Some societal truths are just “Givens” - “No Brainers” but what could be worse in the search for truth, health and wisdom, than not using your own brain to check information before assimilating it.
Accepting certain so called truths without critically thinking about them or researching them for yourself - can be extremely dangerous.
Some of these “Givens” are totally wrong and downright dangerous to life and health - but they are easy to swallow without thinking about them. They are sweetened to make them more palatable and they go down a treat - they may even flatter and encourage any inherent biases or prejudices.
Its comfortable to know that everybody seems to agree with the given and you are part of the “right” majority.
Proverbs say “never look a gift horse in the mouth” - but it is vital that you do closely examine what you are encouraged to swallow and believe without using your brain. The wrong information can lead you astray and be detrimental to a full, happy and healthy life.
For centuries it was a given that you put butter on a burn - people just knew that butter on a burn was what you did. Everybody seemed to know it - it was a no-brainer.
If you critically think about putting butter on a burn - what would happen? The butter would seal the wound and trap the heat in the damaged tissue. Trapped heat would do more tissue damage and be more painful.
Better to run cold water on the burn to take away the heat from the tissue so there would be less tissue damage. Yet for centuries people damaged themselves and their loved ones - unthinkingly because they believed a given.
For years it was a given that mercury in “silver" fillings (mercury amalgams) was “safe and effective”. Mercury is a known neurotoxin (poisons and destroys nerves) but somehow magically it was a given that mercury became inert and safe when mixed with other things and put into peoples teeth. Dentists swore by it and scoffed at people who questioned it - it was a no brainer. Many people lost a lot of teeth and health over the years - until just recently it was finally accepted that mercury does in fact Leach into the body system where it does various amounts of damage to peoples teeth and health.
The Beginning of the End for Mercury in Dentistry - The Defender - 6th April 2022
Hallmarks of Alzheimer's Are Stimulated by This Substance - Organic consumers Association - 24th June 2023
Fluoride is another given - everyone is encouraged to believe that it is good for your teeth and prevents cavities. Its a no-brainer. Fluoride is added to most toothpastes. It is also added to baby products eg baby water and milk. It is also added to public water supplies in many countries to supposedly prevent cavities.
Except if you really research Fluoride - you find it doesn’t prevent cavities - it can cause fluorosis (damage to teeth) and it is detrimental to health and the brain. (Children Whose Mothers Were Exposed During Pregnancy to Fluoridated Tap Water at Higher Risk of Neurobehavioral Problems - The Defender - 20th May 2024)
(Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It - The Defender 16th March 2023) (Bombshell Study Confirms This Daily Drink Lowers IQ - Epoch Health - 21st September 2023) (The Great Culling 'Our Water' - Rumble - 18th August 2023)
(America the Fluoridated - Epoch Health - May & June 2023) (Virtually No Dental Benefit from Fluoridation: Massive New Government-Funded Study of England - Fluoride Alert - 16th February 2024)
(Maternal Urinary Fluorid and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months - Jama Network- 20th May 2024)
(Breaking: Fluoride in Water Poses 'Unresonable Risk' to Children, Federal Judge Rules - The Defender - 25th September 2024) (The Debate Around Fluoride Is Changing: What It Meansfor Yur Drinking Water - Epoch Health - 13th October 2024) (Fluoride Finally Declared an "Unreasonable Risk" - Aaron Siri - 26th October 2024) (Expert Attorney Exposes Decades Of Fluoride Harms - The Highwire - 31st October 2024)
(Fluoride Fallout: How Science Exposes Water Fluoridation's Hidden Dangers (400 Studies Confirm Harm in 100 Conditions) (Fluoride Exposure and Children's IQ Scores - Jama - 6th January 2025) (Fluoride Chemistry and Human Health - Dr Christopher Exley - 10th February 2025)
Aspartame - everybody knows it's a safe and a healthy substitute for sugar - it's an easy way to lose weight.
If you consume less sugar you must lose weight - and it must be healthier right? Wrong - Aspartame is another neurotoxin which research shows can actually make you put on weight. It is not the least bit healthier than sugar - in fact it is a possible carcinogen which has many detrimental effects on your health that can be passed down through the generations. Aspartame can be found in about 5000 food and beverage products. It is difficult to avoid and it's promoted mercilessly.
Aspartame Linked to Anxiety - And Effects May Span Multiple Generations - The Defender - 2nd August 2023
WHO Plan to List Aspartame as 'Possible Carcinogen' Ignites Decades-Old Debate About Safety - and Donald Rumsfeld's Role in FDA Approval - The Defender - 13th July 2023
(Learning and memory deficits produced by aspartame are heritable via the paternal lineage- Scientific Reports - 31st August 2023) (Artificial Sweetener Neotame Can Damage Your Gut - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27th June 2024)
Another given is Vaccines - the right majority believe unquestioningly that vaccines saved us all from disease and death. Vaccines are “safe and effective” and a no-brainer - any questioning of vaccines is heretical and worthy of societal death. Many of the “right” majority call for questioners to be socially destroyed, excommunicated, fined and locked up for even daring to question this beloved “given”. This idolised “no brainer”.
The majority are wrong - if you actually do the research you will find that it was actually clean water, sanitation, improved diet and living conditions that increased peoples natural ability to fight off disease (Immune System).
Most of the diseases had declined drastically and had almost disappeared before the vaccines were introduced. Vaccines then unjustly claimed the victory after the event. (Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swachh Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023)
There is abundant scientific research that vaccines can and do cause grievous harm to some people - including children. (And Like That, The Claim Vaccines Are The World's Best Studied Product Dies - Aaron Siri - 10th July 2024)
All no brainers and givens should be thoroughly researched and critically assessed no matter how beloved or how long they have been in circulation. New information is discovered continually which updates the old information. Beliefs change frequently and correctly so. Knowledge should evolve otherwise it stagnates and frequently becomes completely wrong over time. (The Shocking Truth About mRNA Vaccines in Our Food (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 3rd May 2024)
Vehemently believing no-brainers and givens - can lead to societies that are easily led - easily manipulated and easily destroyed. It is a false intellectual economy to believe the givens and no brainers - the easiest thoughts that come from unknown others can be extremely dangerous. Do your own thinking and research - make yourself solid foundations of truly researched knowledge.
Creating your belief system built on a framework of no-brainers and givens is like building on sand.
A house built on sand is no house at all - it has no solid foundations and is easily destroyed when the inevitable rains come.
Accepting certain so called truths without critically thinking about them or researching them for yourself - can be extremely dangerous.
Some of these “Givens” are totally wrong and downright dangerous to life and health - but they are easy to swallow without thinking about them. They are sweetened to make them more palatable and they go down a treat - they may even flatter and encourage any inherent biases or prejudices.
Its comfortable to know that everybody seems to agree with the given and you are part of the “right” majority.
Proverbs say “never look a gift horse in the mouth” - but it is vital that you do closely examine what you are encouraged to swallow and believe without using your brain. The wrong information can lead you astray and be detrimental to a full, happy and healthy life.
For centuries it was a given that you put butter on a burn - people just knew that butter on a burn was what you did. Everybody seemed to know it - it was a no-brainer.
If you critically think about putting butter on a burn - what would happen? The butter would seal the wound and trap the heat in the damaged tissue. Trapped heat would do more tissue damage and be more painful.
Better to run cold water on the burn to take away the heat from the tissue so there would be less tissue damage. Yet for centuries people damaged themselves and their loved ones - unthinkingly because they believed a given.
For years it was a given that mercury in “silver" fillings (mercury amalgams) was “safe and effective”. Mercury is a known neurotoxin (poisons and destroys nerves) but somehow magically it was a given that mercury became inert and safe when mixed with other things and put into peoples teeth. Dentists swore by it and scoffed at people who questioned it - it was a no brainer. Many people lost a lot of teeth and health over the years - until just recently it was finally accepted that mercury does in fact Leach into the body system where it does various amounts of damage to peoples teeth and health.
The Beginning of the End for Mercury in Dentistry - The Defender - 6th April 2022
Hallmarks of Alzheimer's Are Stimulated by This Substance - Organic consumers Association - 24th June 2023
Fluoride is another given - everyone is encouraged to believe that it is good for your teeth and prevents cavities. Its a no-brainer. Fluoride is added to most toothpastes. It is also added to baby products eg baby water and milk. It is also added to public water supplies in many countries to supposedly prevent cavities.
Except if you really research Fluoride - you find it doesn’t prevent cavities - it can cause fluorosis (damage to teeth) and it is detrimental to health and the brain. (Children Whose Mothers Were Exposed During Pregnancy to Fluoridated Tap Water at Higher Risk of Neurobehavioral Problems - The Defender - 20th May 2024)
(Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It - The Defender 16th March 2023) (Bombshell Study Confirms This Daily Drink Lowers IQ - Epoch Health - 21st September 2023) (The Great Culling 'Our Water' - Rumble - 18th August 2023)
(America the Fluoridated - Epoch Health - May & June 2023) (Virtually No Dental Benefit from Fluoridation: Massive New Government-Funded Study of England - Fluoride Alert - 16th February 2024)
(Maternal Urinary Fluorid and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months - Jama Network- 20th May 2024)
(Breaking: Fluoride in Water Poses 'Unresonable Risk' to Children, Federal Judge Rules - The Defender - 25th September 2024) (The Debate Around Fluoride Is Changing: What It Meansfor Yur Drinking Water - Epoch Health - 13th October 2024) (Fluoride Finally Declared an "Unreasonable Risk" - Aaron Siri - 26th October 2024) (Expert Attorney Exposes Decades Of Fluoride Harms - The Highwire - 31st October 2024)
(Fluoride Fallout: How Science Exposes Water Fluoridation's Hidden Dangers (400 Studies Confirm Harm in 100 Conditions) (Fluoride Exposure and Children's IQ Scores - Jama - 6th January 2025) (Fluoride Chemistry and Human Health - Dr Christopher Exley - 10th February 2025)
Aspartame - everybody knows it's a safe and a healthy substitute for sugar - it's an easy way to lose weight.
If you consume less sugar you must lose weight - and it must be healthier right? Wrong - Aspartame is another neurotoxin which research shows can actually make you put on weight. It is not the least bit healthier than sugar - in fact it is a possible carcinogen which has many detrimental effects on your health that can be passed down through the generations. Aspartame can be found in about 5000 food and beverage products. It is difficult to avoid and it's promoted mercilessly.
Aspartame Linked to Anxiety - And Effects May Span Multiple Generations - The Defender - 2nd August 2023
WHO Plan to List Aspartame as 'Possible Carcinogen' Ignites Decades-Old Debate About Safety - and Donald Rumsfeld's Role in FDA Approval - The Defender - 13th July 2023
(Learning and memory deficits produced by aspartame are heritable via the paternal lineage- Scientific Reports - 31st August 2023) (Artificial Sweetener Neotame Can Damage Your Gut - Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27th June 2024)
Another given is Vaccines - the right majority believe unquestioningly that vaccines saved us all from disease and death. Vaccines are “safe and effective” and a no-brainer - any questioning of vaccines is heretical and worthy of societal death. Many of the “right” majority call for questioners to be socially destroyed, excommunicated, fined and locked up for even daring to question this beloved “given”. This idolised “no brainer”.
The majority are wrong - if you actually do the research you will find that it was actually clean water, sanitation, improved diet and living conditions that increased peoples natural ability to fight off disease (Immune System).
Most of the diseases had declined drastically and had almost disappeared before the vaccines were introduced. Vaccines then unjustly claimed the victory after the event. (Beating Measles With Toilets - The Swachh Bharat Mission - Principia Scientific - 25th September 2023)
There is abundant scientific research that vaccines can and do cause grievous harm to some people - including children. (And Like That, The Claim Vaccines Are The World's Best Studied Product Dies - Aaron Siri - 10th July 2024)
All no brainers and givens should be thoroughly researched and critically assessed no matter how beloved or how long they have been in circulation. New information is discovered continually which updates the old information. Beliefs change frequently and correctly so. Knowledge should evolve otherwise it stagnates and frequently becomes completely wrong over time. (The Shocking Truth About mRNA Vaccines in Our Food (Part 1) - Epoch Health - 3rd May 2024)
Vehemently believing no-brainers and givens - can lead to societies that are easily led - easily manipulated and easily destroyed. It is a false intellectual economy to believe the givens and no brainers - the easiest thoughts that come from unknown others can be extremely dangerous. Do your own thinking and research - make yourself solid foundations of truly researched knowledge.
Creating your belief system built on a framework of no-brainers and givens is like building on sand.
A house built on sand is no house at all - it has no solid foundations and is easily destroyed when the inevitable rains come.
Fluoride Chemistry and Human Health - Dr Christopher Exley - 10th February 2025
You want to ban fluoridation of potable water. So do I. I am against all forms of mass medication and especially where there is no consent.
You want to ban fluoridation of potable water. So do I. I am against all forms of mass medication and especially where there is no consent.
The Effects of Artificial Food Dyes on Children's Brains - Epoch Health _ 15th January 2025
"Desperate for answers, they tried a food-elimination diet for attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After taking gluten, dairy, and food containing artificial food dyes out of his diet, peace reigned."
"Desperate for answers, they tried a food-elimination diet for attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After taking gluten, dairy, and food containing artificial food dyes out of his diet, peace reigned."
Why Many Chronic Diseases Are Preventable - And Why No One Tells You This: Dr Robert Lufkin - EpochTV - 2nd March 2024
Dr. Robert Lufkin was once a self-described “product of the medical establishment,” with a fruitful career as a professor of medicine. He’s published hundreds of scientific papers, and has received millions of dollars in government funding.
Dr. Robert Lufkin was once a self-described “product of the medical establishment,” with a fruitful career as a professor of medicine. He’s published hundreds of scientific papers, and has received millions of dollars in government funding.
How Did Our Vaccine Oversight System Get So Broken? - Aaron Siri - 4th June 2023
I was asked to testify before the Arizona State Legislature regarding several topics related to Covid-19 vaccines. So, last week, I did just that. I had a lot to say and got to say it on a panel that included the heads of the Arizona Senate and House health committees.
I was asked to testify before the Arizona State Legislature regarding several topics related to Covid-19 vaccines. So, last week, I did just that. I had a lot to say and got to say it on a panel that included the heads of the Arizona Senate and House health committees.
RFK Jr. Dismantles Doctor's Pro-Vaccine stance in Town Hall Meeting - the Defender - 29th June 2023
An exchange on vaccine safety and testing between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Tariq Butt, a family medicine doctor, during a televised town hall hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas demonstrates that “we aren’t in an epidemiological crisis, we are in an epistemological one.”
An exchange on vaccine safety and testing between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Tariq Butt, a family medicine doctor, during a televised town hall hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas demonstrates that “we aren’t in an epidemiological crisis, we are in an epistemological one.”
Why the COVID-19 Vaccines Could Never Prevent Transmission - A Midwestern Doctor - 24th June 2023
Recently, the lies conducted to push the vaccines have been brought back to the public’s attention. This is partly because of the numerous videos now circulating that show just how many times a spokesman for them contradicted himself while making false promises about the vaccines to sell them to the American public on national television (which he later denied ever claiming) and partly because recent FOIA disclosers again proved our the officials who pushed the vaccines were not transparent with the public.
Recently, the lies conducted to push the vaccines have been brought back to the public’s attention. This is partly because of the numerous videos now circulating that show just how many times a spokesman for them contradicted himself while making false promises about the vaccines to sell them to the American public on national television (which he later denied ever claiming) and partly because recent FOIA disclosers again proved our the officials who pushed the vaccines were not transparent with the public.
Ontological and Existential Shock - Robert Marlone MD, MS - 4th July 2023
In contrast, “Ontological Shock” involves one or more events which cause one to question an internal model of how the world works, what is true and untrue, and to question previously held assumptions relating to trust, teaching, and learned models of physical reality and history - interpretation of the tide of events which flow through our lives and provide key event “meanings” which we rely upon to assemble our internal models of what is true and what is false. I suggest that “Ontological Shock” is the more appropriate term to describe the experience of encountering the lies, censorship, propaganda and misdeeds of those responsible for gross mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis."
In contrast, “Ontological Shock” involves one or more events which cause one to question an internal model of how the world works, what is true and untrue, and to question previously held assumptions relating to trust, teaching, and learned models of physical reality and history - interpretation of the tide of events which flow through our lives and provide key event “meanings” which we rely upon to assemble our internal models of what is true and what is false. I suggest that “Ontological Shock” is the more appropriate term to describe the experience of encountering the lies, censorship, propaganda and misdeeds of those responsible for gross mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis."