The chimeric sequences created in labs by soul-less scientists are a hodgepodge of everything they have been working on for years, that can cause death, disease and maiming in humans.
The newly uncovered blood clotting sequences, the SV40 cancer promoter/enhancer sequences, nuclear localization sequences (NLS), the antibiotic resistance sequences, the dsDNA, the abundant (unchecked) molecular mimicry sequences, +1ribosomal frameshifting, Self-assembling amyloid-like nanostructures, gp120 sequences, furin cleavage sites, p53 suppression, prion sequences, other strange protein sequences,
and on and on.
The ‘scientists’ who do this work - who patent these lethal sequences - who are happy to supply this anti-human work to their psychopathic masters, are soul-less drones. They feel no compunction putting this dangerous knowledge in the hands of their gleeful masters - knowing what evil they will do with it.
These scientists who betray humanity are even rewarded with accolades for their betrayal.
Pandora’s box is now well and truly open and these evil sightless fools will be unable to close it again.
The architects of chaos and their soul-less drones are intent on the destruction of life itself.
The only thing they are capable of building is yet another complete disaster for the world and its people.
Reality engineering requires three components: institutional power to create the narrative, social pressure to enforce it, and the deliberate persecution of anyone who challenges either. The COVID era provided the perfect case study in how this machinery operates - and revealed how performative activism serves as its most potent enforcement mechanism.
Participants with post-vaccination syndrome had significantly higher circulating Spike protein levels compared with the control group.
In this brief article, my goal is to explain what is happening with H5N1 Bird flu in the clearest, most fundamental terms. I hope to make it so clear that all our elected officials can understand what is going on, and therefore can take action to stop it.
Critics of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines say that even though the federal government continues to claim the products are safe, they’re hopeful that state and local initiatives will succeed.
"Today's article is hopefully going to answer the question about whether "Turbo Cancer" (a) exists and (b) is a consequence, or possible consequence of the imposition of a genetic vaccine platform on the global population."
This 2-part series investigates synthetic DNA fragments unique to mRNA vaccines in blood samples, and the implications for the safety of blood products in Australia.
Experts say there are significant blind spots in the oversight of blood products, leaving the public in a dangerous state of speculation.
Anandamigo Tamara Ugolini forwarded me more ATIPs from Canada that appear to be a document Pfizer gave (below X link) them assuring them that SV40 is safe.
This is a bit exhausting as you will see various levels of deception and its unclear if HC endorses this excuse listing or if they are just forwarding what they have been sent and chose to redact large and odd portions of it.
"There are several aspects of this paper that are worth reviewing in detail. The paper not only settles some of the methods debate ongoing in the field regarding how to best quantitate the DNA in these vaccines, but it also transfects HEK cells with the vaccines and demonstrates the spike expresses for longer than 7 days and it doesn’t stay parked on the cell membrane. It get packaged and into exosomes and presumably exported all over the body."
"He didn’t have to lift a pipette. Just had to know how to download data from the NCBI SRA and scan it for sequences that others don’t care to look for."
"In other news, Phillip Buckhaults treated human organoids with vaccines and found the DNA to be sticking around for a month across multiple cell divisions and washes."
This article is about RNA recombination and the potential dangers of this happening with regard to injecting self-amplifying RNA-LNP injectable procuts into mamals, including humans.
Karma, in The Form Of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Has Finally Caught Up With Big Pharma! - Rumble - 15th November 2024
"For many years, I was saying not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested in pre-licensing placebo-controlled trials, not one. Tony Fauci was saying he's lying. In 2016, President Trump appointed me to run a vaccine safety commission, and he ordered Fauci and Collins to meet with me with White House counsel, present. And I said to Fauci at that meeting, you say I'm lying for eight years, you've been saying I'm lying about this, show me the study."
The regulators are using a single qPCR assay in the Kan gene. We have shown that many of these lots (not all and we don’t understand why) have a 6CT offset if you use 2 different qPCR assays.
What's a little Somatic Hyper Mutation-targeting element amongst friends?
So the SV40 Enhancer that Pfizer injected into billions of people without consent at 60 Billion copies per dose is a little mutation factory. It recruits a cytosine deaminase AID which is part of the APOBEC pathway.
Plasmids are DNA sequences used by laboratories to manufacture vaccines and biologics and contain elements that should never get to the human supply chain. It turns out that this has been happening for decades, discovered following independent investigation into the COVID vaccines. Revelations this week implicate every recombinant vaccine currently in use, in this major contamination scandal.
Positive tumor biopsy qPCR one year after vaccination
We’ve previously described BNT162b2 transfected OVCAR3 cell lines showing evidence of BNT162b2 plasmid DNA replication. This is perplexing as SV40 origins of replication usually require SV40 Large Tumor-Antigen to replicate in mammalian cells and Pfizer vaccines do not contain SV40 Large T-Antigen.
During the Special Council Meeting at Port Hedland Town on Friday 11 October, the gallery was cleared for a "confidential session" during which councillors watched this video of Professor Angus Dalgleish speaking on the alarming ramifications of DNA contamination as found in Pfizer and Moderna injectable product vials from Australia.
American scientists planned to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer novel coronaviruses with the features of SARS-CoV-2 the year before the virus emerged from that city, according to documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
"Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This underscores the need for further research too elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.
The COVID-19 virus and its vaccine sequences have a prion region on their surface spike proteins. Earlier in the pandemic and vaccine rollout, some researchers were concerned that these prion regions may promote incurable prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).
“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” - Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt
This a review of the plasmid contamination in the mRNA vaccines. What do we know about SV40? What do we know about undisclosed Open Reading Frames? What can we learn from their Patent estates regarding these risks?
"Self-assembling nanoparticles (saNP) and nanofibers were found in the recombinant coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 S1, S2, RBD and N proteins purified by affinity chromatography using Ni Sepharose."
"Taken together, spontaneous formation of the amyloid-like self-assembling nanostructures due to the internal affinity of the SARS-CoV-2 virion proteins might induce proteinopathy in patients, including conformational neurodegenerative diseases, change stability of vaccines and diagnostic systems."
"Here we demonstrate that incorporation of N1-methylpseudouridine into mRNA results in +1 ribosomal frameshifting in vitro and that cellular immunity in mice and humans to +1 frameshifted products from BNT162b2 vaccine mRNA translation occurs after vaccination.
The +1 ribosome frameshifting observed is probably a consequence of N1-methylpseudouridine-induced ribosome stalling during IVT mRNA translation, with frameshifting occurring at ribosome slippery sequences."
"It is important to continue investigating therapeutic mRNA mistranslation and immunogenicity, as the evolution of antibody and cytolytic T cell responses against +1 frameshifted spike variants and peptides has not been systematically evaluated in humans and ELISpot responses obtained from pooled peptides may also underestimate T cell responses.The main in-frame mRNA-encoded product is unlikely to elicit an adaptive immune response, but presentation of +1 frameshifted products could activate T cells that target host cells.
"We show that 1-methylΨ is a modified ribonucleotide that significantly increases +1 ribosomal frameshifting during mRNA translation and that cellular immunity to +1 frameshifted products can occur following vaccination with mRNA containing 1-methylΨ. To our knowledge, this is the first report that mRNA modification affects ribosomal frameshifting. Alongside this impact on host T cell immunity, the off-target effects of ribosomal frameshifting could include increased production of new B cell antigens."
"So we have a 97bp sequence (120bp -23bp deletion) with homology to miR142-3p in the vaccine and this sequence is in a patent Moderna filed aimed at clotting hemophiliacs while literature points to it regulating colon cancer progression and being involved in neuroinflammation.
Was this disclosed to the regulators? If not, how can they deem this to be of no consequence while claiming to the USPTO that its a novel sequence with utility in clotting hemophilliacs?"
Russell Blaylock, M.D. appears on this week’s ‘Doctors and Scientists’ for an in-depth conversation about the effects of spike proteins on the body. He shares shocking discoveries about the neurological damage, cancer rates, cardiac arrest and other exacerbating health issues as well as their connection to mRNA technology. Viewers, don’t miss it!
It only exists if you know how to look
"Any non-disclosed contaminant in the vaccine that resembled prior vaccine debacles (like SV40 in the polio vaccine) and also bound to p53 would be grounds for enough people to say.. yah OK… maybe we should consider some precaution here? This is easy to eliminate and easy to track and monitor. Why are we not being cautious here?
Wasn’t an ‘abundance of caution’ was the most popular phrase in 2020?"
This week could well have been a defining moment in the unravelling of the burning pyre of lies that we have been plagued with for the last 4 years (actually much longer but that might be a story for another day). And it belongs to Senator Gerard Rennick, who has been an absolute stalwart in the fight for truth over that time.
The World Council for Health hosted an emergency hearing on 9 Oct 2023 featuring Kevin McKernan and eight other leading experts to determine what is known about plasmid DNA contamination in C-19 mRNA “vaccines” and to discuss the implications.
Prof Bhakdi’s speech framed the issue of DNA-contaminated RNA vaccines as a “monstrous crime against humanity.”
“Whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe—whoever claims nothing can happen to your genome—is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil,” he explained.
Dr Lindsay’s presentation identified nine ways in which the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines may be inducing cancers, including the role of LNPs, the SV40 promoter, and even the spike protein. DNA contamination would play a significant role in most of these mechanisms. An additional concern of Dr Lindsay’s regarding the shots is “that the gene therapies would be passed on to progeny and cause contamination of the gene pool,” she explained, warning that “mRNA itself can be reverse-transcribed to DNA and then also integrate in the genome, which causes cancers.”
When Pfizer and Moderna said that they produced an “RNA vaccine” and that an “RNA vaccine” meant that anything they injected into you would have a short lived (days) effect at most, it was a lie.
Many patients who had severe Sars-Cov-2 had “lymphopenia”, that is, depletion of the all important immune
T lymphocyte cells
This depletion was caused by cellular suicide (apoptosis) of T cells after infection
"A massive heptapeptide sharing exists between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and human proteins. Such a peptide commonality is unexpected and highly improbable from a mathematical point of view, given that, as detailed under the “Methods” section, the probability of the occurrence in two proteins of just one heptapeptide is equal to ~ 20−7 (or 1 out of 1,280,000,000). Likewise, the probability of the occurrence in two proteins of just one hexapeptide is close to zero by being equal to ~ 20−6 (or 1 out of 64,000,000)."
"BLAT analysis revealed a total of 37 hits between the BNT162b2 mRNA sequence and the human genome, Supplementary Table 1. More specifically, BNT162b2 mRNA matched 19 human genes whose protein products are variously involved in nucleotide-binding, cation-binding, enzyme reactions, signaling, and carrier functions, Table 1. In particular, BNT162b2 mRNA harbors 100 & identity extending for 139 nucleotides to the mitochondrial genomic region MT:759-897, which overlaps with the MT-RNR1 gene."
•Viruses may establish an epigenetic crosstalk with human ncRNAs.
•SARS-CoV-2 genes overlap with the transcripts of 130 human lncRNAs and 2 snRNAs.
•Detected human ncRNAs may be involved in cancer and autoimmune pathways.
•Such a nucleotide interaction may be at the basis of COVID-19 complications.
"In this scientific framework, using the hexapeptide as an antigenic and immunogenic unit [12,13,14,15], immunoreactive epitopes that are present in SARS-CoV-2 were analyzed for matches with the human proteome. The results confirm a vast peptide commonality that involves human proteins implied in pulmonary insufficiency, neurological disorders, cardiac and vascular alterations, pregnancy dysfunctions, multiple cancers and anosmia, among others."