was clearly seeing was these kids don't get sick.
We looked at every single patient born into my practice... We stratified them according to the number of vaccines they had. The more vaccines you had, the worse you were. Infections, ADD, ADHD, neurodevelopmental issues, eczema, allergies... skyrockets in the vaccinated when compared to the unvaccinated.This data is so powerful that within five days of it being available online, they yanked my license. I was supposedly a threat to public health." Exclusive: 'Just Normal Doctoring' - a Texas Doctor's Eyewitness Report on Measles Outbreak - The Defender - 5th March 2025
Dr. Ben Edwards, an integrative medicine and family practitioner in Lubbock, Texas, is on the ground in Gaines County, helping families whose children have measles. In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Edwards said the death of a West Texas child might have been prevented if she had been treated with budesonide, a steroid used to reduce inflammation in airways. How a Broccoli Compound Became an Autism Hero - Epoch Health - 4th March 2025
Greer McGuinness decided when her son Keegan was diagnosed with autism at 19 months old that she needed to go back to college and pursue a master’s degree in health sciences to better help him. More antibodies are not always better: Fc effector functions play a critical role in SARS-CoV-2 infection and protection - ScienceDirect - 1st March 2025
Traditional vaccinology has primarily focused on neutralizing antibody titers as the main correlate of vaccine efficacy, often overlooking the multifaceted roles of antibody Fc effector functions in orchestrating protective immune responses. Fc-mediated immune responses play a pivotal role in immune modulation and pathogen clearance. Pediatrician Discusses His First Hand Experience With the Measles - The Highwire - 27th February 2025
Board Certified Pediatrician, Lawrence Palevsky, MD, discusses when he recognized the corruption in conventional medicine and the need for a new paradigm in western medicine. Get practical information on early detection of measles in your children and safe ways to decrease the severity of illness as well as recommendations on holistic ways of treating other common childhood illnesses. Del Dispels Misinformation About Measles - The Highwire - 27th February 2025
Del does a deep dive into the science behind the measles virus, dispelling decades of misinformation from public health agencies, as well as what is actually driving the recent measles outbreaks in the U.S. See a shocking scientific equation comparing the number of individual deaths that would occur if the measles vaccine had never been introduced based on pre-vaccine stats to the number of deaths from MMR injury. mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus - ScienceDirect - 17th February 2025
"In this study, mRNA-1273 intramuscularly given to pregnant mice rapidly circulated in maternal blood and crossed the placenta within one hour to spread in fetal circulation. Although spike mRNA in fetal circulation faded away within 4-6 hours, it could accumulate in fetal tissues, mainly the liver and get translated into spike protein." Court Documents Reveal "Undisclosed" Adjuvant in Gardasil vaccine - Maryanne Demasi, PHD - 19th February 2025
Merck’s Gardasil vaccine contains an unapproved immune booster—kept secret from the public. A lawsuit is exposing the cover-up. Did the MMR Vaccine Fuel the Texas Measles Outbreak? The Uncomfortable Science No One is Talking About - Sayer Ji - 19th February 2025What if the Texas measles outbreak wasn’t caused by the unvaccinated—but by the very vaccine meant to prevent it?
Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine - Oxford Academic - 15th March 2012
We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses. More misinformation about myocarditis and the covid vaccines - Norman Fenton - 18th February 2025
Why did the charity Myocarditis UK recommend the vaccine to children and then ignore the warnings about it? America Waking Up To Long-Term Harms Of Excessive Vaccination - Principia Scientific - 16th February 2025
Many parents look back to acute reactions after a battery of routine vaccines in their children and wonder if chronic problems such as food allergies, asthma, eczema, neuropsychiatric disorders, and seizures could be a result of the acute vaccine febrile reactions. Attention-Deficit/Hyeractivity Disorder in Medicaid-Enrolled Autistic Adults - Jama - 12th February 2025
Findings In this cohort study that included more than 3.5 million adults, co-occurring ADHD was elevated among autistic adults compared with the random national sample. Co-occurring ADHD was associated with worse health outcomes, and prescriptions for ADHD medications were generally associated with better health outcomes. Breaking: Peer-Reviewed Study Identifies Serious Safety Signals for 37 Adverse Events Following COVID-19 'Vaccination' in Pregnant Women - Focal Points - 11th February 2025
Conclusions: We found unacceptably high breaches in safety signals for 37 AEs after COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women. An immediate global moratorium on COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is warranted. Merck, FDA Knew Gardasil HPV Vaccine Was Contaminated With DNA - The Defender - 11th February 2025
Newly classified documents in the landmark lawsuit against Merck reveal that Merck and the FDA knew the vaccine maker didn’t conduct proper testing for DNA contamination, but covered it up. Children’s Health Defense is supporting the lawsuit. Four Studies Confirm Serious Health Risks Associated With Childhood Vaccination - The Vigilant Fox - 3rd February 2025
Four Damning studies, compiled by epidemiologist Nic Hulscher, expose the devastating long-term health risks linked to compliance with the CDC's recommended vaccine schedule for children. Would you like a turbo cancer with that? - Arkmedic - 2nd February 2025
"Today's article is hopefully going to answer the question about whether "Turbo Cancer" (a) exists and (b) is a consequence, or possible consequence of the imposition of a genetic vaccine platform on the global population." Exposing the Truth: Why the HPV Vaccine Is Not "Safe and Effective" - Sayer Ji - 1st February 2025
Marketed as "safe and effective," the HPV vaccine's troubling history of inadequate testing, severe adverse effects, and corporate deception tells a far more alarming story. Leading Physician Calls For More Science On Childhood Illness - The Highwire - 6th February 2025
Emergency & Integrative Medical Physician, James Neuenschwander, MD, joins Del to discuss the invalid vaccine claims made by legislators in the RFK Jr. hearings and explains why the science is not settled when it comes to vaccines and autism. After Extensive Research, Dr. Pierre Kory Does 180 Degree U-Turn On Childhood Vaccines - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 3rd February 2025
After extensive research Dr Pierre Kory has done an entire U-turn on the childhood vaccine schedule.The overstating of the efficacy and the miracle of these vaccines is a myth. Safety has never been shown. The idea there is no link between vaccines and autism is laughable. It’s mind blowing to think of the lies we have been fed for so long now. Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth - The Expose - 2nd February 2025
Data from the Czech Republic shows that covid vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women. During 2023, even though only about a third of Czech women were unvaccinated, most births were among unvaccinated women. The birth rate among vaccinated women aged 18-39 was 42 per thousand, while unvaccinated women had a birth rate of 114 per thousand. It isn't due to vaccines - Meryl Nass - 25th January 2025
Now shut up and go home. Wash your mouth out with soap. Don't ever let me hear such things from you again!--vaccine injuries being the first medical subject to be powerfully cancelled Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid - Science,Public Health Policy and The Law - 23rd January 2025
Conclusions: These results suggest that the current vaccination schedule may be contributing to multiple forms of NDD; that vaccination coupled with preterm birth was strongly associated with increased odds of NDDs compared to preterm birth in the absence of vaccination; and increasing numbers of visits that included vaccinations were associated with increased risks of ASD. Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants' health in rural areas, new research suggests - U.S. Right To Know - 16th January 2025
Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide best known as the active ingredient in Roundup®, has significantly harmed the health of babies in rural U.S. communities over the last two decades—especially those already at risk of poor birth outcomes, new research shows. The Effects of Artificial Food Dyes on Children's Brains - Epoch Health _ 15th January 2025
"Desperate for answers, they tried a food-elimination diet for attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After taking gluten, dairy, and food containing artificial food dyes out of his diet, peace reigned." No Proof MMR Vaccine Is 'Safer' than Measles, Mumps or Rubella Infection, Physician Group Says - The Defender - 14th January 2025
The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk posed by measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC). Breaking: 6 Lawsuits Filed Today Accuse Makers of Children's Fluoride Toothpaste of Violating Federal Law - The Defender - 13th January 2025
Children’s toothpaste brands Crest and Colgate/Tom’s of Maine, and mouth rinse brands Act, Tom’s of Maine, Firefly and Hello deceptively market their products, which contain fluoride, as “extra safe for children,” according to six class action lawsuits filed today in California and Illinois. Fluoride Exposure and Children's IQ Scores - Jama - 6th January 2025
Despite differences in exposure and outcome measures and risk of bias across studies, and when using group-level and individual-level exposure estimates, this systematic review and meta-analysis of 74 cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies found significant inverse associations between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ scores. The Risks of Vaccines During Pregnancy - Tracy Slepcevic - 2nd January 2025
"Colleagues The practice of vaccination during pregnancy is relatively new, starting 1997 for influenza and TdaP in 2010. Please read this piece from Tracy Slepcevic on the topic from a mothers perspective. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH" Latest "Bird Flu" Psyop - Robert W Malone MD, MS - 31st December 2024
"I am expert in influenza, and have consulted with the WHO over the past two decades on the topic of flu vaccines. This is one subject matter I am extremely knowledgeable about. This goes back to my medical school days, when I worked with Robert Lamb, one of the top influenza virus specialists in the world." Finding The Words: How To Heal Children Of Autism (A Heavily Censored 2004 Documentary) - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 28th December 2024
"Finding the Words" was first released 20 years ago. It was censored from airing in the United States because it reflects the truth about Autism: that it is biomedical, and kids can recover from it. For the first time ever, it is being made available for everyone online. (Thank you, Elon!) This Christmas, may your heart be filled with hope and love." Attorney Aaron Siri Explains How Childhood Vaccines Are Deceptively Made & Marketed - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 14th December 2024Aaron Siri:
"The claims made about vaccines often are dogma, religious beliefs. I mean, the idea that vaccines are the most robustly trialed products on the market is just simply false. And again, I don't take my word for it. Go to the FDA website." UnitedHealthcare 'Secret' Plan to Cut Costs Limits Critical Treatment for Kids With Autism - The Defender - 13th December 2024
Inside the nation’s largest and most profitable insurance conglomerate, the slashing of care for children with autism is part of a secret internal cost-cutting campaign that targets a growing financial burden for the company: the treatment of thousands of children with autism across the country. FDA Advisers Bullish on RSV Shots for Kids, Even as Safety Signals Shut Down Moderna Trials - The Defender - 13th December 2024
Vaccine makers are developing 26 different RSV vaccines or monoclonal antibodies for all age groups, as they vie for a slice of the rapidly expanding market. Discussions during Thursday’s FDA vaccine advisory committee focused on the “unmet need” for more RSV shots for infants and toddlers and how to move them forward. The most comprehensive study on Vax DNA sails through peer review - Anandamide - 3rd December 2024
"There are several aspects of this paper that are worth reviewing in detail. The paper not only settles some of the methods debate ongoing in the field regarding how to best quantitate the DNA in these vaccines, but it also transfects HEK cells with the vaccines and demonstrates the spike expresses for longer than 7 days and it doesn’t stay parked on the cell membrane. It get packaged and into exosomes and presumably exported all over the body." 'Truth Is Becoming More Obvious': Author of New Peer-reviewed Study Calls for Moratorium on COVID mRNA Vaccines - The Defender - 3rd December 2024
A new peer-reviewed study calling for a moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 vaccines adds to a growing chorus of voices demanding that public health officials hit the pause button on the shots until definitive safety studies are performed. Episode 400: W.H.O.'s To Thank - The Highwire - 28th November 2024
With the prospects of a historic administration for public health on the horizon, “The HighWire” looks back to one of the most revealing and relevant episodes to have aired. In January of 2020, host Del Bigtree brought to light a meeting of the world’s top health officials, and their shocking admissions about vaccine safety caught on camera. Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Children's IQ Is Under Attack - Marc Girardot - 27th November 2024Are vaccines not only harming our kids' health but also their intelligence?
ICAN Seeks to Stop Newborn Hep B Jabs, Sue Providers Who Vaccinate Without Consent - The Highwire - 21st November 2024
ICAN lead counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., guides you through an exploration of the Hepatitis B vaccine, outlining the serious problems with this controversial vaccine given to newborn babies in their first days of life in the US, per the CDC. Hear why ICAN is fighting to have this shot removed from the childhood schedule. Further, ICAN is standing up to hospitals which vaccinate newborns without consent of the parents. Karma, in The Form Of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Has Finally Caught Up With Big Pharma! - Rumble - 15th November 2024
"For many years, I was saying not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested in pre-licensing placebo-controlled trials, not one. Tony Fauci was saying he's lying. In 2016, President Trump appointed me to run a vaccine safety commission, and he ordered Fauci and Collins to meet with me with White House counsel, present. And I said to Fauci at that meeting, you say I'm lying for eight years, you've been saying I'm lying about this, show me the study." Letter to Dads - Graham Brownstein -1st November 2024
I am writing this to my fellow dads for one reason: to convince you to stop pushing for your children to be injected with vaccines. Whatever you think you are doing, the tragic truth is that you are maiming, sterilizing and killing your kids. You are decimating your family line. Please stop before it is too late. Expert Attorney Exposes Decades Of Fluoride Harms - The Highwire - 31st October 2024
Fresh off a historic win against the EPA over the use of fluoride in drinking water, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, Michael Connett, Esq., discusses the decades-long concealment of the significant harms fluoride poses to human health and its implications for the future of water fluoridation. Study Shows 450 Percent Jump in Adult Autism Diagnoses, Suggesting a Trend in Late Diagnosis - Epoch Health - 30th October 2024
The number of Americans diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has nearly tripled over the past decade, with young adults aged 26 to 34 showing the most dramatic surge—a 450 percent increase, according to a new cross-sectional study published in JAMA Psychiatry on Wednesday. Fluoride Finally Declared an "Unreasonable Risk" - Aaron Siri - 26th October 2024
A seven-year battle between the EPA and the public interest regarding the fluoridation of public drinking water has finally concluded. Breaking: 188% Rise in Mortality Risk Among New Zealand Teens Following Covid-19 Vaccination - Hatchard Report - 24th October 2024
How has Health New Zealand missed a massive death signal among young age groups in New Zealand following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination? New OIA data shows a 188% rise in the 3 month mortality risk among the 12-19 age group following mRNA vaccination and an 83% rise in the 20-30 age group. The HPV Vaccine Tragedy Was A Test Run For COVID-19 - A Midwestern Doctor - 22nd October 2024A review of the incredible dangers of the HPV vaccine and the unscrupulous campaign that forced it upon the world
Would you like Plasmids with that? - Arkmedic - 17th October 2024
Plasmids are DNA sequences used by laboratories to manufacture vaccines and biologics and contain elements that should never get to the human supply chain. It turns out that this has been happening for decades, discovered following independent investigation into the COVID vaccines. Revelations this week implicate every recombinant vaccine currently in use, in this major contamination scandal. FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine - Maryanne Demasi, PHD - 16th October 2024
Over the last two years, cancer genomic experts have raised concerns about the presence of residual DNA fragments in the mRNA covid-19 vaccines, saying that it has potential to increase the risk of developing cancer. Major Study of 1.7 Million Children Finds Myocarditis Only in Kids Given COVID-19 Vaccines - Reform Pharma - 11th October 2024
Since the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children and adolescents in 2021, health officials have reassured the public that vaccine-related heart inflammation—myocarditis and pericarditis—is rare and claimed children were at a higher risk of developing myocarditis from the virus. COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Immunity Durability Was Knowable from the Start: No Long-Lived Plasma Cells - James Lyons-Weiler - 28th September 2024
"Recent research has confirmed that one critical piece of the puzzle—long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs)—is missing from the immune response generated by mRNA vaccines, raising questions about whether the limitations of these vaccines were knowable from the start." SARS-CoV-2 specific plasma cells are not durably established in the bone marrow long-lived compartment after mRNA vaccination - Nature Medicine - 27th September 2024
"While serum IgG titers specific for influenza and tetanus correlated with IgG LLPCs, serum IgG levels for SARS-CoV-2, which waned within 3–6 months after vaccination, were associated with IgG non-LLPCs. In all, our studies suggest that rapid waning of SARS-CoV-2-specific serum antibodies could be accounted for by the absence of BM LLPCs after these mRNA vaccines." Proud to Be Suing Hospitals and Doctors That Inject Hep B Vaccines Into Newborns Without Parental Consent - Aaron Siri - 21st September 2024
ICAN is supporting an initiative that is long overdue: suing doctors and hospitals that inject newborns with a hepatitis B vaccine without parental consent. The hepatitis B vaccine is a case study in agency capture. The target for this product was sex workers and intravenous drug users, and the rare pregnant mother who was hepatitis B positive. The problem was that CDC could not get the sex workers and intravenous drug users to take this product. New Science Shows MRNA Jabs Weaken The Immune System - The Highwire - 19th September 2024
Research is piling up to reveal that the mRNA vaccines increasingly weaken the immune system with each booster. Jefferey dives deeper into what “HighWire” guests Bret Weinstein, PhD and William Makis, MD both detail – multiple vaccinations causing a class switch in antibody production to an overproduction of IgG4, the antibody responsible for dampening immune response, and underproduction of IgG1 and IgG3, the antibodies responsible for cancer surveillance. International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do? - J.B. Handley - 2nd September 2024
STAFFORDSHIRE, England —Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University in England and his colleagues published a paper that for the first time ever looked at the brain tissue of subjects with autism to determine the level of aluminum (note: they spell “aluminum” as “aluminium” in the United Kingdom) found within their brain tissue. For anyone trying to convince the world that “the science is settled and vaccines don’t cause autism,” the study’s findings are deeply contradictory to that statement. Food Allergies Doubled in a Decade, Study Finds - Epoch Health - 29th August 2024
A new study has revealed the number of people with a food allergy has more than doubled over a decade, from 0.4 percent of the population in 2008 to 1.2 percent in 2018. Nasty 'Anti-Vax' Statements About the MMR Vaccine - Dr. Byram Bridle - 16th August 2024
If anyone, including immunologists specializing in the sub-discipline of vaccinology, said anything of concern about the COVID-19 vaccine narrative, they were immediately labeled an ‘antivaxxer’; regardless of how much primary scientific data they used to elevate their concerns. So, I am predicting that a lot of people are going to be tempted to throw around the ‘antivax’ label after they see the facts that I am about to disclose… Research Shows How Gut Microbiota Predict Autism Spectrum Disorder - Epoch Health - 2nd August 2024
Stool samples noted a high degree of accuracy in distinguishing autism, and early diagnosis is associated with better outcomes. ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network - Vaccine No Placebos - icandecide.org - 24th July 2024
None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. The Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule is Now in Question - Vigilant News Network - 18th July 2024
If a child today follows the recommended CDC schedule, they're injected with a staggering total of up to 108 shots by age 18! “The World Council for Health now, September 2023, put out an advisory: Safer to wait than go through with this childhood vaccine schedule,” Dr. Peter McCullough mentioned. A protection against bioweapons - VDJ recombination explained - Dr. Kevin Stillwagon - Substack - 14th July 2024
The human immune system is a marvel of biological engineering, designed to protect us from a vast array of potential threats, including viruses, bacteria, and even man-made bioweapons. God designed the human body to be able to do this from birth, and if we could not do this, we would not be able to survive as a species. And Like That, The Claim Vaccines Are The World's Best Studied Product Dies - Substack - Aaron Siri - 10th July 2024
The world’s leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, and company have just capitulated…Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite. Dr. James Thorp Describes The Horrific Damage COVID Vaccines Have Done To Mothers & Babies - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 10th July 2024
OBGYN with 43 years of experience @jathorpmfm explains the devastating consequences of COVID vaccination: "I don't know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what's going on. I've seen death and destruction like I've never seen before. "There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities. "When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid and fetal cardiac arrest." "'Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?'" "Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect." How Vaccines Change Our Immune Systems - Rumble - Your Health. Your Story - 8th July 2024
If vaccines are administered to improve our health, then why is America one of the sickest nations on earth? Dr. Lawrence Palevsky examines the long-term impact of vaccines and over-vaccination, and explains why the exploding rate of allergies, autoimmune conditions, and chronic illnesses is not the mystery the medical community claims it is. New RSV mRNA trial recruiting babies for "investigational vaccines" - YouTube - Dr Philip Bosanquet - 4th July 2024
5-7 month old babies are being recruited for the Rhyme trial to test new “investigational vaccines” called mRNA-1345 and mRNA-1365. The viruses being targeted by Moderna are RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and hMPV (human metapneumovirus). Is focusing efforts on developing new pharmaceutical agents the ticket to better resilience against infectious disease and better health? Or should the focus of attention be lifestyle changes including key aspects such as improving nutrition? What is the most effective path to better health? I’d love to hear your thoughts. HPV Vaccine - Substack - Dr Christopher Exley - 4th June 2024
There is no ‘top trumps’ on the worst of vaccines that include an aluminium adjuvant. However, so-called vaccines against the human papilloma virus (HPV) must give most a run for their money. Herein I simply wish to direct you to critical comment and information on this subject. I hope that this will be sufficient to deter you from subjecting yourself or your child to this evil vaccine. Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at 'Exponentially' Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays - The Defender - 20th June 2024
“If safety signals sounded alarms, the results would be deafening,” said Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), co-author along with CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., of a study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research." COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes - Preprints.org - 19th June 2024
Conclusions: There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age. A neglected generation: Reversing the decline in children's health in England
- Food Foundation.org - June 2024 Crucially, the report not only highlights a deeply worrying increase in conditions driven by calorie dense diets such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, but also highlights the equally concerning and substantially less talked about results of poor-quality diets and undernutrition, which are increasingly impacting on our children and often paradoxically co-existing with obesity. India's Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants - Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer? - The Defender - 13th June 2024
A rotavirus vaccine used in India increases infants’ risk of intussusception, a serious bowel condition that if left untreated could cause death, according to a new peer-reviewed study by Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Children’s Health Defense’s Brian Hooker, Ph.D. U.S. rotavirus vaccines may pose similar risks. History, Harms, and Theoretical Benefits of Routine Vaccination in Pregnancy - Substack - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH - 11th June 2024
When my children were conceived and born the miraculous process occurred without vaccines given to the mother. It had been this way since the beginning of mankind. When and why has vaccination begun in pregnant women? What are the threats to health American women posed by diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and COVID-19? Can pregnant women be exposed to the risks of vaccination in order to theoretically pass immunity on to the baby? Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says - The Defender - 12th June 2024
Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher. Autism Rates Continue to Climb, Heading Towards 4% Among American Children and Adolescents - Safe Minds - 10th June 2024
Chinese Researchers Find a Significant Decade-Long Increase in ASD Prevalence A recent study from researchers at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University has investigated the prevalence and trends of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among children and adolescents aged 3–17 years in the United States. The Government Wants us to "Get Back to the Vax" Because the COVID jab lies have put parents off of all vaccines - Substack - Meryl Dorey - 9th June 2024
Childhood vaccination rates down by 20% in Australia. Time to celebrate folks! The government has jumped the shark and there is no putting that particular genie back in the bottle. COVID Vaccine Nightmare Confirmed by Dr. Peter McCullough - Rumble - Vigilant News Network - 9th June 2024
“The [COVID] vaccines will drop the chances of getting pregnant.” This claim comes from renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. The data is disturbing. Sinister Silence over vaccine damage in pregnancy - The Conservative Women - 4th June 2024
THE Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) monitored 2,000 pregnant women for adverse reactions post covid vaccination rollout, but have refused a Freedom of Information request to release the data. They admitted last April that they had it but cited the exemption that they planned to issue a report. They have still provided no publication date for the information recorded during the first six months of 2021. Mother Describes How Biomedical Treatment Reversed Vaccine-Induced Autism In Her Child - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 4th June 2024
"CAN VACCINE INDUCED AUTISM BE REVERSED? YES, IT CAN! Over a decade ago I interviewed Holly who did exactly that with her son, and she explained what she did and why. It's one reason I am on this autism journey!" Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule! - Rumble - Vigilant News Network - 28th May 2024
It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or NON-EXISTENT benefits” but “documented side effects.” This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots. Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehaviour at Age 36 Months - Jama Network - 20th May 2024
Findings In this cohort study of 229 pregnant women and their children, a 0.68 mg/L (ie, 1 IQR) increase in specific gravity–adjusted maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy was associated with nearly double the odds of T scores for total child neurobehavioral problems being in the borderline clinical or clinical range. Determining the risks and benefits of each recommended vaccine. - Substack - A Midwestern Doctor - 26th May 2024
"The blatant dishonesty of our drug regulators throughout COVID-19 has led to many realizing they can’t trust that other recommended vaccines are “safe,” “effective” and “necessary.” Vaccine Risks Versus Benefits: Autism and What the Science Reveals About Childhood Vaccine Injury - Epoch Health - 23rd May 2024
If parents fully understood the risk of vaccination would so many still vaccinate their children? Professor of Biology, Brian Hooker saw a devastating turn of health in his, now adult, son following childhood vaccination. This would spark his years-long investigation into the links between vaccination and chronic illness, including autism, asthma, and autoimmune disorders. Children Whose Mothers Were Exposed During Pregnancy to Fluoridated Tap Water at Higher Risk of Neurobehavioral Problems - The Defender - 20th May 2024
Children born to women exposed during pregnancy to fluoridated drinking water were more likely to have neurobehavioural problems, according to a study published today in JAMA Network Open. Dr. Peter McCullough: Autism, Childhood Vaccines & The Plague Of Transgenderism (Excerpt) - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19
Dr. Peter McCullough: 'Art of War' Series: Who Is Winning The War Of Information? Naomi Wolf: U.S. Birthrate Hitting Record Lows After Mass mRNA Vaccination Campaign - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 29th April 2024
Aired on April 27, 2024, Naomi Wolf describes how U.S. birthrates are plummeting as the result of the mRNA vaccines. Safety of Ancestral Monovalent BNT162b2, mRNA-1273, and NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 Vaccines in US Children Aged 6 Months to 17 Years - Jama - 24th April 2024
Question Were statistical signals detected for health outcomes after ancestral monovalent COVID-19 vaccination in US children aged 6 months to 17 years? Findings In this cohort study of 4 102 106 vaccinated enrollees, 2 outcomes met the statistical threshold for a signal compared with historical rates: myocarditis or pericarditis after BNT162b2 (ages 12-17 years) and seizure after BNT162b2 (ages 2-4 years) and mRNA-1273 (ages 2-5 years) vaccinations. The Mom Who Beat Autism - Tracy Slepcevic - EpochTV - 20th April 2024
While autism is considered an incurable condition, Tracy Slepcevic, integrative health coach, and author of “Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Her Son with Autism” managed to get her son back on his feet. He developed autism after receiving vaccines. Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? (2024 Update Reviews The Data) - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 20th April 2024
Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? 2024 Update Reviews The Data On Ever Increasing Routine Vaccine Schedule And Health Outcomes Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Giving children covid vaccines is unethical and reckless - our letter to pharmacy chiefs - TCW - 29th March 2024
"I am writing to draw your attention urgently to the major breach of ethical principles if your companies proceed to offer Covid-19 vaccinations privately to healthy children aged 12 years and above at a time when the NHS has effectively withdrawn the vaccines for all healthy under-75s." College math professor validates my survey conclusions: vaccines ARE the main cause of chronic diseases - Substack - Steve Kirsch - 14th April 2024
Pretty much all mainstream statisticians, data scientists, and epidemiologists ignore my work. But not all. I recently got an email from a college professor of mathematics who decided to do a more detailed analysis to see if my recent survey was accurately reflecting reality. His conclusion: Yes, the survey results are very convincing and we have a very serious problem. The survey results which implicate the vaccines as the primary cause of chronic disease cannot be “explained away” as “biased” or “confounded.” Formula for Treating Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage - Autism Specialist Maija Hahn - EpochTV - 13th April 2024
Today we sit down with Maija Hahn, an autism expert and speech pathologist. Ms. Hahn began studying autism 27 years ago before the condition was widely spread in the United States. “[In the 90s] it was one in 10,000. … Those parents couldn’t even find a doctor to diagnose autism because it was so rare. The doctors [had] never seen it,” she said. Dr. Peter McCullough On Childhood Vaccines - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 10th April 2024
"This epidemic of autism is a tsunami . . . about a third of mothers and fathers are going natural [deciding NOT to vaccinate their children]." -- Dr. Peter McCullough Scientist's Video on Vaccination Status in Pregnancy Censored for 'Misinformation' - Epoch Health - 8th April 2024
A mathematician has had a YouTube video taken down after pointing out that the government is counting women who had the COVID-19 vaccines before conceiving as “unvaccinated,” effectively obscuring any potential link between the jabs and negative pregnancy outcomes. What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? - Substack - A Midwestern Doctor - 31st March 2024
Since vaccines frequently cause a wide range of side effects this makes it challenging to identify what the common thread between those injuries. One of the best candidates that has been put forward is vaccination triggering microstrokes throughout the body—a process which I believe also underlies many other chronic diseases. Double-Edged Syringe: Jenner, WHO & the Vaccine March to Gobal Dominance - Christof Plothe, DO - Bright Light News - 2nd April 2024
“Before the advent of most of the vaccines in the 1960s, the morbidity and mortality of most diseases had come down significantly due to clean water, refrigeration, better hygiene,” emphasized Christof Plothe, DO, World Council for Health (WCH), during our discussion in Geneva at the WHO headquarters. Young Children Died at Higher Rates in 2021-2022, as Adult Life Expectancy Rebounded - The Defender - 26th March 2024
Death rates among children ages 1-4 jumped 12% between 2021 and 2022, and for kids 5-14 the rate increased by 7% over the same period, according to data released this month by the CDC. The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths - A Midwestern Doctor - 21st March 2024
The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Be Very Afraid? CDC, Big Media Drum Up Fear of 'Deadly' Measles Outbreaks - The Defender - 20th March 2024
"Stern-looking public health officials with wrinkled brows are quoted as saying we’re about to be swallowed by a highly infectious disease that is vaccine-preventable." HPV Vaccine May Increase Risk of Several Autoimmune Diseases: Study - Epoch Health - 12th March 2024
A retrospective cohort study published on March 7 in Vaccine found that adolescent women who were vaccinated were 4.4 times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who were not vaccinated. Similarly, vaccinated adolescent women had a 2.76 times higher chance of developing juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Vax Facts: Do the Polio Vaccines Used In the U.S Stop Infection and Transmission of the Polio Virus? - Substack - Aaron Siri - 8th March 2024
When picking an answer, keep in mind that IPV is mandated to attend grades K-12 in every state in the United States and the justification for this rights-crushing mandate is the belief that the vaccine prevents transmission of polio in the school setting. The Ugly History of Vaccines: Part 1 - Dr. Suzanne Humphries - EpochTV - 9th March 2024
In 2008, Dr. Suzanne Humphries noticed that her patients were being vaccinated in the hospital she worked at with a signature bearing her name. She did not consent to this, but it was part of a new hospital policy at the time. This incident pushed her to look into vaccination. How Measles Vaccines Alter Our Natural Immunity - Epoch Health - 9th March 2024For many years, we’ve been told that the measles vaccine is responsible for stopping the spread of measles. Many even blame the occurrence of measles cases on low vaccination rates.
Del Bigtree - Federal Health Agencies & The COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding? - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 28th February 2024
Del Bigtree, CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and host of The Highwire, speaking at the COVID-19 roundtable meeting hosted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson on Monday, February 26, 2024. First-trimester COVID Vaccination is 28% More Dangerous than Third-trimester, Another Study Shows - Igor Chudov - 18th February 2024My two recent posts mentioned a disturbing pattern appearing in several studies of children born to COVID-19-vaccinated mothers. For a yet unknown reason, children born to mothers vaccinated during the first trimester of pregnancy consistently show a greater rate of developmental problems compared to vaccinations done during the third trimester.
A pilot study of chlormequat in food and urine from adults in the United States from 2017 to 2023 - Nature - 15th February 2024
Toxicological studies suggest that exposure to chlormequat can reduce fertility and harm the developing fetus at doses lower than those used by regulatory agencies to set allowable daily intake levels. Here we report, the presence of chlormequat in urine samples collected from people in the U.S., with detection frequencies of 69%, 74%, and 90% for samples collected in 2017, 2018–2022, and 2023, respectively. Antidepressants Like Prozac, Sarafem Can Affect Fetal Brain Development During Pregnancy Study - Epoch Health - 17th February 2024
The use of antidepressants during pregnancy could affect brain development of the fetus and potentially lead to mental health disorders later in life, according to a recent study. Episode 359: Safeguarding Vaccine Exemptions: Aaron Siri Testifies Pt 2 - The Highwire - 15th February 2024
ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., gives the second of two presentations to Arizona’s Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee titled ‘Safeguarding Vaccine Exemptions: Religious & Medical.’ Unvaxxed Study: Few Got Sick and ADHD disapeared - EpochTV - 10th February 2024
Dr. Paul Thomas is a retired pediatrician from Portland, Oregon. He was forced to give up his medical license by the Oregon Medical Board because he published data about what he was observing in his patients—that the unvaccinated children were getting less sick compared to the vaccinated. Transplacental Transmission of the COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA: Evidence from Placental, Maternal and Cord Blood Analyses Post-Vaccination - Ajog- 24th January 2024
Conclusions Our findings suggest that the vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood. The detection of the spike protein in the placental tissue indicates the bioactivity of the vaccine mRNA reaching the placenta. Notably, the vaccine mRNA was largely fragmented in the cord blood and, to a lesser extent, in the placenta. To our knowledge, these two cases demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the intrauterine environment. Open letter to national newspaper re: compulsory vaccines - Substack - Informed consent matters - 24th January 2024
I read your article dated 22nd January, 2024, despite my initial deep reservations regarding the headline. I hoped this sensationalist title was merely 'clickbait' to entice people to open it (I know The Independent struggles with low readership), rather than serving as an accurate reflection of the article's content. Safety of Monovalent BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech), mRNA-1273 (Moderna), and NVX-CoV2373 (Novavax) COVID-19 Vaccines in US Children Aged 6 months to 17 years - MedRxiv - 15th January 2023
Conclusions and Relevance Of the two signaled outcomes, the myocarditis or pericarditis signals are consistent with previously published reports. The new signal detected for seizures/convulsions among younger children should be further investigated in a robust epidemiological study with better confounding adjustment. COVID Vaccines Cause Autism in Lab Rats, Study Finds - Substack - Igor Chudov - 12th January 2024
A friend of this blog, Ashmedai, highlighted a fascinating animal study, which found that giving pregnant rats the Pfizer COVID vaccine induced ‘autism-like’ traits in the male pups born after such vaccination. RSV reports in VAERS (AREXVY and ABRYSVO) - Substack - Jessica Rose - 12th January 2024
Now that these products have been deployed, we are already seeing reports of AEs and SAEs being reported to VAERS. 68% of the reports have been filed in the context of the Arexvy product. To date, there are 2,903 VAERS IDs reported with a 13% SAE reporting rate whereby 38% of the reports were filed on the same day as the vaccine was administered. Protect Babies from the Injection of Beyfortus (RSV monoclonal) - Substack - Sasha Latypova - 6th January 2024
Helene Banoun is a pharmacist-biologist, former INSERM researcher, based in France. She writes in an email: "Since December 6, when I alerted the public about the French government's uncontrolled clinical trial, Twitter France has made me invisible. In France, the injection of Beyfortus (nirsevimab, a monoclonal antibody against bronchiolitis caused by RSV) is recommended for all newborns from the maternity ward. This treatment has not been tested on newborns, but on children aged between 3 months and 2 years! " RSV bronchiolitis vaccines and preventative therapies; efficiency and toxicity - ResearchGate - December 2023
RSV bronchiolitis vaccines and preventive therapies : efficiency and toxicity Monoclonal antibody preventive therapies? Some financial aspects of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies It is to be feared that this monoclonal antibody (Beyfortus), whose Fc fragment has been modified, could cause this dangerous ADE effect in certain infants, which would explain the imbalance in deaths in the treated group compared to placebo, but also the same imbalance compared to the group treated with Synagis (palivizumab), the former equivalent drug which did not have this modification of the Fc fragment Did the Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox? - Part 2 - Epoch Health - 5th January 2024
The widespread faith in vaccines is often traced back to the assumption that the first vaccine in human history effectively eradicated one of the deadliest pandemics. However, does this belief hold true? Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Increased Risk of Swollen Lymph Nodes In Children - Principa Scientific - 5th January 2024
Children who received a COVID-19 vaccine faced an increased risk of several adverse events, including swollen lymph nodes, researchers in Norway reported in a new study. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in children aged 12 and up were linked to increased risks of severe allergic shock, lymphadenopathy, and heart inflammation, according to the paper. Researchers included people as old as 19. In subanalyses, increased risks of acute appendicitis, epilepsy, and convulsions were also detected. DR. Douglas Hulstedt: 40% - 50% of autism cases are caused by childhood vaccines - The Expose - 27th December 2023
Although Dr. Douglas Hulstedt himself is without a doubt that vaccines caused 40%-50% of the autism cases he saw in his practice, he told Steve Kirsch during an interview that vaccines cause up to 90% of the autism cases according to a doctor practising family medicine in Louisiana who has treated over 8,000 cases. 'Shocking' Fast Food Testing Results With Zen Honeycutt - Rumble - Childrens Health Defense - 20th October 2023
Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America presents her team’s ‘shocking’ findings in testing school lunches and America’s top twenty fast food brands. The results are disturbing. Tune in! Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine "Reduced Preterm Births" - By INVERTING THE DATA - Igor Chudov - 18th December 2023
"A study by New Zealand's Beverley Lawton et al. “proved” that receipt of the HPV vaccine reduced preterm births. However, when statistical sleuths questioned the data, the study was retracted, as it turned out that the findings were inverted. The story of the retraction is quite scandalous and is worth exploring!" mRNA RSV Vaccine: 81 Adverse Reactions per Each Prevented Case of RSV - Igor Chudov - 15th December 2023
"All of this misery and suffering, like 70 vaccine-caused long-term underarm lymph node swellings and 1,620 vaccine-caused total lymph node swellings, was imposed upon the unlucky vaccinated subgroup to prevent a measly 66 cases of RSV. " "Of particular note is the fact that far more vaccinated subjects had severe “infections and infestations” up to 28 days after vaccination compared to the unvaccinated ones:" "Of particular note is the fact that far more vaccinated subjects had severe “infections and infestations” up to 28 days after vaccination compared to the unvaccinated ones:" Children Vaccinated in Messenger RNA COVID-19 Trials at Higher Risk of Certain Illnesses:Study - Epoch Health - 9th December 2023
Compared to placebo recipients, children who received one of the modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) shots were at an increased risk for serious adverse events or respiratory tract infections, Dr. Christine Stabell Benn and other researchers found. The Concept of a Chickenpox Vaccine Exposes the Bankruptcy of the Vaccine Paradigm - Substack - Cassandra's Box - 15th November 2023
"The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended a vaccine against varicella, commonly known as chickenpox, should be added to the UK’s routine childhood immunisation programme." "The vaccine would be offered to all children in 2 doses, at 12 and 18 months of age." Excess Deaths among Children continue to rise in the Thousands across Europe following EMAs Emergency Use Authorisation of the Covid-19 Vaccine for Kids - The Expose - 22nd November 2023
Excess deaths among children across Europe were negative compared to the previous average throughout 2020 and 2021 until the European Medicines Agency (EMA) extended the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of the COVID-19 vaccine to Children. Curiously, from this point onwards, excess deaths among children across Europe began to rise significantly up to the end of 2021 and have continued to do so throughout 2022 and 2023. Brazilian Public Hearing on safety of Covid injections for children - Substack - Jessica Rose - 23rd November 2023
I was invited by Congressman Ricardo Arruda to give a brief presentation on the subject matter of injecting babies with gene therapy whilst calling it a vaccine against an extinct SARS-CoV variant. Most People Don't Reach Micronutrient Requirements Through Food Alone - Substack - Dr. joseph Mercola - 20th November 2023In developed countries, many people are lacking in important nutrients due to high intake of low-nutrition foods.
Vitamin B12: a key player in celluar reprogramming and tissue regeneration - Scientific - 16th November 2023
Researchers at IRB Barcelona reveal that vitamin B12 significantly boosts the efficiency of cellular reprogramming, thus holding promise for regenerative medicine. Vitamin B12 supplementation shows potential in speeding up tissue repair in a model of ulcerative colitis—an observation that points to potential new treatments for inflammatory diseases. Deaths of Scottish babies - HART - 16th November 2023
Public Health Scotland demonstrated a significant increase in neonatal deaths (in the first month of life) in 2021 but refused to investigate whether it was related to the vaccine because such an analysis “whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence”. OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: "I've Never Seen This Before" - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 14th November 2023
Increasing incidences of miscarriages - Miscarriages in the practice doubled in 2021 to 7-8% and in 2022 averaged 15% and then in December 2022 to 2023 increased to over 30%. Before You Vaccinate: 4 Variables Every Parent Needs to Know - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 9th November 2023
#1 - The more vaccines your child gets, the greater the risk of all-cause mortality. (Goldman, Cureus) #2 - The timing of vaccines can impact the risk of adverse events. (Miller, Sage Journals) #3- The gender of your child can make her susceptible to injury and death. Girls are more susceptible to the DTP vaccine. (9 studies) #4 - The sequence in which children receive vaccines can also heighten or lessen the risk of death. (Fisker and Thysen) ABC Blames "Republicans" for Infant Mortality Increases Following COVID Vaccinations Of Pregnant Moms and Babies - Substack Igor Chudov - 2nd November 2023
The CDC just reported significant increases in infant mortality that started in 2022 and continued in 2023. I put an annotated screenshot of the above page so you can see how increases in infant mortality match COVID vaccination of pregnant women: Does the Key to Curing Alzheimer's and Rare Childhood Disease - RCDP - Lie in Plasmalogens? - EpochTV - 17th March 2023
Fifteen years of neuroscientific research led Dr Dayan Goodenowe to a landmark discovery – a single molecule much lower than normal in the blood of people with Alzheimer’s Disease. Using his own technology, he identified that molecule as plasmalogen – an essential brain nutrient found in mother’s breast milk. Was Alzheimer’s being caused by its depletion in brain cells? Targeted Plasmalogen Supplementation: Effects on Blood Plasmalogens, Oxidative Stress Biomarkers, Cognition, and Mobilty in Cognitively Impaired Persons - Frontiers - 6th July 2022
"Changes in cognition and mobility were statistically significant versus a random outcome. Baseline DHA-plasmalogen levels were not predictive of clinical response. DHA-AAG was well tolerated at all dosages and no adverse reactions were observed." "In addition, recent research has shown that oral, DHA-enriched plasmalogen supplementation in mice increased hippocampal plasmalogen levels, improved learning and memory, and modulated various cell signaling pathways. In particular, research results suggested that the observed effect of oral plasmalogens on memory and learning were due, in part, to enhanced brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression." Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines - Epoch Health - 11th October 2023
In the series, "The HPV Vaccine: A Double-Edged Sword?" we will provide documented evidence of death and severe injuries linked with Gardasil, analyze the root cause of its harm, and offer solutions. COVID-19 Shot May Be Linked to Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding: Study - Epoch Health - 3rd October 2023
Norwegian scientists have discovered an unusual side effect in COVID-19-vaccinated women who don’t menstruate: atypical vaginal bleeding after injection with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. A miscarriage of statistics: - Substack - Dr Ah Kahn Syed - 20th March 2023
This story is not going away, however much the pharma companies and their vaccination-in-pregnancy foot soldiers want it to. The recent revelations of the Placentagate scandal has brought it to a head, and we are going to keep gnawing away. What Does Autism's Biochemistry Reveal About Its Cause and Potential for Treatment? - Dayan Goodenowe PhD - Epoch TV - 27th September 2023
The cells of those with autism show unique biochemistry. What does it reveal about autism’s root cause and the potential to treat it? Dr. Dayan Goodenowe has spent decades researching the biochemical mechanics of disease. He has invented and patented technology that identifies prodromes (early symptoms) for a range of conditions—including autism—to aid diagnosis and treatment. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as hypothetical epigenetic players: Results from an in silico analysis, considerations and perspectives - Vaccine - 7th August 2023
"BLAT analysis revealed a total of 37 hits between the BNT162b2 mRNA sequence and the human genome, Supplementary Table 1. More specifically, BNT162b2 mRNA matched 19 human genes whose protein products are variously involved in nucleotide-binding, cation-binding, enzyme reactions, signaling, and carrier functions, Table 1. In particular, BNT162b2 mRNA harbors 100 & identity extending for 139 nucleotides to the mitochondrial genomic region MT:759-897, which overlaps with the MT-RNR1 gene." Former Major City Police Detective Reveals 50% of SIDS Cases Happened Within 48 Hours Post-Vaccine - Vigilant News - 27th September 2023
My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS. 'No Real Debate' After New Study Shows mRNA From COVID Shots Contaminates Breast Milk - The Defender - 26th September 2023
A peer-reviewed study published Sept. 19 in The Lancet provides “pretty conclusive proof” that mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines migrates into breast milk, according to internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D. — despite claims by regulators, public officials and doctors that the mRNA in the vaccine would stay localized at the injection site. Safety data, unblinded trials and COVID-19 products in breast-feeding mothers, infants and pregnant women in the United States - Substack - Jessica Rose - 22nd September 2023
"There’s probably a reason why the original exclusion criteria list for the COVID-19 injectable product Phase III trials excluded breast feeding mothers and pregnant women. There’s also probably a reason we don’t want pregnant women to drink and smoke." CHD Report to Congress Addresses Censorship, Mandates and 'Distressing State of American Children's Health' - The Defender - 18th September 2023
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) last week sent a letter and report to the U.S. House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, highlighting the “unprecedented challenges” the organization has faced as a “direct result of unwarranted censorship and the profound impact it continues to have on our ability to address critical health and safety issues affecting the Nation.” Undeniable Severe Injuries After HPV Vaccination - Epoch Health - 18th September 2023
A collection of documented evidence is presented for serious injuries associated with Gardasil. Their existence is undeniable. RSV: Fact and Fiction With Dr. Meryl Nass and Brian Hooker, Ph.D. - The Defender - 13th September 2023
On a recent “Doctors & Scientists” episode on CHD.TV, Children’s Health Defense’s Brian Hooker, Ph.D., and Dr. Meryl Nass discussed the science related to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Big Pharma’s new RSV immunization agenda. This Is What Happens When You Don't Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 9th September 2023
Research by Anthony Mawson et al. shows Allergic Rhinitis 30 times higher in vaccinated - Autism 4.2 times higher in vaccinated children. UK Babies Were Knowingly Given Toxic Vaccines 14 X Stronger Than Intended By GlaxoSmithKline in the 60s/70s - Inversionism - 16th August 2023
This story of unfathomable and willful negligence begins in 1978 when Mrs Best started her legal battle against Glaxo for the damage they caused to her child after one dose of the extremely toxic over dosed whooping cough vaccine. Vaccines: Stories of Harm (Stop Mandatory Vaccination) - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 5th September 2023
Vaccines can and do cause harm, or even death. Listen to these stories of harm done by vaccines and help us defeat all vaccine mandates and mandatory vaccination. Children Crippled By Polio Vaccine (Children's Health Defense) - CHD.TV - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 6th September 2023
Stories of harm from the VAXXED bus. Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves - Igor Chudov - Substack - 29th August 2023
"Finally, we have scientific confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 causes a marked decrease in immunity to heterologous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This decreased immunity to other pathogens (acquired immune deficit) is what people colloquially refer to as “VAIDS.” (VAIDS stands for Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)" Must Watch: $11 Million given OB-GYNs To Lie To Moms About Safety Of mRNA-Vaccines - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 27th August 2023
Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. James Thorp. Dr. Thorp reveals FOIA results: $11 million to bribe OB-GYNs to lie to pregnant moms about often-abortifacient MRNA injections. Distrubing Trend: Maternal Death Rates in America Have Soared 50% Since Vaccine Rollout - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - August 2023
Dr. Peter McCullough shares the data with Del Bigtree. "To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women 18 Years of Age and Older" - Jessica Rose - Substack - 20th August 2023
"Is it not alarming in the first place that 13.04% of the participants who took the drug experienced an SAE?" "So how did a higher percentage of women experience an SAE on placebo than on the drug? Simple. They didn’t use saline. It’s the only logical explanation." The Highwire Episode 332: The Forbidden Debate - The Highwire - 10th August 2023
Vaccine Maker Paul Offit, MD, and ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq, Are Engaged in The Forbidden Debate on Subtack and X(Twitter), After Years of Demand For Experts to Publicly Debate Vaccine Safety; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on College Mandates Still Being Pushed By Some Colleges and Universities, The Relentless Censorship of Experts Continues, and the Powers Pushing The Climate Crisis Narrative Now Blaming You!; MIT Research Lead Exposes potentially dangerous contamination in the COVID Vaccines Please make them stop the insanity of using nearly all newborns as guinea pigs - CDC's ACIP today voted unanimously to give a monoclonal antibody to newborns on day 1-7 of life to prevent RSV - Meryl Nass - 4th August 2023I previously revealed a published CDC paper from 2021 that showed only 25 babies up to one year of age die from RSV yearly in the entire US, averaged over 12 years. This is death certificate data, which CDC collects. It is considered THE GOLD STANDARD.
Developed Nations Requiring the Most Infant Vaccines Linked With Higher Childhood Mortality Rates: Study - Epoch Health - 4th August 2023
Among developed nations, those requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20 in Cureus. All Three Triplets 'Shut Down' (Become Autistic) Within Hours of Receiving Childhood Vaccines! - Sunfellow On Covid-19 - 6th August 2023
All three of Brenda McDowell's triplets, she attests, 'shut down' within hours of each other after receiving their routine pneumococcal vaccines — later to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. • Claire - "She had full-blown eye contact. She was super lovely, and she shut right down." • Richie - "All his raspberry-blowing ... and the furniture walking ... just shut off." • Robbie - "Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus. Robbie, from that moment on, had a stunned look on his face. If you asked or said his name, he still acted deaf and acted like he couldn't hear." New Research Validates Autism's Link to Gut - Epoch Health - 31st July 2023
Researchers have identified a microbial signature for autism spectrum disorder, a critical finding that offers clarity about how the gut microbiome influences this neurological syndrome. The data-driven study published by 43 researchers challenges the idea that autism is a primarily genetic condition and suggests that environmental factors may be behind the sharp rise in the debilitating condition. How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility? - A Midwestern Doctor - Subatack - 29th July 2023
The Forgotten History of Elitist Population Control Programs "Reducing global population has been a consistent goal of the ruling class for centuries. While many support the abstract idea of population control, no one wants to volunteer to be the ones who are culled. The business of population control has hence been a very messy subject." Measles: Unvaccinated not to Blame for Outbreaks + Other Fun Facts - The Defender - 28th July 2023
As measles vaccine efficacy drops, increased measles cases are expected regardless of vaccination rates or responsibility attributed. Periodic outbreaks shouldn't restrict civil liberties. Neonatal, Infant, and Under Age Five Vaccine Doses Routinely Given in Developed Nations and Their Association With Mortality Rates - Cureus - 20th July 2023
Conclusions There are statistically significant positive correlations between mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given. Further investigations of the hypotheses generated by this study are recommended to confirm that current vaccination schedules are achieving their intended objectives. CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay - Safe Minds - 17th July 2023
Among Both Sexes, Ages 3-17, 8.56% Have Been Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report shows that the percentage of American children who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability has increased, with now more than 1 in 10 boys having an intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or another developmental delay. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested! - Rumble - Sunfellow On Covid-19 - 20th July 2023
"They are not able to locate a single pre-licensing safety trial - placebo controlled for any of the vaccines that are now mandated for children - these are zero liability vaccines." What Happens to Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 16th July 2023Almost every abusive relationship follows a similar pattern: the abusive partner lures the abused party into the relationship with lavish promises, and then once they are ensnared, finds reasons to renege on those promises and justifications to be a little bit abusive. The abused party will try to resist this shift, but the abuser will find some way to overcome that resistance (e.g., they will gaslight the partner into believing the abuse isn’t even happening).
The Highwire - Episode 327: Pandemic of Lies - 6th July 2023
Del recently gave a presentation exposing the real pandemic, a pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and policy in the U.S. which The HighWire and ICAN have been investigating since its founding. COVID may have opened your eyes, but this talk, given in California at a fundraiser for the group PERK, and now being presented to you, will help you learn why COVID was just the tip of the vaccine safety iceberg. Some Children Suffered Seizures Following mRNA COVID Shots - The Vaccine Reaction - 4th July 2023
A 2023 analysis published by researchers from Kaiser Permanente and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the journal Pediatrics compared vaccine adverse outcomes following administration of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 shot and Moderna/NIAID’s Spikevax mRNA COVID-19 shot among recipients under five years old for a period of 1-21 days post-vaccination, compared to outcomes among those vaccinated 22-42 days post-vaccination. The authors reported that 104 children under the age of five suffered seizures after receiving an mRNA COVID shot. International Measles Mania With Dr. Andrew Wakefield - CHD.TV - 26th June 2023
The most attacked human being on earth right now is the pregnant mother” — the childhood vaccination campaign, ramped-up MMR fear and natural immunity with Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Don’t miss this episode of ‘Good Morning CHD’! What You Need To Know About the AREXVY RSV Vaccine + Deceitful Language - Episode 173 - CHDTV - 3rd July 2023
Dr. Jessica Rose’s analysis of the AREXVY RSV vaccine is shocking. She shares the details of her findings — adverse events, ingredients, experimentation, efficacy — in this episode of ‘Good Morning CHD.’ Viewers also hear an important conversation about placebos. Then, Joshua Coleman gives a legislative update. Tune in! Merck's dirty little secret. Vaccines and aluminium history you are not supposed to know. - Dr. Susannah Humphries - Odysee - 23rd April 2022
"Gardasil - Thousands of adolescents lives ruined after HPV vaccines" AAHS adjuvant - bigger immune system bonfire. Immune Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do We Know about it? - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH - Substack 20th June 2023
The race is on to find determinants or risk factors for autism that could be modified or eliminated in order to stem the tide of new cases. One of the hottest areas of research is immune dysregulation causing changes during the development of the human brain that result in the expression of autism spectrum disorder. Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier or Sicker Over Time? (Three Independent Studies Weigh In) - Rumble - Sunfellow On Covid-19 - 20th June 2023
Three independent studies on childhood vaccination, released in 2020, compared the overall health of vaccinated and unvaccinated people and the results are striking! Twelve Infants Perish in Clinical Trial for RSV Shot - FDA Recommends Anyway - Rumble -Vigilant Fox - 12th June 2023
Four of the twelve infants’ deaths in the AstraZeneca trial were from cardiac arrest, and two died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The FDA claimed the deaths were “unrelated” to AstraZeneca’s monoclonal antibody injection, but how often do you hear about four babies naturally dying of cardiac arrest in a clinical trial setting? "This is hugely important,” stressed #CHDTV Polly Tommey. “The pediatricians are going to push this. The doctors, as soon as the babies are born, they’re going to give these babies this RSV jab.” Steve Kirsch Testifies the Truth about All Vaccines to Pennsylvania Senate - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 10th June 2023
“All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids. It’s not just the COVID vaccines,” attested @stkirsch. “If you compare the results of kids whose moms didn’t get vaccinated, no [vitamin] K shot, and no vaccines, and if you compare the outcomes of those kids versus kids who got the CDC schedule, there is a dramatic difference,” he emphasized. Stillbirths Spike in Scotland - Naked Emperor - Substack - 7th June 2023
Whilst stillbirths are fortunately rare events in Scotland, the latest data for April 2023 shows a spike with a 113% increase from last month. As you can see, April's data has breached the blue dashed ‘warning limits’ with a stillbirth rate per 1,000 (live & still births) of 6.1. This sadly represents 22 stillbirths. The only other time this ‘warning limit’ has been breached in the last seven years was in July 2020, just after the first lockdown. Are Childhood Vaccines Safe? DTP Vaccine Was Not - and Was Given for Decades! - Igor Chudov - Substack - 26th May 2023
The Covid vaccine debacle woke up many people, myself included. Many of us were shocked to see a novel, unproven treatment promoted aggressively with false promises given to us and mandates imposed on young and healthy persons. Those mRNA formulations ended up not working and caused thousands of deaths, despite repeated assurances of safety and effectiveness given by charlatans pretending to “represent science.” I Missed the most damning slide of all from yesterday's advisory meeting on Pfizer's RSV shot for pregant women - Meryl Nass - Substack - 20th May 2023Data reported by Pfizer to the CDC indicated that 14% of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s trial sustained an adverse event, with 4.2% sustaining a “serious” adverse event, 1.7% experiencing a “severe” adverse event and 0.5% suffering a “life-threatening” adverse event.
How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? - CHD.TV - 5th May 2023
Vaccines and autism — what is the link? Can neurological toxicology be attributed solely to genetics, or does the environment play a role? Ginger Taylor and Dr. Neu spell it out on ‘Friday Roundtable,’ this week. Viewers, don’t miss it! Dr. Malone Issues Stark Warning to Parents: 'Think Twice' Before You Inject Your Child - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 5th May 2023
"If your child is damaged, you will have to live with that the rest of your life. And you will have to work to help your child recover or live with their damage," cautioned @RWMaloneMD. "And it will be entirely on your shoulders. So think twice about allowing your child to receive these products because if they are damaged, it's going to be up to you to handle that problem — because the governments and the pharmaceutical industry cannot be held accountable." RFK Jr: Big Pharma Profits Not from Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 29th April 2023
"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," attested Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "If you can give somebody that vaccine and make them diabetic for life, then you've got a permanent customer." Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sheds Light on the Chronic Disease Epidemic Live on CNN - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 30th April 2023
"We've gone from 6% of our kids having chronic disease to 54% as of 2006," he lamented. "And I think that is the main thing that we need to talk about. And I will deal with this as President — ending the chronic disease epidemic in this country." Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway. - DailyClout - 29th April 2023
"This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge into public view. It reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies. (Though I arrived at the conclusions in this article on my own from reviewing the document linked here," How Are the COVID Shots Affecting Mothers-to-Be? - Epoch Health - 25th April 2023
Critics question the safety data used to approve shots as new research sparks debate. Many researchers have called for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 vaccination for all persons of childbearing and reproductive age. Acetaminophen + Autism - CHD.TV - 21st April 2023
William Parker, Ph.D., has done research on the repressed dangers of Tylenol (Acetaminophen). Today, he shares the shocking findings on ‘Good Morning CHD.’ What role does Vitamin B play in neurological toxicology? What about OTC drug timing in pregnancy? Watch to find out! New JCVI advice for high risk 0-4s - HARTGroup - 23rd April 2023
HART has spent the last two years explaining why it never made sense to vaccinate young people. We have been horrified as the vaccine has been extended to ever younger age groups even as covid has become significantly milder. We have repeatedly written to the JCVI asking for their justifications. No satisfactory or comprehensive response has ever been received. HPV Vaccine Mandate to Attend College - Epoch Health - 21st April 2023
They want to put college students’ lives at risk to protect them from a disease that is easily avoided. If this bill is passed, college students under 26 would be forced to receive this shot in this state. The Silent Gatekeepers of Your Immunity Many People Don't Know of - Epoch Health - 5th April 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a unique opportunity to discover the true power of our innate immunity—a gift of immense power. With this incredible force, some individuals have been able to fight off the virus without experiencing a single symptom. Tonsillectomy: A 'Minor' Procedure With Major Long-Term Risks - Epoch Health - 12th April 2023
Tonsillectomy, or surgical removal of the tonsils, is a common surgical procedure performed more than 500,00 times annually in the United States on children younger than 15 years old. While tonsillectomy may reduce patients’ short-term symptoms, many are unaware of the long-term consequences. What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 5th April 2023
The COVID-19 vaccines have provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to answer this question. A major problem I see throughout the scientific and political sphere is that people cannot maintain a perspective that allows them to see the whole picture; rather they tend to focus or fixate on things they have some type of emotional or subconscious priming to focus on (this has been an issue throughout history). Lipid Nanoparticles Drive mRNA Delivery to Placenta and Hopefully no Further - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH - Substack - 26th March 2023
COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women evokes the most horror of any safety scenario for the genetic vaccines (mRNA, adenoviral DNA) because there are two patients, the mother and the fetus. Violations of medical ethics have been called from the very start since pregnant women and those of childbearing potential were excluded from the randomized trials used for EUA approval for the FDA. Never has an excluded group been freely given a new product by government agencies (CDC/FDA) when they were excluded from trials just a few months earlier. OB/GYN Dr. Kim Biss Shares the 'Awful' Miscarriage Rate She is Seeing in Her Practice Since 2021 - Rumble - Chief Nerd - 27th March 2023
"I've had patients where they had many babies with us with no problem, got these injections, and now they've had losses and subsequent referrals to infertility physicians and had to get In Vitro Fertilization" Rates of autism climb to new highs in the U.S., with California setting record numbers - EurekAlert - 23rd March 2023
New Jersey’s rate of 8-year-olds diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is the third-highest in the nation. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 4 percent of 8-year-old boys and 1 percent of 8-year-old girls, have autism in the U.S. These estimates are the highest since the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network was created in 2000. miRNAs as biomarkers of autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis - Springer - 3rd February 2023
Several studies show that microRNAs (miRs/miRNAs) are strongly implicated in the development of the disorder and affect the expression of genes related to different neurological pathways involved in ASD. The present systematic review and meta-analysis addresses the current status of miRNA studies in different body fluids and the most frequently dysregulated miRNAs in patients with ASD. New CDC Data Shows U.S. Maternal Mortality Rose Sharply in 2021 - Rumble - Chief Nerd - 17th March 2023
# deaths from maternal causes: 2018: 658 2019: 754 2020: 861 2021: 1,205 'Simply Obscene': FDA Approves Fourth COVID Shot for Infants and Kids Under 5 - The Defender - 15th March 2023
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision Tuesday to allow infants and children 6 months through age 4 to get Pfizer’s bivalent booster shot drew harsh criticism from pediatricians and others who said children don’t need any COVID-19 vaccines, let alone four doses. Episode 310: Funny business - The Highwire - 9th March 2023
The Fight Against HPV Mandates in CA; UK’s Hancock Caught Red-Handed; Dutch Farmers Step Up The Fight; Congressional Oversight Committee Questions COVID Vaccine Origins, Redfield Lets Loose on Fauci; Movie Star / Comedian Talks Surviving Cancel Culture, Doing What’s Right; Russell Brand Lights Things Up on Late Night Guests: Michael Baum, Esq., Rob Schneider Fact check: " The covid vaccine is safe for pregnant women" - Verdict: False - Norman Fenton - Substack - 1st March 2023
There's been a lot of genuine misinformation and confusion - from both sides of the argument - about the extent of safety concerns of the covid vaccine in pregnancy. While anybody with any level of capacity for rational thought knows by now that there is (and never was) any need for women to get vaccinated before or during pregnancy, many still assume that the vaccine likely does no harm to them. DailyClout's Amy Kelly Finds the COVID Injections Degrade the Testes of Baby Boys in Utero - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 3rd March 2023
Dr. Naomi Wolf: "So the next generation of little boys doesn't even have to be vaccinated in order to have their masculinity impaired. But she also found that they were degrading the Leydig cells and the Sertoli cells in the testes, which are literally the factories of masculinity. So literally, we don't know if these little boys of vaccinated moms are going to turn into men, essentially." Dr. John Littell on the Concerning Safety Signals Being Seen in Pregnant Women - Rumble - Chief Nerd - 1st March 2023
"Our local obstetrician in town, who's been here for 40 years, even took me aside a year ago and said 'John, I have not seen so many miscarriages in my 40 year career as I have in the last year'" Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics - Cureus - 2nd February 2023
Conclusiions "There is a positive correlation between infant vaccines and infant mortality rates. This relationship is most pronounced in analyses of the most highly developed homogenous nations but is attenuated in background noise in analyses of nations with heterogeneous socioeconomic variables. Health authorities in all nations have an obligation to determine whether their immunization schedules are achieving desired goals. More investigations into the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations and the effect of vaccinations on all-cause mortality are imperative." Misadventures with the Chickenpox Vaccine, Gary Goldman, Ph.D. - YouTube - Physicians for Informed Consent
Gary Goldman, Ph.D., presents his varicella vaccine findings and whistleblower experience as a lead research analyst in the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project. He describes how a national chickenpox vaccine program altered the epidemiology of shingles, and ways in which the CDC manipulated data to conceal the unwanted outcomes that occurred. Birth Rates Plunge in Heavily Vaccinated Countries - Epoch Times - 21st February 2023
In many countries, births dropped sharply nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Let’s look at how this happens. And will these populations recover? Del Bigtree Dispels Pertussis Vaccine Myths: It INCREASES Likelihood of Infection & Community Spread - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 15th February 2023
2019 Study: "Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTAP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes ..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30793754/ Shocking: Aaron Siri Exposes the Lack of Safety Data Behind the Hepatitis B Vaccine for Newborns - Rumble - Chief Nerd - 12th February 2023
"COVID vaccines have over 6 months of safety review...Hepatitis B given to newborns had 5 days of safety monitoring after injection. 30,000 people in the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial...[Hepatitis B had 147 kids]." Third Dr. J. T. Walker/Pfizer- Project Veritas Video - Robert W Malone - Substack - 3rd February 2023
"With today’s disclosure from the undercover investigations, we now learn more about current vaccine reproductive risk findings, Pfizer’s lack of comprehension of the basis for those risks, and (according to Dr. Walker) Pfizer’s leading hypothesis concerning the patho-physiologic basis for those risks. Once again, the implications are stunning and broad ranging," Report 54: Infants and Children Under 12 Given the Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Seven Months BEFORE Pediatric Approval. 71% Suffered Serious Adverse Events - DailyClout - 31st January 2023
The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Post-Marketing Group (Team 1) – Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt – produced a shocking review of the pediatric data found in Pfizer document (a.k.a., “5.3.6“). Mainstream News Is Finally Admitting The Experts Don't Agree On COVID Jab - Rumble - Bannons War Room - 23rd January 2023
Mainstream News Is Finally Admitting The Experts Don’t Agree On COVID Jab After Daily Clout Exposed Ignored Data, Dr. Wolf Reports 'This Is a Pandemic!': Autism Rates Have Skyrocketed 241% Since the Year 2000 - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 14th January 2023
What used to be an autism rate of 1 in 10,000 has soared up to 1 in 44 (or 1 in 35) in 2021. For boys alone, the autism rate could be as high as 1 in 18. Was It Really "SIDS" All These Years? Or Something Else? - Rumble - Chief Nerd - 10th January 2023
The COVID vaccines made me question everything. I went back 30+ years in VAERS and was chilled by what I saw over and over again.Was it really “SIDS” all these years or something else? Amazing admission from the GodMother of Vaccines - All the trials the CDC rely on to push the childhood vaccine agenda - were never designed to investigate if they caused Autism.
The Highwire - 6th January 2023 Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org) funded Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., to depose and later cross-examine world-leading Vaccinologist, Dr. Kathyrn Edwards in 2020. Within the hours-long cross-examination she gave a shocking answer to the question; “Do childhood vaccine trials support the CDC’s claim that vaccines do not cause autism?” Regardless of your stance on the issue of Vaccines and Autism, her answer is a must-see. Evidence of Serious Adverse Events in What Is Believed to Be One of the Most Effective Vacines - Epoch Health - 15th January 2023
The Truth About HPV Vaccines: Part 1 The decline of public trust in COVID-19 vaccines significantly impacts vaccination rates against routine childhood diseases. This multiple-part series explores the international research done over the past two decades on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine—believed to be one of the most effective vaccines developed to date. IgG4 and pregnancy - Jessica Rose - Substack - 29th December 2022
"Our results suggest that cytokine-mediated qualitative and quantitative changes in the anti-influenza antibody response may decrease protection in a considerable percentage of women vaccinated during the last 2/3 of pregnancy, which, in turn, suggests a need to consider changes in vaccination for this population." Testimony Submitted by Dr. Theresa A. Deisher - Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute
"How might the human DNA contaminated vaccines contribute to human disease? First, there is the potential for the contaminating DNA to be mixed with our own genes by a process called homologous recombination. Homologous recombination is an established biologic phenomenon in which a segment of a cell’s DNA is substituted by another segment of DNA that is similar. This can occur during cell division or DNA repair. Homologous recombination occurs naturally to create genetic diversity in our offspring, and is also conveniently harnessed by scientists to introduce experimental DNA into cells or animals. We do not yet know if this occurs with the contaminating human DNA found in some of our vaccines, and if so, to what extent. Imagine the potential consequences of human DNA from a vaccine, a vaccine that is given to children at an average age of 15 months, being incorporated into a child’s developing brain. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to know that this potential has to be studied". 'Exposure' during pregnancy - Some important findings from VAERS - Jessica Rose - Substack - 13th December 2022
I decided to pull out all of the ‘exposure’ adverse event reports in VAERS. These reports include the MedDRA PT codes: ‘Accidental exposure to product’, ‘Maternal exposure during pregnancy’, ‘Exposure during pregnancy’, ‘Maternal exposure before pregnancy’ and ‘Exposure via skin contact’ as examples. It is important that I reiterate here that as part of the exclusion criteria in the original Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials that it was vital to avoid ‘exposure’ to these products under certain specific conditions, such as pregnancy. Here is an example of the inclusion criteria (meaning who can be included) as per the Pfizer protocol (C4591001). FDA Approves Bivalent Vaccine for Babies in TWO DAYS - Igor Chudov - Substack - 8th December 2022
Pfizer Can Get Anything Approved "At the Speed of Science" The warp-speed approvals of anything that Pfizer asks the FDA to approve continue. On December 5, Pfizer asked the FDA to allow bivalent shots for babies six months and up. Today, on December 8, the application was approved. Immunologist and Biochemist Speaks out About Dangers of Acetaminophen for Children - Epoch Health - 8th December 2022
Acetaminophen Linked to Autism ‘With No Reasonable Doubt’ The use of acetaminophen in babies and in children would never have been approved if it had been tested using current safety standards, claims William Parker, Ph.D. Parker, who is based in Durham, North Carolina, is an immunologist and biochemist. He conducted research and taught medical school students at Duke University for more than 25 years. He and his colleagues have been researching and writing about the effects of acetaminophen—which is the main ingredient in Tylenol—since 2015. Autoimmunity in patients reporting long-term complications after exposure to human papilloma virus vaccination - Journal of Autoimmunity - December 2022
Conclusions "This study has shown that girls and young women with probable side effects to HPV-vaccination have symptoms and biological markers compatible with an autoimmune disease closely resembling that seen in ME/CFS and subsets of long-COVID. Together with previous studies, demonstrating increase morbidity in this group of patients preceding vaccination, this raises the probability that prior disease may precondition some individuals for vaccine related adverse events." The 'F' word, no, not that one, FERTILITY! " The Missing Babies of Europe"; Mary Beth Pfeiffer, investigatiive journalist does a fantastic job looking at shocking plunge in fertility across Europe; VAXX - Dr Paul Alexander - Substack - 29th November 2022
Nine months after mass vaccination, 110,000 fewer babies are born. In the U.S., birth data is scarce; Evidence is growing in Europe that many fewer babies are being born in the taking COVID vaccine Episode 293: Miscarriage of Science - The Highwire - 10th November 2022
Medical Freedom Midterm Wins; TSA Extends Covid Vax Requirement; New Wave of Excess Death; Whistleblower Exposes Potential Miscarriage of Science Guests: Senator Ron Johnson, James Thorp, MD, Michelle Gershman, RN. Group Asks CDC for DATA on COVID-19 Vaccination Status of Children Diagnosed With RSV - Epoch Health - 11th November 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is being asked to provide data on how many children infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have received a COVID-19 vaccine prior to their diagnosis, according to Aaron Siri, a lawyer representing the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). Endocrinologist Forecasts More Hormone-Related Diseases as Spike Proteins Found to Deplete Endocrine 'Reserves' - Epoch Health - 1st November 2022
Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, a Brazilian endocrinologist, suspects that the worst has yet to come for spike protein-induced diseases in the endocrine system. The endocrine system, colloquially known as the hormone system, is critical for our health. It regulates growth and development, mood, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, and functions of other organs through the secretion of hormones. Exclusive: Leaked Hospital Memo Reveals 500 Percent Rise in Stillbirths; Fetal Specialist Explains Likely Cause - Facts Matter - Epoch TV - 2nd November 2022
Last week, a hospital memo was leaked to us by a nurse in Fresno, California.The note revealed how this hospital is experiencing a dramatic rise in the number of stillbirth cases. Whereas before, the hospital would see an “average of one to two every three months”—they were now seeing upwards of 22 stillbirths per month. This leaked anecdote seems to align with other anecdotal evidence across the country, showing a potential rise in problems with fertility, miscarriages, and fetal development. And so, in order to get a clearer picture of what is happening, and why, we spoke with Dr. James Thorp, a Florida-based OB-GYN who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine. Alarming Drop in Birth Rates and Fertility Among mRNA Vaccinated Women - Behind to FDA Curtain - Substack - 28th October 2022
In this important video, Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Substack author and mathematician, Igor Chudov. They discuss his research and findings on the drop in birth rates and fertility among mRNA-vaccinated women. CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer - Igor Chudov - Substack - 20th October 2022This article will show that CDC’s own statistics prove beyond statistical doubt that the higher dose Moderna vaccine causes 42% MORE miscarriages, compared to the Pfizer vaccine, casting doubt on CDC’s claim that both are “safe for pregnancy”.
One in Every 500 Small Children Who Receive the Pfizer Vaccine are Hospitalised By It, Study Finds - The DailySceptic - 20th October 2022
One in every 500 children under five years who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine were hospitalised with a vaccine injury, and one in 200 had symptoms ongoing for weeks or months afterwards, a study has found. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children and Adolescents in the United States from 2019 to 2020 - Jama Pediatrics - 5th July 2022
The aim of the study was to estimate the ASD prevalence among children and adolescents in the US in 2019 and 2020. Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system - PubMed - 8th December 2021
"SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein was found to share 41 minimal immune determinants, that is, pentapeptides, with 27 human proteins that relate to oogenesis, uterine receptivity, decidualization, and placentation. All the shared pentapeptides that we identified, with the exception of four, are also present in SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein-derived epitopes that have been experimentally validated as immunoreactive." Dr. James Throp: Miscarriages and Fetal Abnormalities Are 'Off the Charts"
Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 5th October 2022 "Miscarriage has increased by a massive number...fetal cardiac abnormalities...fetal cardiac arrest...it's way off the charts" Vaccinated Mother's Dying Newborn with "White Lungs" - Igor Chudov - Substack - 1st October 2022
Baffled Doctor blames "Asymptomatic Covid" -- which was never diagnosed! Investigation launched after deaths of 39 new born Scots babies in record breaking mortality spikes - Scottish Daily Express - 1st October 2022
"Its the second time in six months that death records have hit a worrying level and now an official review into the circumstances hopes to reveal what went wrong." ADVERSE REACTIONS - OUR OPINION: For the second time this year deaths of Scottish babies have spiked. Another investigation (the other one found nothing) has been launched. Lets hope they notice the elephant in the room this time. They stare at the numbers scratching their heads while babies die. If the investigators need a hint: - it might be the PEG, Spike or other toxic ingredients that the mother and baby has been exposed to. PEG laden blue-green breast milk would do the trick too. COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function - Preprints.org - 28th September 2022
Results: COVID-19 vaccines, when compared to the Influenza vaccines are associated with a significant increase in AE with all proportional reporting ratios of > 2.0: menstrual abnormality, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformation, fetal cystic hygroma, fetal cardiac disorders, fetal arrhythmia, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal vascular mal-perfusion, fetal growth abnormalities, fetal abnormal surveillance, fetal placental thrombosis, low amniotic fluid, and fetal death/stillbirth (all p values were much smaller than 0.05). When normalized by time-available, doses-given, or persons-received, all COVID-19 vaccine AE far exceed the safety signal on all recognized thresholds. 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-threatening adverse events - rtmag.co.il - September 2022
An analysis of VAERS reports shows that contrary to the FDA's briefing document claiming that the majority of adverse events in Pfizers' clinical trial were non-serious – at least 58 cases of life-threatening side effects in infants under 3 years old who received mRNA vaccines were reported. For some, it is unclear if they survived. It is also unclear why the infants were vaccinated, and whether they were part of the clinical trials. However, in the upcoming FDA meeting on Wednesday, the FDA will not be able to argue it did not know Fifth COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data - The Epoch Times - 2nd October 2022
"It’s true. According to a recent risk-benefit analysis it will cause 18-98 serious adverse events for each hospitalization it prevents, yet Biden just ordered 171M doses based on a study of 8 mice" … JAMA: mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk Proven! - Igor Chudov - Substack - 27th September 2022
The times are changing! Remember how we said that vaccine shedding is a real thing and breastfeeding after vaccination is dangerous? Our warnings were dismissed as “misinformation” and we were cast as ignorant, science-denying cranks. Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients - Daily Clout 16th August 2022
"mRNA vaccine ingredients can be transferred from one person to another via skin-to-skin contact, inhalation and via “sexual intercourse,” through bodily fluids. That is to say, vaccine “shedding” can occur via sexual contact, including via exposure to semen. [“A Phase 1/2/3, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose-Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals,” WarRoom With Steve Bannon - Naomi Wolf - CEO Dailyclout.io - Frankspeech - 15th August 2022
Naomi Wolf on Twitter Account Ban After Citing Pfizer's Documentation On Harmful Effects on Babies Forty-Four (44%) Percent of the Pregnancies in a Pfizer Study Ended in Miscarriages. Pfizer Misleadingly Reclassified Them. Must See: 'Under the Skin' - How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries - The Defender - 5th August 2022
“Under the Skin,” a new documentary by science journalist Bert Ehgartner, explores research into the aluminum compounds used in vaccines, including a new “extra-strong” aluminum compound used in Merck’s Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus. FOIA reveals Pfizer & Medicine Regulators hid dangers of COVID Vaccination during Pregnancy after Study found it increases risk of Brith Defects & Infertility - The Expose - 19th July 2022
A ‘Freedom of Information’ request alongside an in-depth dive into the only pregnancy/fertility study performed on the Pfizer Covid-19 injection has revealed that Medicine Regulators and Pfizer chose to publicly cover-up alarming abnormalities of the developing foetus and falsely downgraded the actual risk of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy by suppressing documented findings of the clinical data. Modified Gene Is a 'NUCLEAR BOMB' - Dr. Ryan Cole Interview - Rumble - 2nd July 2022Modified Gene Is a ‘NUCLEAR BOMB’ -Dr. Ryan Cole Interview
All-Cause Deaths Are Sky Rocketing Around the World -Dr. Ryan Cole, MD "We are literally doing the largest experiment on humanity ever done..." Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, has been studying the harms being caused by Covid-19 injections, and the results are both startling and predictable, given Pfizer's own data shows evidence of these unprecedented injuries and deaths. Want to Be a Dad? Count Your Sperm If You've Had the Jab - The Epoch Times - 23rd June 2022
A recent study from Israel presents evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are negatively affecting men’s fertility, at least temporarily. The study, “Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors,” is so new that even though it has been accepted by the journal Andrology and peer-reviewed, it has not yet been typeset or proofread. |
From smallpox to Covid: 226 years of deception - Odysee - 6th March 2025
Dr Humphries reviews the history of vaccination and the preposterous claim that lives were made longer and better by any vaccine in history. The repeating lies told by governing authorities has enabled the practice of vaccination to become the deadly presence it is today. Childhood Vaccine Schedule - VITA - February 2025
Since the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, manufacturers have had no liability for any injury or death resulting from a vaccine that is on the CDC recommended schedule. Due to this, the Childhood Vaccine Schedule has exploded, making it challenging for parents to sift through the ever expanding number of vaccines to try and understand them and the illnesses they are supposed to protect from. Breaking: Israeli Study Explains How Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA Shot Causes Menstrual Irregularities - Substack - Sonia Elijah - 30th June 2024
"The impact of their results is alarming as inhibin B produced by the granulosa cells (GCs) inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH is a crucial hormone in the reproductive system, as it stimulates the growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles which prepare the eggs for ovulation." We found that for all women tested, the FSH/InhibinB ratio was changed 2–3 folds post vaccination. The direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccination on human ovarian granulosa cells explains menstrual irregularities - NPJ - 26th June 2024
"Human primary GCs exposed in-vitro to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2, demonstrated no change in their viability but altered mRNA transcripts, specifically of the regulatory key factors: InhibinB was upregulated, whereas AMH was downregulated." "his altered expression of InhibinB could significantly impact the HPO axis in vaccinated women and may ultimately influence the endometrium cyclicity, manifested clinically by the commonly reported changes in menstrual bleeding patterns." Post-Covid Vax Child Deaths Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate - Principia Scientific - 21st June 2024
Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher. Definitely Aluminium Poisoning (Part One) - Dr Cristopher Exley - 23rd May 2024
During those heady days when I straddled the globe pontificating on aluminium to anyone who would listen, and some who would not, I once testified in a vaccine court. The case was, to my mind, simple enough, an infant brain damaged following multiple vaccinations that included aluminium adjuvants. Simple to my mind was not so simple in law. There was no direct evidence that aluminium, never mind aluminium administered in a vaccine, was the culprit. How DTAP Vaccine Spreads Whooping Cough - The Highwire - 16th May 2024
Whooping cough outbreaks in several locations around the world are putting the vaccine into focus. Is this due to poor performance or poor uptake of the problematic vaccine? We dive deep into the science surrounding the DTaP vaccine, and answer an important question- does the vaccine make you a silent spreader of the disease? Vaccines Can't Cause Autism, But... - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 26th April 2024
Learn all about the epic, multi-generational harm that childhood vaccines have unleashed on humankind: Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page Did The U.S Death Rate from Measles Decline by over 98% Before Introduction of a Measles Vaccine? - Substack - Aaron Siri - 12th April 2024
Your bite-size dose of immunity against vaccine misinformation. Spread the truth. According to the CDC’s data, the death rate from measles had already declined over 98% between 1900 and 1962, which was before the measles vaccine was introduced in the United States. Pharmaceutical Company Discloses Why It Stopped Trials of New Vaccine - Epoch Health - 14th March 2024
The pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) abandoned a maternal vaccine because there was an unexplained higher incidence of preterm birth among infants whose mothers received the shot, the company disclosed in a new study. Blood Clots Leading Cause of Death Within 6 Weeks of Giving Birth as Maternal Deaths Rise - Epoch Health - 15th January 2024
"The maternal death rate in 2020–2022 was 13.41 per 100,000 pregnancies, which is 53 percent higher than the rate of 8.79 deaths per 100,000 maternities in the previous three-year period (2017–2019), where COVID-19 and any factors related to it, including lockdowns and medical interventions, could not have been a factor." Episode 352: The Informed Consent Imperative: Aaron Siri Testifies - The Highwire - January 2024
ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., gives presentation ‘What is Informed Consent’ before members of the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee in Arizona. He explains the imperative of Informed Consent, and pillars that make it an essential tenet of freedom and liberty. The Untold Stories About Smallpox Vacines - Epoch Health - 28th December 2023
This is Part 1 in the series “Revisiting the Historical Vaccines”In this series, we will explore the multifaceted history of vaccines, examine historical data, and seek a nuanced understanding of vaccine efficacy and safety. UK Health Security Agency's dangerous promotion of mRNA shots for pregnant women - Substack - Sonia Elijah - 6th October 2023
"For quite some time, I have written numerous investigative reports on how global health authorities like the UK Health Security Agency and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have been actively pushing mRNA shots onto pregnant women, with no substantiated independent evidence to back up their claims that they are “safe and effective”." 'Risky Strategy': CDC Signs Off on Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women to Protect Newborns - The Defender - 25th September 2023
Cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., M.P.H., told The Defender, “Vaccination of the mother for passive immunization of the infant is an unnecessary and risky strategy that will undoubtedly lead to fetal loss or premature deliveries when deployed on a large scale.” Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swach Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023
As every student of public health learns, by far the largest percentage of the precipitous declines in death rates from infectious diseases that occurred in the twentieth century, was accrued long before there were any effective medical interventions.Tuberculosis, whooping cough, scarlet fever, typhoid, diphtheria and measles had all but disappeared as causes of death in Westernised countries, long before antibiotics, toxoids and vaccines were developed to treat or prevent them. Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms - The Defender - 14th September 2023
The parents of 62-day-old Sawyer learned their baby’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be toxic for adults. The toxicologist who read Sawyer’s report said the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines. Suspicious Timing: UK's Colossal Rise In Child Death - The Highwire - 8th September 2023
On the cusp of the new COVID-19 booster shot rollout, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, gives Del a shocking update highlighting the colossal rise of excess deaths in children in the UK since the COVID vaccine was rolled out. The Forgotten History of Sterilizing Vaccines - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 5th August 2023
During the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, the unprecedented nature of the vaccination campaign caused many to suspect it might adversely affect global fertility. These concerns grew as more and more evidence emerged suggesting the vaccines were adversely affecting fertility, but nonetheless were disregarded and instead the vaccines were mandated on pregnant women. Unsafe for Kids at Any Dose? New Review of Science Supports Link Between Tylenol and Autism - The Defender - 28th July 2023
A new literature review by William Parker, Ph.D., reveals troubling associations between acetaminophen at typical pediatric doses and serious, likely permanent impairments in cognition and socialization in susceptible children. After Long Silence on 'Long Vax,' Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots - Epoch Health - 18th July 2023
Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis—but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination. Why Do Vaccines Continually Fail to Live Up to Their Promises? - A Midwestern Doctor - Substack - 12th July 2023
"Vaccines are often ill-suited to contain the diseases they are made for. Because of this, false promises have to be made so the public will agree to a vaccination campaign. So as time moves forward, the goalposts have to be continually moved as the vaccines fail." Dr. Pierre Kory Discovers "Really Uncomfortable Facts" After Investigating Childhood Vaccines - Rumble - Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 4th July 2023
“When you look at the history and the science that supports those vaccines, you learn some really, really uncomfortable facts . . . one of the most glaring is the wealth of data showing the absolute explosion in chronic illness that's coincident with the explosion in the childhood vaccines..." Undeniable Death Cases After HPV Vaccination - Epoch Health - 25th June 2023
"Since taking the sacred Hippocratic oath 32 years ago, which solemnly emphasizes the principle: “First, do no harm,” I have felt a profound sense of responsibility. This responsibility compels me to write about the HPV vaccine, which carries significant implications for the lives of young individuals." Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also - Igor Chudov - Substack - 15th June 2023
I was listening to the FDA VRBPAC hearing today, and I heard someone say that “Covid vaccine is as safe and effective as childhood vaccines”. I said, hm, if “Covid Vaccine”, which is dangerous and actually invites Covid, is as good (or as bad) as other childhood vaccines, why can’t I take a look at those vaccines also? I gave my kids all childhood vaccines except the flu shots, after all. Was I wrong to agree to give them those shots? Vaccines cause SIDS - Steve Kirsch - Substack - 18th June 2023
Even the CDC admits that vaccines can cause serious brain injury and death. Is it any surprise that vaccines can cause sudden infant deaths too? dsDNA variance in Pfizer Docs - Anandamide - 20th May 2023
As labs begin to reproduce the qPCR data on the vaccine contamination we should be aware of how much variance Pfizer presented to the EMA. Detractors of our work like to point out that the vials were not straight from Pfizer and therefor cant be trusted. These same detractors appear illiterate when it comes to reading Pfizers own disclosures on the topic. Dr. Jessica Rose Issues a Critical message: Not One Child Should Die Where There's No Risk for Death - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 5th May 2023
"No child needed these [COVID] shots," argued computational and molecular biologist Dr. @JesslovesMJK. "They were pushed on children, and children have died." As of April 21, 2023, 215 deaths in children have been reported to VAERS post-injection (does not include underreporting factor). Dr. Rose continued. "Again, this is underreported. We don't know the actual number, but you can multiply that by something. Not one child should die in the context of a prophylactic treatment where there's no risk for death from the disease — period!" Miscarriages and Dead Infants Were Described in a Secret FDA Review, but Hidden from The Public - Igor Chudov - Substack - 24th April 2023A new document was released to ICAN this April, thanks to a FOIA legal action that compelled the government to provide Pfizer documents they tried to keep secret for 75 years. Indeed, they had a good reason to hide it.
Vaccines, The Gut + Autism - The Defender CHD.TV - 21st April 2023
In the field of autism, what can be said about the gut? And why do so many parents fear germs? Covering the topics of breastfeeding, Tylenol, GMO, USDA and more — This episode of ‘Friday Roundtable’ is one that viewers won’t want to miss! Natural IgG Anti-F (ab')2 Autoantibody Activity in Children with Autism - PubMed - 27th February 2023
Conclusions: This is the first report in autism of abnormally low natural anti-F(ab')2 autoantibody activity. The findings suggest a dysfunction of self-recognition mechanisms which may play a role in the pathogenesis of autism, especially for the severely affected children. These findings strengthen the hypothesis of an autoimmune process in autism and open the prospect of alternative medical treatment. Court Orders Merck to Turn Over Gardasil Adverse Event Databases - The Defender - 3rd April 2023
A North Carolina district court ordered pharmaceutical giant Merck to turn over all of its Gardasil adverse event databases to plaintiffs suing the pharmaceutical giant for injuries allegedly caused by the HPV vaccine. Dr. Mike Yeadon: 3 Pieces of Evidence That COVID Vaccine Mandates Have Nothing To Do With Health - Rumble - Sunfellow On Covid-19 - 26th March 2023
If this were about public health, there would be three groups you would not inject with these so-called vaccines: 1. Those who have been infected and recovered. There is no dispute, not even with governments and their advisors, that those people are now immune. 2. Pregnant women. Thalidomide has shown us that developing fetuses are not protected in a mother's womb but, in fact, at certain points are very vulnerable to external chemical threats. 3. Healthy youngsters. Scientists still can't seem to find a previously healthy child who contracted COVID and died because of it.Dr. Mike Yeadon: "If this was to do with public health, you wouldn't have done any of the things they're doing -- and you can't come up with a benign explanation." Lawsuit claims HPV vaccine causes auto-immune and neurologic disorders - The Expose - 3rd March 2023
A class action lawsuit is ongoing and growing against Merck for its HPV vaccine, Gardasil. The law firm, Miller & Zois, is taking on legal cases in all 50 American states of victims who have suffered harm from the vaccine. They are looking at various types of Gardasil lawsuits, focusing on premature ovarian failure and premature menopause claims. Why Read "Turtles All the Way Down"? - Robert W Malone MD,MS - Substack - 17th February 2023
Essential reading for parents and all who want to understand vaccine safety "science" "Having lived through the shifting narratives concerning the safety and effectiveness of various gene therapy-based SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) vaccines, many parents have begun to question the entire childhood vaccine enterprise." Vaccines have likely been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century - The Expose - 2nd February 2023
In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the International Classification of Diseases coding list and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine. Former NIH Director: The Question of Whether Vaccines Cause Autism Has Not Been Answered - Rumble - The Vigilant Fox - 14th January 2023
Bernadine Healy, MD: "The reason why they didn't want to look for those susceptibility groups was because they're afraid that if they found them ... that that would scare the public away." Autoimmunity in patients reporting long-term complicatons after exposure to human papilloma virus vaccination - ScienceDirect - December 2022
Two publications based on reported adverse events in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS; [20, 21]) found that events with a probable autoimmune background were significantly more frequent after HPV-vaccination compared to other vaccinations. Passive surveillance systems – such as VAERS - are subject to multiple limitations, including underreporting, unconfirmed diagnoses, and lack of denominator data and unbiased comparison groups. European Medicines Agency admits mRNA COVID shots harm women's fertility - NaturalHealth365 - 21st December 2022
There has been plenty of discussion about whether COVID-19 injections disrupt women’s menstrual cycle. The mainstream media’s talking heads denounce such claims as nothing more than “conspiracy theories” meant to deceive those lacking critical thinking skills. However, the truth is now being revealed by trustworthy medical experts. Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer - Igor Chudov - Substack - 27th October 2022
CDC’s own presentation shows that being given a higher-dose Moderna vaccine during pregnancy, almost DOUBLES the chance of neonatal death, compared to women who received the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine. How can Covid vaccine given during pregnancy be safe and NOT affect infant deaths, if infant death rate for Moderna-inoculated women is double the infant death level for Pfizer-inoculated women and the difference is statistically significant? I guess I should also take a crack at the new mod(e)rna data in the NEJM - Jessica Rose - Substack 22nd October 2022
Please head to the latest New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) article entitled: “Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Children 6 Months to 5 Years of Age” published on October 21,2022. It’s a late assessment of the ‘unknown’ “safety, reactogenicity, immunogenicity, and efficacy of the mRNA-1273 coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccine in young children”. It’s not even funny how they are publishing this assessment of unknown safety factors 4 months AFTER they starting injecting children ages 6 months to 5 years of age. I have been bitching about this for a long time now. All Vaccines Make Children and Adults Unhealthier - The Exose - 16th October 2022
Three independent studies released in 2020 compared the overall health of vaccinated, with any vaccine, and unvaccinated people and the results are striking. Everyone who is considering vaccination for themselves or their families should weigh the results of these reports before making a decision. Dr. Jessica Rose: Update on Fertility Data & VAERS - World Council for Health - 3rd October 2022
On Monday, October 3, Dr. Jessica Rose (Canada) spoke at WCH General Assembly 59, giving a presentation about VAERS and the latest fertility data. "Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk" - Byram Bridle - Substack - 27th September 2022
Old 'Misinformation' is Cutting-Edge News And Deemed Acceptable When Properly Doctored Pfizer's "Vaccine" Causes Astonishing Drop in Male Fertility - Men Have Not Been Informed nor Given Their Consent - The Expose - 3rd October 2022
When the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to the public began in late 2020, medical professionals, public health agencies, and government spokespeople all assured the public that the novel mRNA “vaccines” did not cause negative systematic effects on human bodies. They promised the public, many of whom were sceptical about the safety of a drug brought to market at “warp speed,” that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” Dr. Naomi Wolf: mRNA Found In Breastmilk Given to Children, Babies Experiencing Side Effects - Rumble - 27th September 2022
Babies die after drinking breastmilk. Breastmilk causes seizures in some babies. Authoriites knew this and covered it up. Dr. Naomi Wolf: mRNA Found In Breastmilk Given to Children, Babies Experiencing Side Effects in May & June 2022 Aggressive Cervical Cancer on Rise Among Young Women Despite Over 70% Vaccinated: Peer Reviewed Science - The EpochTimes - 23rd September 2022
A new study from researchers at the University of California Los Angeles found that cervical cancer cases are on the rise in younger women. Specifically, the study discovered that the number of women with late-stage (stage 4) cervical cancer, which has a death rate of 83 percent within five years, has increased. A new documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss - Sacrificial Virgins
How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine Sacrificial Virgins – so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – exposes increasing evidence of serious neurological damage following the HPV injections. It calls for the vaccine to be withdrawn in the hope that this will help to halt another global tragedy. Ob/Gyn Warns of Possible Links between mRNA Injections, Miscarriages and Malformations - DailyClout - 12th September 2022Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Ob-Gyn Dr. James Thorp to discuss the dangers of the COVID vaccine to pregnant women.
Dr. Thorp explains cases of swollen lymph nodes in pregnant women, as well as other instances of inflammation caused by lipid nanoparticles, throughout the mother’s body and especially affecting the placenta. This inflammation disrupts, he warns, the development of the child. The lipid nanoparticles also traverse every membrane, including the placenta, and concentrate in the blood of the baby. The heart and the brain of the child are also vulnerable to absorbing the lipid nanoparticles. Lymph node problems, malformations of the fetus, immune deficiencies, chromosomal abnormalities, tumors, restricted growth and other problems in babies are, he says, resulting. Breaking News: UK Government website says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women - Professor Norman Fenton - 3rd September 2022
UK Government - Toxicity Conclusions "In the context for supply under Regulation 174. It is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated." Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried in the Pfizer Documents - Pierre Kory - Substack - 21st August 2022
The pharmaceutical industry has committed crimes for decades, paying $30 billion in civil and criminal fines since 2000. The Pfizer documents reveal their latest criminal assault on our health. Risks to Babies of Vaccinated Mothers as Reported in VAERS - DailyClout - 9th June 2022
Most important finding: If you are pregnant, your baby is more likely to die at or before birth if you receive a COVID-19 vaccine than if you receive any other vaccine. Plaintiffs Await 'Their Day in Court' as Judicial Panel Consolidates Dozens of Lawsuits Against Merck's HPV Gardasil Vaccine - The Defender - 8th August 2022
A judicial panel Thursday consolidated more than 31 lawsuits against Merck for injuries allegedly caused by its Gardasil HPV vaccine, rejecting Merck’s argument that doing so would increase vaccine hesitancy, spread misinformation about vaccines and cause a flood of ‘meritless’ injury claims. Miscarriages and a medical conspiracy of silence - The Conservative Women - 1st August 2022
MOTHERS to be or not to be: that is the question for those responsible for pushing potentially harmful Covid vaccines on pregnant women. In the UK, Yellow Card reports include almost a thousand miscarriages and stillbirths, while official statistics in several countries show a reduction in births and rising infant mortality rate. What is going on? Hungary: Most Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops! - Igor Chudov - Substack - 3rd July 2022
Interesting news on the birth rate drop front! It turns out that the most vaccinated counties of Hungary have the worst drop in birth rates in 2022! This is a within-country comparison, comparing Hungarians to Hungarians, for the same time period. CHD Films Presents - Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda - CHD.TV - 12th June 2022
“When they’re through with Africa, they’re coming for you.” — DR. STEPHEN KARANJA A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next? 'Sue Your Doctor' Who Says Otherwise: These Lipid Nanoparticles Certainly Traverse the Placenta - Rumble - 10th June 2022
Dr. Naomi Wolf: "These lipid nanoparticles cross every membrane in the human body, including the placenta. They traverse the placenta. So what that means is that these hard, fatty casings are entering the fetal environment, where the baby is trying to live and grow and acquire nutrients ... And they knew it. They knew it. So when they told women, 'It can't affect your baby,' they literally were lying. Anyone who saw the Pfizer documents [knows] the FDA lies." Naomi Wolf Reports on COVID Vaccine Data in Pregnacy, Lactation - Rumble - 17th May 2022
Double the number of babies are dying in Scotland. Breast feeding is called an exposure to the vaccine in the data. There is a petroleum product called Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) being transferred in breastmilk which is poisoning babies. Pediatrician : Data Is 'Irrefutable' - COVID Vaccines Are Dangerous for Kids - The Defender - 6th June 2022
For the last two years, Dr. Michelle Perro has been in the trenches treating COVID-19 complications, not only from infection but also from the jab, which has been far more problematic and deadly. HPV Vaccines: Colombian Controversy Continues - Sanevax
On February 16, 2015, Colombia enacted a new law (1751 of 2015) which establishes human health as an autonomous fundamental right. As a fundamental right, it means services promoting health, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, rehabilitation and palliative care should be ensured under the responsibility of State to all people without distinction of any kind. What this means for Colombian - survivors of HPV vaccinations remains to be seen. The HPV vaccine is the human papilloma virus vaccine. Human papilloma virus is associated with genital warts. 90% of cases of warts clear up by themselves within 2 years. Routine pap smears can ensure that they are dealt with promptly.It is a fact that “70 percent of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment within a year. Within two years, the number climbs to 90 percent. Of the remaining 10 percent of HPV infections, only half will develop into cervical cancer, which leaves little need for the vaccine” – the viewpoint of Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher in the development of two human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix,
Uk Parliamentary Meeting with Girls injured by Gardasil vaccine From the presentations given we would like to highlight a few very disturbing points which we hope Ms Berger will take on board and ask relevant questions. The points made are not unique to this group of families from the United Kingdom. They are the same for many families around the world.
Gardasil contaminant confirmed by Independent Lab In September 2011 Sanevax inc informed the FDA that despite all Merck’s statements claiming Gardasil contained ‘no viral DNA,’ Dr. Sin Hang Lee had discovered there were indeed fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16 and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck’s proprietary aluminum adjuvant in 100% of the samples his laboratory tested. How closely Does the CDC monitor HPV vaccine safety? December 4, 2013, the Katie Couric Show aired several segments focusing on The HPV Vaccine Controversy. Her guests included Emily Tarsell, Rosemary and Lauren Mathis, Dr. Diane Harper and Dr. Mallika Marshall. In response to the ensuing firestorm of criticism the show generated, Katie Couric invited Dr. Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, to do a segment for Friday’s show in order to “make sure people understand the facts about this vaccine and human papillomavirus (HPV).” HPV vaccines exposed subterfuge in a syringe by Sanevax inc The Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, assisted by some of Japan’s best medical scientists, and a few politicians with strong morals are doing everything they can to get HPV vaccines banned from their country. These people see Gardasil and Cervarix as vaccines with an unacceptable safety profile and very little proven benefit. Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants - Pubmed All three patients developed secondary amenorrhea following HPV vaccinations, which did not resolve upon treatment with hormone replacement therapies. In all three cases sexual development was normal and genetic screen revealed no pertinent abnormalities (i.e., Turner's syndrome, Fragile X test were all negative). Serological evaluations showed low levels of estradiol and increased FSH and LH and in two cases, specific auto-antibodies were detected (antiovarian and anti thyroid), suggesting that the HPV vaccine triggered an autoimmune response. Pelvic ultrasound did not reveal any abnormalities in any of the three cases. All three patients experienced a range of common non-specific post-vaccine symptoms including nausea, headache, sleep disturbances, arthralgia and a range of cognitive and psychiatric disturbances. According to these clinical features, a diagnosis of primary ovarian failure (POF) was determined which also fulfilled the required criteria for the ASIA syndrome. Blinded by the Light - Common Sense, Science and HPV Vaccination "Your daughter could be one less" An advertising campaign slogan seemingly designed to promote fear rather than actual evidence-based decision making about the potential benefits of the HPV vaccine. When one takes a hard look at the scientific evidence, the more you may consider the sheer lunacy of the vaccine. Before allowing yourself or your children to be vaccinated please do Research and then do more Research on Vaccinations. The scientific information is easy to obtain if you look. Do not allow yourself to be railroaded by people who should have looked at the research but didn't. No-one in their right mind after reading the Real scientific research would allow their loved ones to have these lethal concoctions injected into them. Science has lost its way, at a big cost to Humanity - the Los Angeles Times In today's world, brimful as it is with opinion and falsehoods masquerading as facts, you'd think the one place you can depend on for verifiable facts is science. You'd be wrong. Many billions of dollars' worth of wrong. HPV vaccine Vaers data adverse effects up to aug 2013
Research Study:
Quantifying the possible Cross-reactivity risk of an HPV16 Vaccine. Cross-Reactivity of the HPV vaccine with vital normal human body proteins can cause numerous Autoimmune diseases. The study found: "The number of viral matches and their locations make the occurrence of side autoimmune cross-reactions in the human host following HPV16-based vaccination almost unavoidable". Parallels in New Delhi, India - Dr King
An Epidemic Induced By Added Doses Of Thimerosal-Preserved Vaccines As told by Cherry Bethel Misra, a New Delhi nursery-school principal1 and reported by Paul G. King, PhD The story told in the text that follows this introduction is a verbatim recounting of changes in the Indian vaccination program for Indian children starting in 2000 in a manner that initially parallels the US program starting in the late 1980s and then changes in a manner that accelerates the harm to those children from 9 doses of Thimerosal-preserved vaccines. Vaccines and Pregnancy
When you allow yourself to be vaccinated during pregnancy - No-one told you but you are the Study.
Lack of Research about vaccination effects on the developing child. |
A Doctors awakening about Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy - Dr Kelly Brogan MD
The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine. ![]() Sanevax.org
Up to date there has been recorded: 162 deaths from HPV vaccine. Some of the girls tragic stories are told here. What are the typical symptoms of mercury poisoning?
Sensitivity to touch and sound; toe walking ; echolalia ; delayed speech ; strange aggression aimed at the head or eyes of the other child ; appearance of mental impairment; nervous tics; upper body sensitivity. Changes in mood and personality including irritability and shyness ; loss of sensation ; vision problems ; deafness ; muscle weakness and poor coordination ; loss of memory and tremors. Rocking ; circling ; inability to walk sit or stand ; difficulty swallowing and chewing ; doesn't like to be touched. Poor concentration and attention span ; sleeping difficulties. Autistic like symptoms: children with the typical lack of eye contact; crying jags that even parents cannot handle; flapping hands or other odd hand, arm movements; head banging ; social isolation ; nervous tics; almost always echolalia or delayed speech or no speech at all, on top of the symptoms mentioned earlier. The Deadly truth about Flu vaccines and Pregnancy Why does the CDC claim a flu vaccine during pregnancy is a safe and effective when even the H1N1 vaccine insert clearly states this is not true? According to all official health reports, we are now fully in flu season. It is that time of year when public health officials, physicians pediatricians and pharmacists warn that everyone over 6 months of age and older should protect themselves and get vaccinated. This includes renewed propaganda to influence pregnant women to protect their unborn child and to threaten healthcare workers with job termination if they refuse vaccination. |
Warning to Pregnant Mothers avoid Toxic doses of Aluminum in DTap vaccines
Dr Paul Thomas says please don't get vaccinated while pregnant at least wait till the baby is born otherwise the child will be exposed to dangerous neurotoxins such as Aluminium.
What Causes ADD and ADHD?
Dr Paul Thomas gives some thoughtful insights on the importance of a healthy immune system for getting rid of toxins. The importance of minimising toxin intake and maximising intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins and other co-factors which can help to maintain a healthy immune system and overall health.
Call to Action: First Do No Harm
Dr Paul Thomas talks about his fears that we are harming our children by injecting them with the toxic substances in vaccines.
An extremely thoughtful and honest Doctor shares his worries about the adverse effects of vaccination.
An extremely thoughtful and honest Doctor shares his worries about the adverse effects of vaccination.
Vaccination in Pregnancy is it Safe?Dr Barbara Loe Fisher talks about the dangers of vaccinating when pregnant.If you are pregnant and have other children, be aware that the American Academy of Pediatrics is urging pediatricians to vaccinate parents bringing their children in for sick or well baby visits, especially pregnant women. If an obstetrician or pediatrician pressures you to get vaccinated while you are pregnant, ask the doctor to show you the science. If you conclude the vaccine’s benefits do not outweigh the risks for you and your baby but are threatened or sanctioned in any way for making an informed choice, you should find another doctor who will treat you with respect and honor your health care choices.
Dr Paul Thomas be safe minimise the babies and your levels of aluminium.
Don't subject your baby to the Hep B shot within hours of birth its full of Aluminium a heavy metal which poisons nerves. Its a step too far. Research shows a link between aluminium and Autism. There are many links between Heavy metals and autism. There are dangerously high doses of aluminium in vaccines.
A caring paediatricians advice - Decline the Hep B vaccine at birth. Dr Paul Thomas Formula Breast feeding and First FoodsGreat advice for feeding and weaning baby from Dr Paul Thomas.
Dr Paul Thomas: Vaccinations what a parent should know
The Vaccination schedule is written by a small group of experts and it is based on the general population. Individually you need to think outside the box. We are all genetically vulnerable. The Tdap its full of aluminium a dangerous neurotoxin.
Babies do not need Hep B vaccine at birth.
Increases in Autism, diabetes, asthma and allergies, try to minimise the toxic doses to you and your baby as much as possible.
Babies do not need Hep B vaccine at birth.
Increases in Autism, diabetes, asthma and allergies, try to minimise the toxic doses to you and your baby as much as possible.
The Goats milk infant formula Recipe - Changed my daughters life.
Goats milk is closest to human breast milk. If breastfeeding is not an option and baby is allergic to cows milk - then Goats milk with added extras can be a great alternative.
Goats milk is closest to human breast milk. If breastfeeding is not an option and baby is allergic to cows milk - then Goats milk with added extras can be a great alternative.
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