The Dangerous Dabblers of the world believe they have the right to dictate world policy. They believe that they, and they alone are able to decide the future of the world. They continuously flit around the world in their private jets - polluting the atmosphere and having secret and not so secret meetings and conferences with others like them. They think up old/new policies for humanity which always involve new taxes for the masses - they create new high-sounding words and adopt seemingly high ideals. They sprinkle their policies with high-sounding words that appeal to the decency and compassion of the majority of humans eg equity - sustainability etc but these policies are always a disaster for the world because they do not come from a place of truth or wisdom.
The dabblers schemes and policies are always failures - because they never consult the very people who will be affected by them. Their policies are concocted within a closed circle of group-thinkers who cannot think outside the box that they are emprisoned in. Group thinkers cannot truly create anything - they go round in circles without evolution - eventually devolving not evolving. Life is a quest for truth - wisdom and evolution.
If you won't look at or search for truth then you won't find wisdom and you won't evolve. If you are not evolving - you are devolving.
ESG policies are one example. Environmentally aware people began the movement to support companies whose policies supported the environment. Money began to be invested more and more in these companies. The merry dabblers sniffing the whiff of money to be made, jumped in and created ESG scores for companies, which they could control and charge for. Instead of a people led movement it became a dabbler led policy which became top heavy and expensive and didn’t do what it was purported to do. Many companies are now withdrawing from the ESG scheme. With good reason.
(ESG Ratings: A Compass without Direction - Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance - 24th August 2022)
Another recent old/new idea from the merry dabblers is to cut down vast swathes of forests - acres of trees - ostensibly to save the earth from climate change. Just a few weeks ago we were planting trees to save the earth from climate change. Now its cut them down again and bury them for climate change. Complete mental confusion and chaos - the merry go round of dabblers.
Global conglomerates have been cutting vast swathes of rainforests and other types of forests for decades and Environmental activists like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have been trying to stop them for years with some success.
(Forests - Friends of the Earth - Worldwide, deforestation and conversion of land accounts for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.)
Rainforests and other forests and plants are the lungs of the world - without them all living things would run out of oxygen. It is a biological fact that photosynthesis uses up CO2 and produces oxygen - so all photosynthesising plants such as trees produce vast amounts of oxygen for the world. Cutting them down and burying them stops the production of oxygen and the uptake of CO2 and other pollutants.
If the dabblers are permitted to block the sun by global dimming and cut down all the trees and stop all photosynthesis guess what? We will turn this beautiful lush green oxygenated planet into a deoxygenated dust bowl.
(New Paper Finds No Connection Between CO2 And Temperature - Principa Scientific - 2nd October 2023)
(Increased CO2 Caused Big Gains In US Crop Yields - Principia Scientific - 2nd July 2024)
The merry dabblers cannot see that far - they only see the prize - the goal - all their buddies in the cabal will be richer buying and selling carbon trading coupons - while they bury the oxygenators of the earth.
Without trees (and other plants) to stabilise the soil it turns to dust and blows away - and the atmosphere becomes unbreathable. They know they will aggravate the problems of the planet with their selfish, greedy, ill conceived policies - but they never let a biological, or any other type of fact, get in the way of a money making scheme.
(Cut Down and Bury Trees To Save Earth? - The Highwire - 8th September 2023)
(Is ESG Illegal? : Kevin Stocklin on the New 'High Priests of Society' Transforming Corporate America - EpochTV - 16th September 2023)
Honest Environmental activists do not commit arson - burning large swathes of the world will only harm the planet. Honest Environmental activists do not stand in front of workers cars and blame them - workers who are trying to get to work and keep the world going. Do not glue yourself to motorways and stop workers getting to work. Go to the source of the real problem. Protest to the large corporations whose polluting ideas force workers to buy and use their bad products. Better still create a hop-on and hop-off boogy bus that runs round the local area - so workers don't have to use their cars to get to work and back.
Most large corporations of the world are entirely responsible for the pollution of the world.
Yet they try to blame the masses for their sins - their choices - their pollution - lies at their door.
Their microbeads - toxic chemicals and plastics, kill living creatures and pollute the earth.
Were we asked if we wanted microbeads in products? No we were not. Were we asked if we wanted everything in plastic instead of recycled glass and paper - no we were not.
(8 Tyes of Plastic Discovered in People Who Had Heart Surgery - The Defender - 8th September 2023)
(The Potential Impact of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says - Epoch Health - 12th October 2023) (Bioaccumulation of microplastics in decedent human brains - Nature - 3rd February 2025)
People buy their products in good faith - thinking that large wealthy corporations would not push products that destroy the earth. They believe in their trusting ignorance, that corporations would not use microbeads - plastics and toxic chemicals in their products, if they harm living creatures and destroy and pollute the earth. They believe that the packaging would have been researched and able to degrade in the environment before adopting and releasing it to the masses. ("Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water Linked to Rising Cancer Rates: Study - Epoch Health - 22nd January 2025)
How wrong they are! (Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants' health in rural areas, new research suggests - U.S. Right To Know - 16th January 2025)
(Microplastics in Bloodstream Increase Stroke Risk 4.5-Fold: Study - Epoch Health - 9th July 2024)
(Micro-and Nanoplastics Linked to Parkinson's and Dementia - Epoch Health - 4th December 2023)
(Plastics in Food and Drinks Play Big Role in Annual $250 Billion Healthcare Tab - The Defender 2024)
(Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis - Toxicological Sciences - 15th May 2024)
The masses are head down - busy making the world work - day to day. Creating wealth for the world.
We the people are the creators of real wealth - which is not digits in computers.
The everyday workers - farmers and farm workers creating food - delivery and transport drivers - shop owners -
shop assistants - small business owners - bakers - chefs - tradespeople - artists and artisans - musicians - writers - inventors and designers - office workers - administrators - teachers - lawyers - scientists - and all creators of good ideas.
The real workers that the merry dabblers want to replace with robots and artificial intelligence.
Good luck with that ill conceived policy.
The dabblers schemes and policies are always failures - because they never consult the very people who will be affected by them. Their policies are concocted within a closed circle of group-thinkers who cannot think outside the box that they are emprisoned in. Group thinkers cannot truly create anything - they go round in circles without evolution - eventually devolving not evolving. Life is a quest for truth - wisdom and evolution.
If you won't look at or search for truth then you won't find wisdom and you won't evolve. If you are not evolving - you are devolving.
ESG policies are one example. Environmentally aware people began the movement to support companies whose policies supported the environment. Money began to be invested more and more in these companies. The merry dabblers sniffing the whiff of money to be made, jumped in and created ESG scores for companies, which they could control and charge for. Instead of a people led movement it became a dabbler led policy which became top heavy and expensive and didn’t do what it was purported to do. Many companies are now withdrawing from the ESG scheme. With good reason.
(ESG Ratings: A Compass without Direction - Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance - 24th August 2022)
Another recent old/new idea from the merry dabblers is to cut down vast swathes of forests - acres of trees - ostensibly to save the earth from climate change. Just a few weeks ago we were planting trees to save the earth from climate change. Now its cut them down again and bury them for climate change. Complete mental confusion and chaos - the merry go round of dabblers.
Global conglomerates have been cutting vast swathes of rainforests and other types of forests for decades and Environmental activists like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have been trying to stop them for years with some success.
(Forests - Friends of the Earth - Worldwide, deforestation and conversion of land accounts for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.)
Rainforests and other forests and plants are the lungs of the world - without them all living things would run out of oxygen. It is a biological fact that photosynthesis uses up CO2 and produces oxygen - so all photosynthesising plants such as trees produce vast amounts of oxygen for the world. Cutting them down and burying them stops the production of oxygen and the uptake of CO2 and other pollutants.
If the dabblers are permitted to block the sun by global dimming and cut down all the trees and stop all photosynthesis guess what? We will turn this beautiful lush green oxygenated planet into a deoxygenated dust bowl.
(New Paper Finds No Connection Between CO2 And Temperature - Principa Scientific - 2nd October 2023)
(Increased CO2 Caused Big Gains In US Crop Yields - Principia Scientific - 2nd July 2024)
The merry dabblers cannot see that far - they only see the prize - the goal - all their buddies in the cabal will be richer buying and selling carbon trading coupons - while they bury the oxygenators of the earth.
Without trees (and other plants) to stabilise the soil it turns to dust and blows away - and the atmosphere becomes unbreathable. They know they will aggravate the problems of the planet with their selfish, greedy, ill conceived policies - but they never let a biological, or any other type of fact, get in the way of a money making scheme.
(Cut Down and Bury Trees To Save Earth? - The Highwire - 8th September 2023)
(Is ESG Illegal? : Kevin Stocklin on the New 'High Priests of Society' Transforming Corporate America - EpochTV - 16th September 2023)
Honest Environmental activists do not commit arson - burning large swathes of the world will only harm the planet. Honest Environmental activists do not stand in front of workers cars and blame them - workers who are trying to get to work and keep the world going. Do not glue yourself to motorways and stop workers getting to work. Go to the source of the real problem. Protest to the large corporations whose polluting ideas force workers to buy and use their bad products. Better still create a hop-on and hop-off boogy bus that runs round the local area - so workers don't have to use their cars to get to work and back.
Most large corporations of the world are entirely responsible for the pollution of the world.
Yet they try to blame the masses for their sins - their choices - their pollution - lies at their door.
Their microbeads - toxic chemicals and plastics, kill living creatures and pollute the earth.
Were we asked if we wanted microbeads in products? No we were not. Were we asked if we wanted everything in plastic instead of recycled glass and paper - no we were not.
(8 Tyes of Plastic Discovered in People Who Had Heart Surgery - The Defender - 8th September 2023)
(The Potential Impact of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says - Epoch Health - 12th October 2023) (Bioaccumulation of microplastics in decedent human brains - Nature - 3rd February 2025)
People buy their products in good faith - thinking that large wealthy corporations would not push products that destroy the earth. They believe in their trusting ignorance, that corporations would not use microbeads - plastics and toxic chemicals in their products, if they harm living creatures and destroy and pollute the earth. They believe that the packaging would have been researched and able to degrade in the environment before adopting and releasing it to the masses. ("Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water Linked to Rising Cancer Rates: Study - Epoch Health - 22nd January 2025)
How wrong they are! (Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants' health in rural areas, new research suggests - U.S. Right To Know - 16th January 2025)
(Microplastics in Bloodstream Increase Stroke Risk 4.5-Fold: Study - Epoch Health - 9th July 2024)
(Micro-and Nanoplastics Linked to Parkinson's and Dementia - Epoch Health - 4th December 2023)
(Plastics in Food and Drinks Play Big Role in Annual $250 Billion Healthcare Tab - The Defender 2024)
(Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis - Toxicological Sciences - 15th May 2024)
The masses are head down - busy making the world work - day to day. Creating wealth for the world.
We the people are the creators of real wealth - which is not digits in computers.
The everyday workers - farmers and farm workers creating food - delivery and transport drivers - shop owners -
shop assistants - small business owners - bakers - chefs - tradespeople - artists and artisans - musicians - writers - inventors and designers - office workers - administrators - teachers - lawyers - scientists - and all creators of good ideas.
The real workers that the merry dabblers want to replace with robots and artificial intelligence.
Good luck with that ill conceived policy.
Bioaccumulation of microplastics in decedent human brains - Nature - 3rd February 2025
"However, total mass concentration of plastics in the brains analyzed in this study increased by approximately 50% in the past 8 years. Thus, we postulate that the exponentially increasing environmental concentrations of MNPs may analogously increase internal maximal concentrations."
"Finally, even greater accumulation of MNPs was observed in a cohort of decedent brains with documented dementia diagnosis, with notable deposition in cerebrovascular walls and immune cells. These results highlight a critical need to better understand the routes of exposure, uptake and clearance pathways and potential health consequences of plastics in human tissues, particularly in the brain."
"However, total mass concentration of plastics in the brains analyzed in this study increased by approximately 50% in the past 8 years. Thus, we postulate that the exponentially increasing environmental concentrations of MNPs may analogously increase internal maximal concentrations."
"Finally, even greater accumulation of MNPs was observed in a cohort of decedent brains with documented dementia diagnosis, with notable deposition in cerebrovascular walls and immune cells. These results highlight a critical need to better understand the routes of exposure, uptake and clearance pathways and potential health consequences of plastics in human tissues, particularly in the brain."
Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants' health in rural areas, new research suggests - U.S. Right To Know - 16th January 2025
Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide best known as the active ingredient in Roundup®, has significantly harmed the health of babies in rural U.S. communities over the last two decades—especially those already at risk of poor birth outcomes, new research shows.
Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide best known as the active ingredient in Roundup®, has significantly harmed the health of babies in rural U.S. communities over the last two decades—especially those already at risk of poor birth outcomes, new research shows.
Americans Are Not Eating 'Real Food' - Here's What You Need to Know: Vani Hari - EpochTV - 11th January 2025
“Our bodies are not meant to handle these man-made chemicals that have been invented in the last 50 years. These chemicals are invented for one sole purpose, and that’s to improve the bottom line of the food industry, not improve our health.”
“Our bodies are not meant to handle these man-made chemicals that have been invented in the last 50 years. These chemicals are invented for one sole purpose, and that’s to improve the bottom line of the food industry, not improve our health.”
Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis - Toxicological Sciences - 15th May 2024
"Our study revealed the presence of microplastics in all canine and human testes, with significant inter-individual variability."
"These findings highlight the pervasive presence of microplastics in the male reproductive system in both canine and human testes, with potential consequences on male fertility."
"Our study revealed the presence of microplastics in all canine and human testes, with significant inter-individual variability."
"These findings highlight the pervasive presence of microplastics in the male reproductive system in both canine and human testes, with potential consequences on male fertility."
No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? - Documentary - EpochTV - 25th September 2023
“No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a "Global Green Solution."
“No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a "Global Green Solution."
Andrew Bridgen: Parliament has been captured and people are going to have to say "no" and defend themselves - The Expose - 10th September 2023
In an interview with Canadian podcaster Maryann Gebauer, UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen discussed Greater London’s controversial new Ultra Low Emission Zone (“ULEZ”) and the ongoing crisis being caused by proponents of the fabricated human-caused climate change agenda.
In an interview with Canadian podcaster Maryann Gebauer, UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen discussed Greater London’s controversial new Ultra Low Emission Zone (“ULEZ”) and the ongoing crisis being caused by proponents of the fabricated human-caused climate change agenda.
ULEZ: "To hell with spinelessness" - Neil Oliver - GBNews - YouTube - 9th September 2023
Neil Oliver shares his thoughts on the climate agenda.
Neil Oliver shares his thoughts on the climate agenda.
Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond - YouTube - radiowv - August 2023
"When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hours. Oliver resides in Farmville, VA with his 3 dogs and a plot of land he plans on turning into a small farm to raise livestock. We have a whole mess of songs set to release of Oliver for your viewing and listening pleasure, he is truly special and notes his biggest influence as Hank Williams Jr. Oliver wants to give hope to the working class and your average hard working young man who may have lost hope in the grind of trying to get by. "
"When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hours. Oliver resides in Farmville, VA with his 3 dogs and a plot of land he plans on turning into a small farm to raise livestock. We have a whole mess of songs set to release of Oliver for your viewing and listening pleasure, he is truly special and notes his biggest influence as Hank Williams Jr. Oliver wants to give hope to the working class and your average hard working young man who may have lost hope in the grind of trying to get by. "